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Everything posted by PGC

  1. Especially when watching a certain film that has some fantastic shots of 1930's Crewe station as one of the centre pieces. This comment and others also remind me that there are so many different pieces of classical music that I adore. For example, Rachmaninov Symphony Number 3, his Midnight Vespers, Faure Requiem (and, to mind, a better piece but this is open to discussion!) the Durufle Requiem. Then there's the organ music of Louis Vierne - if you're wondering what that's all about, try this Daniel Cooke is one of the assistant organists at Westminster Abbey and Salisbury Cathedral organ is one of the best in the country (also another point open to discussion!). Phil
  2. As a singer in a cathedral choir, director of a top quality chamber choir adn listener to Radio 3, this is actually a very difficult question to answer. I could easily mention so many pieces of music by composers that most wouldn't have heard of, for example E J Moearan, Patrick Hadley (he described his piece "My beloved spake" as two orgasms linked by some choral singing) and others, but the pieces I would list (sorry, can't list just one!) are not church music. There is Belshazzars Feast by William Walton, a very exciting piece of music that I sang many times when in London Symphony Chorus, especially in Moscow in 1982. There is also the Dream of Gerontius by Edward Elgar and one piece that isn't choral at all, the second movement of Bruckner's 7th symphony. If you don't know any of these pieces, I would suggest trying to find them on YouTube, Spotify etc. and see what you think. There is so much fantastic music beyond the realms of Classic FM (sorry, that sounds snobbish, but it's true!) and one tip - try listening to Radio 3 Breakfast show. It's a very similar format to the Classic FM show but with a far wider ranging selection of music that is just as listenable. Well, opinionated big head now singing off! Phil
  3. My preferred option would be to replace the two start worm with a single start, giving the same reduction as yours, but Untrascale couldn't help there. What they have done is produce a new cluster gear to replace the original Lima one that matches with a worm they already produce and hey presto. Any easy conversion that works well. I'm happy! Phil
  4. As people will see here, this thread is one of two concerning making my Lima Class 20 run as best it can. Why do I want to do this when I could buy a Bachmann Cl 20? Well, I bought the loco many years ago and spent quite a bit of money on an Ultrascale conversion, a Craftsman detailing kit (which I've yet to add to the loco!) and a SE Finecast flush glaze pack, and I don't want to waste them. In the other thread, it can be seen I've asked about limited haulage capabilities and when I was told about the Lima pick ups causing problems, I replaced the Lima pick ups with .35mm phosphor bronze wire and suddenly the loco started pulling 15 wagons where before it couldn't pull 5! However, my criteria for a good running loco is one that will crawl well rather than shoot off lice an Apollo space rocket the moment a hand goes anywhere near the controller. In trying to sort out the slow speed running, I took the drive bogie apart and discovered a twin start worm which gives a reduction ratio of 7:1. I wondered what to do about this, and spoke with Ultrascale - this is covered in the earlier part of this thread. So, an update. Yesterday I collected a new worm and worm gear cluster from Ultrascale. When I got home, I spent about 20 minutes putting these in to the Lima bogie (it's a very easy job to do) put power to the bogie and watched in awe as the loco just crawls along. The final reduction ratio of this worm set is 30:1 so the loco now has what I believe to be nearer to a realistic high speed, but in addition when power is applied, the loco moves off in a very smooth fashion rather than shooting off like a startled rabbit. I can't as yet put a video of the running qualities on there, as I have a little bit more work to do that isn't related to the Ultrascale conversion. I bought a Branchlines conversion pack so now have a Mashima 1830 motor and flywheel driving the loco. Unfortunately, the flywheel is rubbing on the chassis block when I put the body on, so I need to do a small bit of carving to rectify this and then I will take some video and more pictures and put them on the website. When I was at Ultrascale, they showed me their Cl. 20 running with the standard Lime motor and it runs so much better than the standard loco, so I know mine will as well when I've finished. If anyone is interested in purchasing a set of these gears, Ultrascale can supply them but as they are a non production item the price is yet to be determined as it depends on how many people are interested. If you would like to find out more, please PM me. In addition, the loco will be running on the Blackwells Brewery layout at the St. Neots show on 14/15 March, so if you're there, come and say hello and ask to see the loco running so you can determine for yourself just how good the change is. Phil
