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Everything posted by MarkC

  1. MarkC

    EBay madness

    Because, as the man said, there's one born every minute...
  2. MarkC

    EBay madness

    I just KNEW who the seller would be before I looked - and I wasn't wrong...
  3. MarkC

    EBay madness

    That's his perogative, of course - as it is the perogative of others not to buy at silly prices...
  4. MarkC

    EBay madness

    *strokes chin in thoughtful fashion* Hmm indeed....
  5. MarkC

    EBay madness

    That one's straight out of "The gostude Book of eBay Pricing"...
  6. Early Class 17s (the Claytons) had motor issues.
  7. MarkC

    EBay madness

    Here we have Unique A wonderful opportunity to add this to your collection
  8. It's the size of the pipette I'd be even more worried about...
  9. MarkC

    EBay madness

    Copy-Paste is SO passé these days...
  10. MarkC

    EBay madness

    It's different, for sure...
  11. MarkC

    EBay madness

    Not only that, but it's listed as unopened, yet there's a photo of it on a piece of track - so either the listing is wrong or the pic is of another model...
  12. That gels with the description accompanying the photos I have, iirc. Will look forward to your further progress. Mark
  13. Jamie & the team, you're really progressing this now. Stunning work. Jamie, have you got your definitive answers about the interior of the electric sets yet? I'm sure I have at least one book at home with some shots of the inside; I'm away at sea at present, but would look it up for you when I get home, if you like? Cheers Mark
  14. MarkC

    EBay madness

    It amazes me that people don't check the Feedback of vendors with less than 100% ratings before parting with their hard-earned. OK, sometimes you can 'read between the lines' & understand what's happened to merit a demerit, if you like, but this bloke's Feedback should be ringing very loud alarm bells... Still, nowt as strange as folk, eh?
  15. Cheers, John. Yes, I think, as a comparison, Bob Jones' Midland footbridge is about that price these days. (Built one of them about 8 years ago - gorgeous thing )
  16. £50 for the bridge - happy enough with that. They don't appear very often, & the vendor had 2. The second one was gone very quickly too.
  17. Nabbed a few nice items recently - a D&S NER footbridge kit was the best one (looking forward to building that), & assorted wagon kits & a few coaches. Happy days
  18. MarkC

    EBay madness

    Good news if you're the vendor, of course, Horse, but ... *wanders off, shaking head*
  19. MarkC

    EBay madness

    Higher bid now than a brand new one, including postage, would cost from SEF... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/251445549664?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  20. I fear you missed the point I was trying to make, NSE - by introducing a structure to absorb some of the waves' energy before they get to the wall, you reduce the impact forces at the wall.
  21. I do wonder, having seen the effectiveness of the container breakwaters, whether this will actually be the way forward now in the battle to protect the line? Obviously more boxes isn't the aesthetic answer, but whilst appreciating that it would be nice to preserve the beach, to my mind something is going to have to be sacrificed, at least in the short term. Whatever is decided, some group isn't going to be happy
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