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Everything posted by ColinW

  1. Oh dear Matt you know you only lose the arguments at the club saying things like this Colin
  2. Glad to hear that Chris, will hopefully look forward to seeing it in the south east again. Colin
  3. It will be a shame if TG does head into retirement, as it is a great layout to stand and watch the trains go by. Dare I say it has also inspired us with our new club layout at Tonbridge in baseboard construction and scenery. So if the Soar Valley show in a couple of weeks is its final outing, try and make sure you can get a chance to watch it. Colin
  4. Hi Peter, Its great to watch the various work being carried out at the moment on the layout, and thanks to Jamie for being able to photograph it and put them on here over the last few days. Colin
  5. Its good to be forwarned of these 'things'. After doing a week of nights (with the big train set) and taking Avon Junction to Chelmsford on the Saturday, I don't think my eyes could take much more strain, going to Uckfield on the Sunday. Colin
  6. Hi Peter, The extension is looking great, and the new buildings look superb. Looking forward to more updates soon Colin
  7. Have to say this looks to be a great layout, and I like the way you did the baseboards. Looking forward to seeing some more of this soon. Colin
  8. We had a good day yesterday having a play with the layout. There was only a couple of minor snags that were quickly sorted out . Something we did try was a new timetable to possibly use at exhibitions in the future (if anyone else has us ) which allows us more use of the variety of stock we have, and for more movements on the layout. The newer fiddleyard crammed with stock ready for testing the new sequence. There are 5 trains in there. Overhead view of the station area, with the goods yard looking very busy. Pannier shunting some wagons from the goods shed, whilst the railcar sits in the bay and the GWR passenger service departs. Colin
  9. Its been some time since we posted anythnig here, and that is because nothing has happened. We have been planning on fitting the Fulgurex point motors to the layout and making a new control panel facia, but as with anything planned, a minor hitch appears, we can't get hold of the point motors at the moment . This has meant that I have changed the CDU and point probe to get the control panel working again. As the layout will be attending exhibitions in Chelmsford and Lancing in October & November, we will be looking to do the work after these shows ( due to work commitments we didn't want to get to close to show dates and not be able to test the panel or motors!). The layout is being put up tomorrow for us to have a play, and do any minor repairs to the scenery, so some more photos may appear in the near future. Colin
  10. I'm going to be another to say that you have made a great layout there. What is the size of the layout? and do you have a trackplan available to add on here? Colin
  11. I have to say that the twin tunnels and the retaining walls are very impressive, will look forward to seeing more of this in the future. Colin
  12. That is a very imposing building Peter. Colin
  13. Hi Peter, Congratulations on winning the trophy for the best layout, certainly deserved. I look forward to watching you build the extension and it looks like you have made a great start with the abbey. Colin
  14. You have done some great modelling, thanks for putting the pictures up. Colin
  15. Was unable to go to Aylesbury at the weekend, looks like I missed a great show Will look forward to seeing the layout on the Sunday at Uckfield though Colin
  16. Hi Andy, You have done a great job with the layout. Looks to be something to stand watch for sometime Colin
  17. oooowh you tease. And you called me a tease Colin
  18. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the farmers are working in the fields, the mist is gently being burnt off the river, I'm at work for 12 hours and have no trains :)

    1. Platform 1

      Platform 1

      Sounds like a Monday commute!

  19. This following from his 'Churchwood' error, but not saying anything about the Southern Matt, the club is having a good influence on you Colin
  20. Yes you shoot yourself in the foot most evenings Colin
  21. Believe me he won't change, he's just the same at the club aren't you Matt Colin
  22. We had a working day on Saturday, doing some of the smaller jobs to the layout, including wiring in the bolt-on extensionpieces for the fiddleyards, fitting a stock tray for the newer 3 road fiddleyard, and some minor scenic work, as well as carrying out some preparation work for the electrical work to take place in the near future. We have also had it confirmed that the layout will be at Chelmsford in October this year (come and say hello if you attend), and we also received an invite for Broadstairs, although this will be for 2013 now. Colin
  23. I don't see no problems will look forward to seeing the work done soon and the layout in the flesh at Aylesbury. Colin
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