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Everything posted by MartinWales

  1. Well done sir! The layout captures the wide open look of the ex Great Eastern in the Fens!
  2. He can always tap into the Snowdonian Parkside Strategic Reserve!
  3. Thanks Jamie and Happy New Year to you too! The subs gift looks quite inviting for BRM this year, so might reactivate my subscription-who knows!
  4. Certainly full of atmosphere Mike! When are you starting the project??
  5. Look forward to seeing this one develop Mike! Also have a J39 here in process of construction from a SEF Kit for a future County Durham based project
  6. Also provisional for 2015 Normanton & Pontefract-Jan, Trainwest & Liverpool- Apr
  7. Shows for 2014 are as follows Jan-Southampton June-Wigan Oct-Barrow In Furness (tbc) Dec-TMS Poynton Nicely spread throughout the year, for once!
  8. True Steve, but the makeover was complete after this-as the Sprat and Winkles were not quite ready!
  9. Many thanks Alex and seasons greetings to you yours and the rest of the ERFG mob-I don't know where I would be without you lot! Check shirts have been identified for the 2014 exhibition season and have been pre ordered from the suppliers
  10. Kinmundy in BRM!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MartinWales


      Cheers chaps! Drinking celebratory bottle of wine as I write!

    3. Judge Dread

      Judge Dread

      Well done Martin and so you should be! Watch out for cold blasts of wind!

    4. MartinWales


      Now on the front cover of Model Rail too....


  11. The one free date may have become two! Have in the last 24 hours had two invites, one as a result of the BRM feature and may expand this to five in 2014 as they are spread through the year. More news soon.......!
  12. Out this Thursday December 12th
  13. I can assure you the pictures are well worth waiting for!
  14. Kinmundy is featured in BRM for January 2014 Look out for Andy York's superb photos
  15. Thanks for the comments Russ! Truth be told the conversion was a lot simpler than that-used Kean Maygib all steel coach wheels for a low rent conversion which was running before the end of the Ally Pally show thanks to the ever helpful Chris Hewitt. That together with a little weathering is as far as I have got due to the change of job in March. Much cheaper than the Branchlines but about the same level of quality
  16. Ray-it's a 584 mile round trip, according to Google Maps but it will be over 4 days departing Friday and returning Monday
  17. Indeed! Hope to be at Expo EM North (September) and Barrow in Furness (October) with one free date for 2014 As mentioned before I will try and keep it to 4 shows per year to keep it as fresh as possible
  18. Next outing for Kinmundy will be Southampton 25/26th January 2014
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