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Everything posted by MarkC

  1. For some reason, that was what was needed. Not that there should have been any doubt about ability to pass. Still, I got a trip to Sheels out of it! And ended up living there until 1998...
  2. So, safely arrived at Vada, my relief is on board. Got all day to hand over to him tomorrow, then flight home on Saturday. Happy days :)

  3. The night of December 4th/5th 1978. I was staying overnight at the Mission to Seamen, Mill Dam, South Shields, prior to my Entrance Exam at South Shields Marine & Technical College on the 5th. Was kept awake for much of the night by the sounds of the shunting going on at Harton Low Staithes, across the road. I still passed the exams - and had my last illegal pint at Newcastle Central on the way home! Happy days
  4. Good point, well made Only if you turn back time...
  5. This is a VERY BAD IDEA - and should have been kicked into the long grass as soon as some clever person dreamed it up
  6. I did once, but I think I got away with it.
  7. Or they've (illegally) fitted more powerful lamps to their headlights. Just as bad, in my opinion.
  8. MarkC

    EBay madness

    https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/4mm-Finescale-OO-EM-P4-Puffers-Axle-alignment-jigs-for-Compensated-chassis/382368752835?hash=item5906f424c3:g:JWEAAOSwQwZaazRb Wow. Just...wow Nice for the seller, of course
  9. There's a copy at home awaiting my return - hopefully next weekend. My good lady was in The Works when I phoned her, and, well, it seemed like a good opportunity to ask her to get a copy
  10. Indeed. <cough>Katie Price <cough>
  11. Another one recommending the 52F chassis here I concur with the comments re the DJH bogie arrangement. It's OK for large radius curves, but if you don't have that luxury then a better arrangement is definitely needed.
  12. I'm pleased you didn't mention the RLA & RLB - the last of the loop scavenge Sulzers. They weren't as robust as the RNDs or RND(M) engines. Or, as I discovered on the Traquair, which had the last engine built at George Clark NEM on the Tyne, she had RLA running gear but RLB heads, as I discovered when I had to order and fit a new cylinder head, only to find, to our horror, that the supplied head was taller than the one we had just lifted, and nothing would therefore connect. There were some very red faces at the supplier's premises - and a lot of <ahem> 'robust' language on board
  13. Noooooooooooooooooo...........................
  14. MarkC

    EBay madness

    Because the builder could?
  15. Didn't Belgium recently not have a functioning government for several months? The best part of that was that nobody noticed...
  16. Gawds, yes - the RND was a FAR superior engine to the RD. Those exhaust valves were another nightmare... As for Doxfords - I was in the crankcase of one, along with the 2/E. Suddenly there was an 'orrible rattling, accompanied by much shouting, & then a large chainblock fell between the 2/E and myself, followed by the 2/E leaving the crankcase like a launching Pershing missile (other missiles are available...). He was a big bloke too - it was impressive - as were the black eyes being sported by a couple of the Engine Room staff afterwards...
  17. And is likely to remain so, I suspect.This is another route which, had it survived another 10 years, would now be useful, but I really can't see the BCR adding up any time soon. It would be cheaper to upgrade Copy Pit to handle any increased freight flows, and as for passenger traffic - how busy are the buses along the Burnley-Skipton corridor?
  18. At least with these B&Ws - and modern Sulzers - you don't have the reed valve packs in the scavenge spaces, thanks to the uniflow scavenging - or, if you were REALLY unlucky, you were the 4th Engineer on something like a KZ type MAN, with plate valves in the scavenges. Oh boy, was I glad I was the 3rd on the 2 ships I sailed on with those horrors... As for opening up the starting air distributor whilst at sea - wow. Just...wow...
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