  5. You could also use a J20 (Hornby, I haven't bought the kit yet - now's your chance! :-) ) and, of course, there are the F tanks, along with the Buckjumpers. Hornby have loads of choice that I haven't yet bought kits for, but I get this funny feeling they won't consult me when they're deciding what locos to produce next! Phil
  6. It seems I'm bucking the trend for buying kits and then the loco is released R-T-R before the kit is built. As you can see here I've got my Gibson J15 complete well before the Hornby one was released, and as you can see below, I've got my J17 complete except for finishing the weathering, coal and crew. Bring it on Hornby, you can't upset me! :-) Oh, and Hornby, I've also completed my E4 and I'm 1/3rd way through building my J19, so don't think you can upset my by sneekily introducing those loco's, I'm ahead of your game! Phil
  7. Tips for life Nine important facts to remember, as we grow older: Number 9 - Death is the number 1 killer in the world. Number 8 - Life is sexually transmitted. Number 7 - Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die. Number 6 - Men have two emotions: hungry and horny, and they can't tell them apart. If you see a gleam in his eyes, make him a sandwich. Number 5 - Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day. Teach a person to use the Internet and they won't bother you for weeks, months or maybe even years. Number 4 - Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in the hospital, dying of nothing. Number 3 - All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism. Number 2 - In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird, and people take Prozac to make it normal. Number 1 - Life is like a jar of jalapeno peppers. What you do today might burn your ass tomorrow. ...and as someone recently said to me: Don't worry about old age; it doesn't last that long
  8. I'm sorry to say I can't recall - the loco was built about 12 years ago and my memory isn't good enough to recall 12 minutes or 12 days let alone 12 years! Apologies. Phil
  9. I suppose this means I'm now going to be inundated with questions like "is that a Hornby model?" NO!!!!!!, and "How did you convert it to EM?" "I didn't, I built it that way!!!!!!!" Phil
  10. William Shakespear walks into a pub and the landlord shouts at him "get out you're Bard" Doctor Doctor, I've got wind, can you give me anything for it? Certainly sir here's a kite! Doctor Doctor, every time I drink coffee I get a stabbing pain in my eye. Have you tried taking the teaspoon out of the cup? Mummy Mummy, can we have a dog for Christmas? No, we're having turkey. same as everyone else Have you heard about the magic tractor? it turned into a field.
  11. Enough is enough. Believe me, I'm stupid. OK. Look, I'll prove it. Q - Why do elephants have Big Ears? A - Because Noddy wouldn't pay the ransom. So do you believe me now? So it is. Damned cunning, these invisible Chinese!
  12. I can't see a "Hit by mistake" button. Am I doing something wrong? While writing about buttons, will all of you who keep clicking on the funny buttons please stop. MY JOKES ARE NOT FUNNY. OK! I am only putting such awful jokes on this thread to illustrate just how stupid I can be (I know you don't really believe that I can be stupid), and when you hit the funny button, it just makes me think I'm not succeeding at being stupid and I'll have to keep adding more jokes to demonstrate my stupidity until you stop agreeing with me! Phil
  13. What do you get if you cross a mouse with an elephant? Massive holes in your skirting boards!
  14. .....and how do you get to Wales / two whales in a mini either, down the M4 or take the elephants out first.
  15. I suppose that once the foliage is finished, the inevitable male humour will talk about the low down bifurcation point sticking through the undergrowth etc..... Excellent modelling - can't wait to see the layout when it pokes it's head in to the real world. Phil
  16. Q - Why is it dangerous to walk through the dessert between 2 & 4pm on a Thursday afternoon? A - The elephants are practising their parachute jumping. Q - Why has the crocodile got a flat nose? A - He walked through the dessert ............ Oh God, I'm losing the will to live typing this lot out, perhaps I'll stop now!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Q - Why do elephants paint the soles of their feet yellow? A - So they can hide upside down in a bowl of custard. Q - Have you ever seen an elephant with the soles of it's feet painted yellow hiding upside down in a bowl of custard? No? Proves it works, then!
