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Everything posted by tetsudofan

  1. Thanks for the compliment, much appreciated. Later I'll post some pictures on how I built the first two mountains (those on the left-hand side of the garden). You may be interested to know that all the "rock" that I used on the mountains came from my neighbour's concrete driveways when they had the concrete broken up to be replaced by block paving. Keith
  2. Luckily I don't have a wife or partner so no life expectancy problems . As Spring is just starting thought I would show some pictures taken around this time last year: …. and finally a posing pic taken a couple of days ago:
  3. Looking at the diagram mentioned above that's the way that I've set up my loco on my Z21 . Keith
  4. The railway started with a loop at the top right-hand end of the garden and extended down along the right-hand side of the garden. During the next couple of years the line was extended along the back wall out the other side of the garden and then down the left-hand side of the garden towards the house and then taken across the back of the house to connect with the original line down the right-hand side of the garden. The next development was to build a couple of "mountains" on the left-hand side of the garden involving a couple of spirals to get up and back down to the original line. Nothing much happened for a few years until it was decided to create a "big mountain" in the middle of the garden which involved starting another loop off the original ground-level loop. This started in the bottom right hand corner of the garden climbing up to another spiral, back to ground level, across the garden and then another spiral up the big mountain and back to ground level before re-joining the original loop at the start of the original loop at the top right-hand corner of the garden. No written plans were made for the development of the railway, it just happened with the result that I have a complex roundy-roundy that goes round and round the garden. Keith
  5. Realised that I have not posted since I started this thread last year, but bearing in mind what has happened on the railway since 2003, thought the best way is to start is to show what the garden looked like at the beginning and what it looks like now. The following pic was taken before construction started: and what it looks like now: Keith
  6. I used the Roco Close Couplings (40271) on my HUOs and plan on trying them on my Cemflos. If they don't work will try the Hornby Roco couplings (R8220). Keith
  7. Maybe it's an odd brekkie but it is served up on a classic Wood's Ware Beryl plate. I've got loads of the stuff as my Mum got friendly with the wife of one of the wholesalers during the War and I got a large box of the stuff for my 21st Birthday pressie. Got even more now as I inherited all that my parents were given. Keith
  8. Sometimes dreams come true, but in my case they do although it has taken 50 years. Back in 1969 whilst visiting Dalat in the Central Highland of Vietnam (South Vietnam then) as mentioned before I stumbled across this rack locomotive slowly rusting away: and about 35 years later came across the same loco after it had been repatriated to Switzerland and restored for use on the Furka Steam Railway (DFB): There was something about this locomotive having seen it in both Vietnam and Switzerland so I even got Jonathan Clay to do a painting based upon the above pictures: At that time I never thought that I would own a model of this loco in DFB blue but last Friday my dream came true and I collected this beauty my from my local hobby shop: Result, one happy bunny. Dreams can come true. Keith
  9. Many moons ago I was working for a major New York bank (now subsumed into JP Morgan Chase) in London who opened a back office operations centre just outside Stratford (ER) station. The story goes that a number of senior managers in New York decided that they had reason to visit the new operations centre and were somewhat disappointed when they arrived on site only to find it was not the Stratford that they thought it was...... Keith
  10. Good morning from a bright and sunny south east corner. Received a nice email from TV Licensing this morning telling me that they are sorry to let me know that my TV Licence could not be automatically renewed. Not surprising really bearing in mind that I have not held a TV licence for many years. Think the last time was around 1976. Like the way they suggest that I set up a new direct debit by clicking on the "Setup direct debit now" button and pay using my debit or credit card ensuring that they have my correct bank details...….. Hopefully nobody clicks on the button. Keith
  11. Model Junction near Slough import Broadway from the US, have a look at their website see what they've got in stock or available for pre-order. Also have a look at Factory Direct Trains website in the US, they do Broadway. I've used them a couple of times to get items that were not available here. Service was great but shipping charges were somewhat high and you have to pay VAT and courier handling charges when the item arrives in the UK. Keith
  12. A bright sunny to the day in the bottom right-hand corner but all changed as I headed inland towards Tonbridge. Folkestone West has two trains an hour to London, xx.03 High Speed to St. Pancras and xx.11 to Charing Cross. Just got to the station as the 6-car Javelin arrived and swallowed-up the crowd waiting on the problem some of whom were standing as the train left so hate to think how many people had to stand after the train left Ashford. The Charing Cross train formed of 2 x 4-car Cl.375 arrived devoid of passengers so had a table of four to myself. Overcrowding on the High Speed is endemic so can only hope that when the new South Eastern franchise is announced the problem is addressed and we get some more High Speed trains. Be interesting to see what happens. Had an enjoyable day at the Tonbridge Show, certainly seemed to be more younger visitors present with their parents rather than their grandparents. Sometimes, though, all three generations were present. Didn't manage to spot an old git with a flowing beard supported by a red walker but did manage to catch up with some friends I haven't seen for some time. Keith
  13. There is a largish carpark in front of the venue but, as its a Saturday and next door is a large Sainsbury's, the car park will be quite busy but, if you are lucky, you may find a space. Otherwise, understand there are other car parks close by. Can't be more specific as always use the train to get to Tonbridge. Keith
  14. I did last week and pleased with what I got. There are other benefits available once you have joined, not just the LSWR B4.
