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Everything posted by MartinWales

  1. I notice there are no bids........
  2. Mk 4/5 Cortina Austin Maestro Morris Marina/Ital Austin Montego Metro Triumph Acclaim Simca 1000 Vauxhall Cavalier Mk1/2 Vauxhall Chevette Astra Mk1/2 Renault 9/11 Granada Mk3
  3. A minimum space layout sounds tempting, and not too expensive!
  4. Summer!! What Summer??

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mythocentric


      It's that thing that's happening somewhere else! Here in Morecambe it just rains again!

    3. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      Still nice and summery here today in Cornwall! :) But how long it will last is another thing...

    4. coachmann


      Sun came out around 2pm on the coast here and it got pretty hot too. Glorious sunny backlit A4 returning from Holyhead...

  5. Why not just use the bodies and rechassis them at the same time-Parkside and Slaters etc are commercially available and the overall look will be transformed, even going so far as to fir W-irons if you so wish
  6. SUN! AT LAST!

    1. Danemouth


      Shush! Don't say that out loud, it will go away!

    2. beast66606


      I'll be watching this with interest


  7. My sentiments exactly.......
  8. WHAT'S THAT? THE SUN??????

    1. Trains&armour


      Just ignore it, and it will go away soon enough...

    2. Jamie


      No, I'd never read that. It's the Herald.

  9. You're telling me! £100+ for bits of paper!!!!!
  10. With the early (pre 1956) emblem too, in TOPS numbering
  11. I too can only echo Mark's sentiments. Since seeing it at Nottingham last year, I can't wait to see some of your new developments!
  12. Indeed! Just finished reading it here!
  13. Also appearing at Wigan show 16th/17th June! Come and say hello-I'll be the one in the check shirt!
  14. Still servicing stock for Wigan show!

    1. davefrk


      Oh buxxer, I better start mine then....

      for Alloa.


  15. Can't believe I missed this lovely layout! Keep up the good work an let's see more!
  16. Busy servicing stock for Wigan!

  17. See more of Kinmundy in the June Railway Modeller!
  18. You're right about S scale being addictive Phil-having spent two hours yesterday operating John Coulter's 'Llanfair' at Porthmadog show! And he's talking me into S scale too........
  19. Free Listings on eBay!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mod5


      Or you could always give your fellow forum members the opportunity with the marketplace.

    3. skipepsi


      I don't think they will want a 19foot caravan awning though.

    4. Stu from EGDL

      Stu from EGDL

      Just checked ..nothing in Marketplace...


  20. Just refurbishing some wagons.......

  21. Don't forget the Porthmadog Exhibition May Day B.H. Weekend-just three weeks away now! (5/6 May)
  22. GRAND SLAM 2012!

    1. waggy


      Hi Martin, bet you were celebrating with a few pints and a pork pie, or was it a few pork pies and a pint? Hope to see you at York.Regards Graham

    2. muddys-blues
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