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Posts posted by grandadbob

  1. A'noon/Evenin' each,

    Another wet and breezy day but the house is still in the same place as it was.   Banking was done as planned and then I made an unscheduled visit to a newish highly recommended butcher in the area.  What a waste of time that was.  Opening hours posted online said 8.00 till 5.00,  a sign on the door said 8.00 till 1.00 but when I got there at about 10.00 they were closed.  Still looking for a good butcher as our old favourite closed last year due to lack of business and huge increase in rent etc.  There is a good one not too far a drive away but parking is an issue.

    Got back and mounted The North face of Mount Loft and retrieved the decoration boxes.  I've removed batteries from various things, last year I missed one and found a corroded leaking mess.  Some boxes are now filled but that leaves me with about 10 strings of lights of differing types and sizes to sort out and pack away along with our old faithful tree which we've had for about 15 years.  Maybe tomorrow. 

    Shopping list for Sainsbury's has been completed for tomorrow and a tentative order placed next week with Ocado/M&S as a couple of Sainsbury items have become somewhat disappointing recently...another reason we want to find a decent butcher.

    I started putting the bins out for tomorrow only to hear Russ next door banging on his upstairs office window and reminding me that this week's collection will be on Saturday again, Friday next week and back to normal the week after.

    Not much to do until dinner which tonight looks like being fish and chips, well sort of.  Actually it'll be Sainsbury's melt in the middle fishcakes with french fries and peas which won't be mushy ones 'cos I don't like them.  Purists can scoff all they like but I don't care, I rather like that particular combination every now and then.  There may be a glass or two of wine involved as well....which will be red, I very rarely drink white.

    Tonight I will be binge watching several episodes of season 18 of "The Deadliest Catch."  I've been watching this for years and still haven't decided if these guys and girls are incredibly brave/stark raving bonkers or a combination of both.




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  2. Parcels opened and I've had quick look at the book.  IMHO "Wow" doesn't do it justice and I'm looking forward to perusing all 456 pages and 3.3kg of it.


    @Gwiwer  Rick I sympathise with anyone living near Twickenham stadium.  I used to go there quite regularly to international matches but gave up a few years ago  as I was rather ashamed and disgusted by the behaviour of some people.  Stopped going by train after seeing people urinating where they stood on the train and ended up paying a fortune for cabs and then walking the last mile or so.  I doubt I'll go to any more matches there now but will get my fix by watching it on the box.  You can see more on TV anyway although what you don't get is the atmosphere.  That reminds me there's a match to watch this afternoon.  @tigerburnie TB's team are at home to Bath and that should be a good 'un.


     Still feeling a bit "off" so will continue to do nottalot although I might stretch to making a muggacoffee.



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  3. Good morning all,

    After a wet and windy night we have some blue sky. some clouds and even a hint of sunshine...for a while. More showers or heavier spells of rain are forecast.  7°C rising to11°C.

    I am feeling a bit fragile this morning.  This may possibly have something to do with the "one or two" drinks I had at last night's party.  Unusual for me to suffer ill effects from drinking, I normally judge it just right.  Good to catch up with some friends we haven't seen for a while. A great time was had by all and a seriously good guitarist/singer provided entertainment.  

    Two rugby matches watched and enjoyed before we went out particularly as my team won after building up a good lead and then almost giving it away.  It was great game though played at Twickenham in front of 76000 fans.  I suspect Rick @Gwiwer might be glad he's moved house.

    @jamie92208  Not guilty officer.  This may explain your puzzling signs.



    In view of my fragility nothing strenuous will be undertaken today , at least not until the Paracetamol has kicked in.  Parcels are due within the next two hours including the Apollo remastered books so I think that some time will be spent reading and looking at pictures.

    It's just started raining and now my parcels have arrived, I may be gone some time.

    Have a good one,

    Hungover of Sutton.

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  4. 53 minutes ago, Hroth said:


    A book was published recently of enhanced and restored Apollo images and an exhibition toured the UK earlier this year showcasing really big enlargements of selected photos.  They were really impressive but the book was not inexpensive....


    The book is called "Apollo Remastered"



    Even at 35% off its cover price at Amazon, its still not affordable....



    Many thanks for that, the book looks superb and after reading the reviews from Apollo astronauts I'm in!  Two copies ordered, one for me and one for son Steve.