  15. Reminds me must collect my pre-ordered online tickets from the machine at Folkestone West. Keith
  16. Interesting that, like me, a number of ERs enjoyed cross country running at school. Thinking of it reminds me of my first job interview with Barclays Bank. I was asked what sports I did at school and I responded "cross country running during the winter and athletics during the summer". Oh, he said "individual sports, you must remember, we are team players at Barclays" Never did mention it at future interviews but I got the job. In a way the interviewer hit the nail on the head and, looking back at my working career, I was an individualist more than a team player. Even now I fall in that category and that's how its going to be until I turn off the mortal coil. Must remember to add a note to my will, want to have "I did it my way" added to "time to say goodbye" Keith
  17. As they like making the Deltics maybe they will step back in time and do the streamlined A4 and matching coaches including the beaver tail observation car..... Keith
  18. Hello from a damp, dull, miserable and foggy corner of the south east. Been a busy morning following receipt of a notification from DHL that a package would be delivered between 10:53 and 11:53. Managed to walk up to town by 9:30am without getting wet and found that the local branch of Barclays does not open until 10:00am on Wednesdays for "staff training". Having 30 minutes to while away diverted to Starbucks for a caramel latte with an extra dollop of cream on the top, got my cash from Barclays when they opened and caught the bus home (as the rain was more persistent by that time) calling at the pharmacy on the way to collect my monthly prescription, arriving at home just after 10:30am. Just got indoors and the DHL guy arrived, earlier than the advised time, with a rather large box from a certain model shop in Germany. Whilst opening the package just wondered what's going to happen in the future. The item in question was pre-ordered last year and arrived in stock at the shop last Friday after which I received a notification that they were holding the item for me pending receipt of payment. Paid that afternoon, saw that the item was checked, packed and passed to DHL on Monday afternoon, shipped to the UK yesterday and delivered here today by 10:30am. Have one more item on pre-order (due from March onwards) so be interesting to see how that will be processed and how long it will take to get here. On a similar note have just seen that the London-bound carriageway on the M20 between J9 and J8 faces an indefinite 50mph speed limit with overnight closures from this coming Saturday to install a contraflow system where, if need be, lorries will be parked on the coastbound carriageway whilst other traffic passes in both directions on the London-bound carriageway. Interesting times ahead. In the meantime off to open the big box..... Keith
  19. Oooh, seems like I've been clever and found how to add the profile pic, despite the age still seem to have a bit of intuition left in me. Can't find the pic of me in front of the Shinkansen so will have to do with the pic of me in front of a Bernina railcar outside Alp Grum station. Keith
  20. Many thanks SRS for that snippet of information, solves my biggest problem working out what does what on the new RMweb so can now can return to enjoying RMweb again. Now have to find out where my little picture on the top left hand corner has gone to...... Keith
  21. Hello from the southeast corner, had a bit of snow last night but most of it already disappeared. A pic taken in the past when we did have some snow..... Keith
  22. Just an update following my posting above and a subsequent conversation (about a different matter) with Kernow. They were expecting a couple of the versions this/next week but they have not materialised as expected and they now expect delivery during the next couple of weeks or so. So relax guys, Kernow have it under control and will be releasing the models as soon as they arrive, no need to phone Kernow just to find out where yours are...…. but I'm sure they would welcome a call or visit the website if you want to order more models..... as I'm thinking of doing. Keith
  23. Just see that Kernow have charged £127.50 to my card...…. does this mean that at least one of them is close to arrival...….. Keith
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