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Everything posted by MartinWales

  1. Spot on Ian! Can't wait to see it again at York!
  2. Many thanks Ian From a serial layout builder like yourself that carries some weight! Journey back North was seamless-5 hours-which was exactly the same journey time South-spooky! Other than the satnav trying to send me a silly route that is
  3. Adam A big thank you for your help at Southampton show -absolutely invaluable! Also thanks for letting us have a look at some of your projects
  4. All joking apart Sandy, it was good to see your layout-which I personally thought was worthy of the accolade. It was also good not only to speak a little Welsh so far South but also to catch up with some Cambrian Railways 4mm developments too!
  5. Isn't it just! Another chance to see it at the York show this Easter
  6. Many thanks! Next outing is Wigan in June (7/8th)
  7. Can't think what you're referring to............... Although one person did ask if there was anything on the layout not to scale!
  8. BTW A little thank you to the SMRC for a well organized show-superb!
  9. Thanks Pete-was good to catch up with you at last (got back at 2.15pm this afternoon!)
  10. Just loading Kinmundy into the van as we speak, ready for the long journey to the South coast See you there and please don't forget to make yourselves known!
  11. And maybe not tea too.......
  12. Don't hang about! They are selling strong at the moment!
  13. Curry Tastic Tuesday!

    1. Judge Dread

      Judge Dread

      Windy Wednesday!

    2. Horsetan
    3. Guest


      Wait, you have a curry every tuesday?

      Yay, I'm not the only one! :D

  14. Curry Tastic Tuesday!

  15. Not quite Jamie-need to sort out the drape and lighting rig/extension leads/tea mugs/soldering irons/badges etc!
  16. Yet another rainy Sunday afternoon has not been wasted-as the stock checking has been completed. Now for the other 100+ items to be checked off the list! Oh, the joys of exhibiting!
  17. With the forthcoming Southampton show part of this weekend will be devoted to cleaning and checking the stock ready for the long journey South in a fortnight. Just checking back 2 backs on a wagon as I write this in fact!
  18. Funny that I should stumble over this topic the day after I found Model Railways for September 1980 which featured Borchester Market ! Anyone know what happened to the follow up 'Hardwick Grange'?
  19. You're right there Mike! Jimmy would have given you chapter and verse!
  20. Great Mike! It's really coming together now! Don't forget if you want any goods stock on loan you need only ask-I have several boxes of 'second division' wagons here!
  21. Ian-I hate to bang my own drum but for a wintry scene have a look at my 'Kinmundy' thread. Any questions-please ask! Good luck with your project in 2014!
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