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Everything posted by ianwales

  1. What about Falcon and that era would cover D1733 in XP64 livery as well Ian
  2. Hi all I'm trying to get a bit of information regarding the D600 warships when they were withdrawn, I know the following- D600 Active withdrawn in BR Blue with full yellow panel D601 Ark Royal BR green with Small yellow panel D602 Bulldog Chromatic Blue with small yellow panel and all three had headcode boxes, what I'm missing is info on D603 and D604, did they have headcode boxes and what liveries were they withdrawn in please? ian
  3. Hi Steve Apologies if this has been asked before, but, when was the turntable taken away from RB. Ian
  4. Hi all Is there a list anywhere giving the numbers of the class 47's with flush fronts at either no 1, no 2 or both ends? Ian
  5. Hi All Quick question regarding Class 47 47484, which end was the flush front and have Heljan or Bachmann done a class 47 bodyshell with the flush front at the correct end to model it please? Ian
  6. A Couple of Deltics after watching the Regiments ad Racehorses DVD, 55012 in 1978 and 55018 in 1980 had red buffer beams. Ian
  7. Hi Inspired by a photo of 31019 in the latest Strathwood 1970's diesels book can someone tell me which issue of the Rail Express Modeller supplement contained an article on detailing and repainting the Hornby class 31 as 31005/019 in theirs "Stratford" blue livery with grey roofs and red buffer beams please? Ian
  8. Correct, but, each marshall's post is manned by a senior post chief and his deputy, either 2 or 3 flag marshalls and a number of incident marshals(number varies depending on the supposed likelihood of an incident at that location), when a report is sent to the stewards of an infringement it is because at least 2 marshals have witnessed the infringement and it is backed up by a written report which contains the signatures of the 2 or more marshals who had witnessed the incident so it doesn't depend on just 1 person. I'll never forget a few years ago manning the marshals post at the entrance to the new pit lane and writing nearly 50 reports of track irregularities during first practise! Ian
  9. Hi The Stewards(or 3) don't make the call, the track infringement call is made by the post chief at the marshalls post which is responsible for that area of track. Ian
  10. Hi all Does anyone produce an etched 4mm Hull Executive headboard as carried by the Deltics please? Ian
  11. Hi Some scanned prints of Jetstreams at Cardiff in the late 90's GMAJC GMAJD GMAJF GMAJJ all taken in the days when there was an observation terrace at CWL. Ian
  12. Hi Is this one of your former planes? GMAJG at CWL last month
  13. Hi Paperlad, Like the shots of the Qatar A350, will these be used on the new service into Cardiff Wales next year, are you likely to be involved in these flights? ian
  14. Hi What is the GWR cover layout please? Ian
  15. Hi Steve Its been a while since I popped in to look at this thread, you've made remarkable progress, love the condensing pannier, all you need now is for the 15xx kit to be produced. Ian
  16. Hi Jonathan Like the plan although with regard to the junction I'm not sure there would even have been a connection to the up or down main from the branch in LMS days and if the Midland had anything to do with it no facing points at all depending on the importance of the branch, to cite the S&C as an example there was only 1 facing point on the northbound line, at Appleby, and no facing points at all southbound in the whole 72 mile length. If it was me I would base the junction on Garsdale where the train coming from Settle heading for Hawes used toi have to arrive in the northbound platform then reverse across to the bay before continuing to its destination. Ian
  17. Hi Andy Just watched the video, what couplings do you use to get the coaches close coupled please? Ian
  18. Gentlemen Don't put Mr Wade off building another layout otherwise I'll be near 100 by the time he builds his forth! You can always saw a bit off the end when you get to Lydd Rail if it infringes the rules, but then, Isambard Kingdom Brunel said " rules are made for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men" Ian
  19. HI Rob Thursday practise is a Monaco thing, they get a day off on Friday which is the usual practise day before Practise 3 and Quali itself as usual on Saturday Ian
  20. I see Jenson is in P12 in FP2 in his first time out in the car, one place behind Stoffel Vandoorne who's been in it all season, don't know whether that says more about how good JB is or how rubbish Vandoorne is! Ian
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