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Everything posted by gismorail

  1. I bet the Guild are breathing a sigh of relief .......no loses this year then
  2. Hiya Andy . I'm so made up for you that SMS fits into your new abode and things can start to move forward at pace. Can we now consider that Pit of Doom will now be referred to Pit of Delight .....
  3. Total politically incorrect but I'd shoot the ....well I am a retired farmer .....
  4. Was going to ask where 'Lazy Joe' had been hiding ....it was reasonable to expect him to go missing when there was loads of work to be done. By the way Mr Peters have you and Dee been causing trouble on the beeches down south
  6. Andy my friend the POD is looking rather 'posh' indeed as you have said earlier maybe a Padded Cell but livin down south you might need it Have you left enough space for your bunk bed maybe a pull out type under the layout I'm sure that you must be feeling a lot more positive about things now that the 'man cave' is taking shape. Take care and keep in touch
  7. All one can say is your a 'Master of Reality' to use a well know heavy rock legends album name
  8. hi George good see to your mojo's back, have to say the MN's are looking excellent well done Sir
  9. Looking rather posh that Ade, the statue is in an interesting position reckon there could be a few missed shovel full's of coal on the footplate whilst the loco passes that line-side feature
  10. We all hope Telford Bash goes ahead as it's the last time there this year still not heard as to where the new venue will be yet ......you can bet your bottom dollar there will be a que
  11. I do like the cattle wagons Kevin and as you have said considering the 30+ years since introduction they were kits that were well ahead of their time. I reckon the transfers look OK as considering they are painted onto open planking the numbers could well have bit a little larger than normal and as normal the weathering is spot on
  12. Reminded me of Dell boy falling through the bar hatch
  13. I think it has inspired many people Kevin .....
  14. Sounds a bit like the Post Office queue then
  15. Your friend as a retailer will more than likely get a quicker response from Dapol that you will as a purchaser ...yes I know it sounds daft but that's how it works I'm afraid. Dapol are producing some excellent models but they are not the most customer friendly in one off enquiries.
  16. Doesn't time fly when your enjoying ' enforced self-isolation' should be spent on building a model railway but the weather has been so good that house renovations have had to take priority. A couple of shots to prove the work involved. At last the new rendering has been completed and I now need the good weather to continue so that it can dry out and then the painting starts. All the dormer windows on the upstairs have been totally stripped down and new wood fitted and stained .......all those base board building skills suddenly became valuable and all in the name of enforced enjoyment..........well it beats driving to 'Durham' or any other Cummings and going's So today the good old welsh weather has come back so where does one go ar yes of course the railway room Work has continued on the cattle dock scene and the above mentioned Bedford TK and Langley models cattle wagon has been completed in the odd hour that I have found free. So today's task was to populate the cattle dock and I didn't just want to have cattle standing around so I have created a scene where the local cattle haulage contractor 'Proudlove & Sons' from the near by Malpas area ( a company that is still operational to this day) are collecting some fleshly purchased dairy stock from the Chester Livestock market which was at the time situated just down the road from Chester Northgate station. I can remember as a lad seeing cattle being herded up Delamere Street to the cattle loading facility at the goods yard at Northgate but I'm not sure what health and safety would make of that practice today !! Once the first couple of cows have got onto the loading ramp it's all hands on to get the others to follow before they change their minds and attempt to turn around, having done this many times myself it's a mucky old job and not for the faint of heart. The farmer and the two haulage men get the cattle loaded whilst the dock attendant secures the pen gates, the cattle in the far pen are very inquisitive as to what is going on...... when I have my artistic head on I will have to mix up a suitable solution to create a convincing s.h.1.t mixture on the dock floor.
  17. A very impressive start those buildings do look good and from the photo's all appear very strong in construction look forward to seeing this layout develop
  18. Sorry Kevin but I'm sure it's farmers market day Andy P would say 'Sausages'
  19. As Andy has been going through past layouts whatever you do don't mentions 'SAUSAGES OR GRASS'
  20. Some lovely shots Andy 'New Mills' really was an all action affair and you sure did get a real main-line feel on this one. Very much enjoying these 'Blast from the past' updates....just can't believe how much modelling you have managed to 'cram' into the TOPS over the years....amazing ...prolific .......obsessed.....or just crazy about trains take you pick
  21. Good morning Andy some nice flash back photo's again wonderful ......Now there's been quite a few pictures of guitar cases higher up this current page and I keep having look several times at them just in case there's a layout being built in them.........z gauge maybe
  22. Nice thought there Kevin , in my experience of livestock loading there can be a great deal of swearing , shouting and Sh1t going in all directions.
  23. Lovely scene there Kevin just love the atmosphere you have created ......I reckon the guy is in deep thought as to which horse to back !!
  24. Good morning all hope that everyone is well and safe as these strange times continue. Been somewhat distracted from any modelling activities as house renovation work has been ramped up as I have finally been able to get a delivery of sand and cement for rendering work that I'm trying to get done. I have turned my attention to detailing the cattle dock which as Chumley End is set in the heart of the Cheshire country side it is area that would have seen a great deal of action. I want to create a scene where freshly delivered cattle are being loaded into the local livestock dealers cattle vehicle. The first job was to source a suitable road vehicle and was surprised find that there's not much on offer for around the period I'm modelling. I finally settled on a Langley Kit's white metal body which I'm going to mount onto a modified Oxford Die cast Bedford TK chassis. The first task was to cut down the truck sides to fit the chassis of the Bedford TK chassis proir to assembly. Its been many years since I have worked with a white metal kit so it did take some time to get the livestock body together having dismantled the wagon chassis and modify the deck to suit. Prior to painting in a primer a trail fitting has been put together and on the whole I reckon it looks OK. So the next stage will be a good rub down of the bodywork and clean up before a coat of paint,
  25. Hi Rod, Glad to see your OK down there keeping yourself to yourself .......as it were .....I call it enforced enjoyment Those Dapol Banana Vans do look good and for the money they are good value. I'm waiting for the the one that still to be released but might well go for one of those myself Take care and keep safe Martin
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