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Everything posted by Garethp8873

  1. Absolutely fantastic decision of Hornby to bring out LMS Coronation Scot Coaches! These will most certainly compliment Hornby's already stunning Streamlined Coronations! Cannot wait Hornby!
  2. Very interested in the BR version of the GWR Toad with the outside metal framing now added. Nice touch Hornby
  3. Hooray to Hush-Hush! No longer need to get the kit built that I have!! Fantastic to see proper LMS Coronation Scot Coaches too now as well!!
  4. Keeping with the Wartime era liveries my latest... a GWR 28XX, 2866. Besides Maindy and 2259, once again my friend has done a very good job on 2866. Either looking at a GWR Star or Grange next but these will have to wait...
  5. Has anyone yet took one of these Brakevans apart? I'd like to know how straightforward they are to take apart for repainting.
  6. Really pleased to see these cranes received a 96% in their ModelRail review today!! Very well deserved for what certainly is a masterpiece and almost a miniature work of art
  7. That SR Wartime Black Merchant Navy.... DAMNNNN that looks good! Cannot wait to get one of them. Another model I see selling out very quickly upon arrival too...
  8. GWR Ransomes and Rapier 45t Crane... you're coming home with Mamma!!
  9. As said previously, better late than never and I am more than happy to wait...
  10. Whilst I am looking forward to getting one tomorrow, I think I'm feeling abit nervous about handling one of these at the moment as well now...
  11. My supplier down South has got his too within a pile of boxes somewhere... hopefully picking one up Thursday
  12. The last engine I recall using GWR 92 was ex-Port Talbot 813 when she was there during April 2017 but I've seen photos of Captain Baxter using 92 when she was there last year. Besides 813 and Baxter, I have seen photos of GWR 1450 and Met 1 using the autocoach too. GWR 93's overhaul will be something I watch with great interest too...
  13. I cannot wait to see the LNER example now...
  14. Does anyone recall the running number of the upcoming GWR example?
  15. Sadly not but when it comes, it comes. That is how I am looking at it.
  16. When it comes, it comes. In the meantime, visiting Didcot now and again seeing 93 before she bows out for eventual overhaul in 2021 is good enough for me
  17. Email has just come through from Rails of Sheffield... 1361s and 1366 on offer for £99.50
  18. The sample on display at Warley looked good...
  19. An unexpected sight tbh... made my day. Just now need a Wartime Black one
  20. Just had an update on the Gunpowder Vans... "We have no news on the vans as we've paused our UK expansion plans, unfortunately. We imagine another manufacturer will pick them up soon."
  21. Would you be able to take some more photos of Rhmney Railway 293 at all please? Would be interested in getting one of my O18's converted to a Rhmney example
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