    • Like 13
  5. It's been raining and all bins have now been emptied and returned to their rightful place.

    I have been unboxing small toys with 4 wheels and they will shortly be plonked on the layout:




    This one is my particular favourite:



    • Like 19
  6. Further to my above post IIRC in those days in the 50s the pub opening hours were Monday -Saturday 10.00am to 2.00pm and 6.00pm to 10.30pm.  Sundays were 12.00noon to 2.00pm and 7.00pm to 10.00pm.  There were times when those closing times may have been er stretched a bit.  😁  On occasions the village bobby would turn up on his bike around closing time and say "Come on Landlord, get these stragglers out of here." and once they'd gone would settle down for a pint and a game of draughts with Dad!  There were 3 other pubs in the village, I've often wondered if he did that at the others as well.  😂



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  7. Good morning all,

    Still darkish but dry for now.  Today will be mainly overcast and we may have a few light showers.  7°C rising to 11°C.

    Not a bad night's sleep, only woke once but now I'm up The Leg is aching somewhat.  First of the bin lorries has been. two more to come.  

    Before I became Bob, when  I  was a 10 yo Robert, some of my tasks to earn pocket money were to assist at the weekend and some afternoons after school in "bottling up" , filling coal scuttles, laying fires and refilling paraffin heaters in the family pub.  These heaters were in an extension to the public bar known as "The Games Room" and had bar billiards, a dartboard, shove ha'penny and a piano.  They had a glass bottle for a reservoir which had to be removed, filled and then inverted back in the heater and was usually lit by me about an hour before evening opening time.  I suspect that sort of thing would be frowned upon these days.

    Rugby watched and enjoyed last night with my second favourite team Exeter managing a good win away from home at Bristol and somewhat disappointing and even silencing at times an otherwise very noisy and partisan 24000 home crowd.  More matches to watch today and tomorrow so that may well occupy me somewhat.

    Another no Shed day, maybe later, who knows? I don't.

    Tonight we're off out to a 30th birthday party, daughter of Nicki's best friend and also good friends of ours so lots of other friends will be there along with "our lot."  I'm expecting a very hectic but enjoyable evening.

    Tea taken up to The Boss who seems to be in slow mode this morning.  Don't knock it Bob, it doesn't happen very often.

    Have a good one,




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  8. 4 hours ago, TheQ said:

    It been a bit of a Brummer*** working on the ramp, that's now back in the house to set. Legs have been fitted. I'm intending to paint the ramp to hide all iniquities.



    There's no "stopping"  The Q when he gets going. 😁


    Lazy afternoon here and I too watched The Longest Day followed by The Battle of Britain.  More warfare shortly with a rugby match between Bristol and Exeter to view.

    A light meal tonight, just a ham salad and nothing alcoholic to drink ....yet.  Might have a sip of something later.

    • Like 17
  9. A walk has been walked, well there was more hobbling than walking, took longer than usual because en route we encountered no less than 4 friends and neighbours so much nattering ensued.  Mind you I was glad for the breaks in walking.  Got back and as it looks like it will rain shortly I put all our ours and next door's bins out ready for tomorrow's collections.  They all had something in common being both full and heavy.

    A bit of book balancing has been done and I was pleasantly surprised to find a few more tokens spare than I thought I had.

    Muggacoffee now and I need to think about what's next.   All I can be certain of is that it won't involve a lot of physical activity. *


    *Update:  Lunch in about 45 minutes, turkey sandwich anyone?  🦃🍞🥪😂

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  10. Good morning all,

    Some blue sky appearing through the grey clouds and it seems to be getting brighter in the East.  Bright spells, scattered showers and a breezy day on offer although not as windy as the past couple of days.  9°C now rising to 11°C.

    Left peg still causing a bit of grief although I did manage to walk just over a mile yesterday accompanying The Boss to and from the dentist.    

    Nottalot done yesterday except watching a couple of TV recordings.  No Shed visit, my excuse being the painful peg....maybe today as he often says with monotonous regularity.

    I do need to look at the accounts today and do a bit of book balancing.  Won't take long as there's not much to balance!

    The Boss has appeared and advised me that although we had a food delivery yesterday we need to go to Asda to get something else which she prefers to obtain from there.  Another hobble then...or I could possibly take the car..we'll see.


    Have a good one,




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