  18. OK, then, if you can't beat them, join them! Q - Why do monkey's paint their test1cles red? A - So they can hide in cherry trees. Q - What's the loudest noise in the jungle? A - Giraffes eating cherries. So what's the difference between an elephant and a post box? What do you mean you don't know. Just as well I'm not asking you post a letter then.
  19. For God's sake, Andy, why haven't you got us a groan button, yet? Phil
  20. If you're easily offended, what are you doing reading this post (or even the thread!?) Mr and Mrs Santa Claus in bed. Mrs Claus say's "It's true, every year Christmas comes earlier!)
  21. Does the other woman read RMWeb? If so, I'd start padding out your trousers and get prepared for a real pasting if she does! Phil
  22. Hi Mike I hope you don't mind me commenting that to my eyes, one of the things that let's your model down is the difference in looks between the model and the prototype slide bars and crosshead. I realise that part of the allure of this job is to get a loco that looks right from the Emily starting point, but with all the work you've gone to to get the body right, will you be addressing this area of the chassis or just leaving it as it is? Phil
  23. Can't be ar5ed to check whether this has been posted before. If it has, just read it a second time!!!!!!!! Ethel is a bit of a demon in her wheelchair and loves to charge around the nursing home, taking corners on one wheel and getting up to maximum speed on the long corridors. Because the poor woman is a sandwich short of a picnic, the other residents tolerate her, and some actually join in. One day, Ethel was speeding up one corridor when a door opened and a man stepped out with his arm out stretched. "STOP!" he said in a firm voice. "Have you got a license for that thing?" Ethel fished around in her handbag on her lap and pulled out a Kit-Kat wrapper which she held up to him. "Ok" he said and she went on her way. Taking the corner near the TV lounge on one wheel, another man stepped out in front of her and shouted "Stop! Have you got a valid tax disc from your vehicle madam?" Ethel dug into her handbag again and pulled out a beer-mat which she held up to him and he allowed her to carry on. Going down the final corridor before the front door, a third man stepped out in front of her. This one was stark naked and was holding a sizeable erection in his hand...... "Oh no", said Ethel, "Not the breathalyser again!"
  24. This was something that I spoke with Ultrascale about, as it seems an easy solution to me. Their response was that with a single start worm, the helix angle is different to that of a double start worm so a new worm wheel needs to be cut that matches the helix of the single start worm, which is just as much work as the route they're investigating. When I was originally discussing with Ultrascale the options for changing the gearing, we settled on two options. The first option, and the one I was offering to RM Webbers, is an easy to undertake complete conversion, as in my original post, but for this Ultrascale need to know they will sell 30 sets, and so far I have had interest in three sets, so a fair way short of the minimum requirement. The alternative option is production of a single worm and gear that will give about 30:1 ratio, but once produced, the old worm wheel needs to be modified, which I will be having to do myself. Ultrascale are currently working on this and tell me they may have some development news next week - I will let you know what the outcome is once I know. Phil
  25. On his first day at the Nudist Colony Sid takes off his clothes, and starts to wander around. A gorgeous petite blonde walks by, and Sid immediately gets an erection. The woman notices his erection, comes over to him and says, 'Did you call for me?'Sid replies, 'No, what do you mean?' She says, 'You must be new here. Let me explain. It's a rule here that if you get an erection, it implies you called for me.' Smiling, she leads him to the side of the swimming pool, lies down on a towel, eagerly pulls him to her and happily lets him have his way with her. Sid continues to explore the nudist colony's facilities. He enters the sauna and, as he sits down, he farts.... Within minutes, a huge, hairy man lumbers out of the steam-room toward him, 'Did you call for me?' says the hairy man. 'No, what do you mean?' says Sid. 'You must be new,' says the hairy man, 'it's a rule that if you fart, it implies that you called for me.' The huge man easily spins him around, bends him over a bench and has his way with him. Then Sid staggers back to the colony office, where he is greeted by the smiling, naked receptionist, 'May I help you?' she says. Sid yells, 'Here's my membership card. You can have the key back and you can keep the £400 membership fee.' 'But, Sir,' she replies, 'you've only been here for a few hours. You haven't had the chance to see all our facilities.' Sid replies, 'Listen lady, I'm 75 years old. I only get an erection once a month, but I fart 35 times a day!!'
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