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Everything posted by Swissrail

  1. I've asked the seller if this is some kind of joke. "Cos I ain't f***in' laughin', Nich-o-lar$e!"
  2. The mad Japanese chiseller is at it again... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/354692613870?hash=item529553c6ee:g:6a8AAOSwq~tkJBcK&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAwEWq6Yn8d78UE7d14Idfcytv8kTKJyBYw5RctEJ8hlfmmmgXhAw6DVm5Q18gwUqAa29FUAoh1XxmJkGmu1TdrI4cXdWFVyiHB1o%2Bx03YinPZ5MM74lz2y9043QuqesbZ%2FDi%2FiZvswuFL35dKdsTmpExnMIRowGekv1LcFhtaRl5MA7d7wBiWCLqPAXeiIvWkT%2Fc%2BJTX%2FWMvVOI9bPqrLJEh%2BzO6B8mfyMT1gDcmnrXvAVXdAEureTC2S0B3%2BSO7MPg%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR5D5j-DoYQ Available brand new for €239 and a lot less postage too.
  3. Like a melting waxwork.
  4. Indeed. Once they decide to visit the plastic surgeon, the "hot" vanishes pretty quickly.
  5. The listing is titled Hornby Dublo but below the description includes: Material: Tin Scale: O Gauge Please note these are old approx 50 years + So it's not Dublo and if it's tinplate try 70 years +
  6. I've contacted that seller and said, "A picture of what's actually in that box might be useful".
  7. Look at the postage. Even for the USA, that's insane! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/204290325613?hash=item2f90a6fc6d:g:f1MAAOSwUu9kJije&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAwNnMp7BDIUHU4WXCyiHcCt3XEMgZXguoVL7pepImLTy9tw%2BGBw33MFtXZbnszmyim0HeRfBueYrvMRJXudlDFNUNQizIw7VIUZyCk3nspmsIsaTXOZ%2FOuDTXaiiZXPL%2Fuij4wd3yTIJmuQyT9LFf7ej%2Ft3nquIjcLlKFtYxu0RVhe5PVVtXn3%2FoeNjbGyz9NZHY8ounV1m6zKSiqWRW6Aoqel2j7tTUGAUjPruzyqUy0wqKD0Ad%2FImbW8VO9VrCJfw%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR4iR3brnYQ
  8. 25 bids for that pile of useless junk? Fools and their money spring to mind. That lot looks as if it's been lying on the floor of someone's garage for the last twenty years.
  9. Why don't people wait until towards the end before bidding? All you're doing by bidding early is putting the price up!
  10. £49.50 for two old technology motors covered in rust? I want some of what that guy's on!
  11. The only thing that wreck is ideal for is the bin and this mendacious chiseller wants twelve notes for it? Good luck is all I can say.
  12. A man has to do what he has to do...and I did it over there.
  13. The very fact that he's called it a "train station" platform shows he knows nothing about this subject.
  14. Has Ebay pulled it for him this time I wonder?
  15. Fortunately I have relatives in Italy and I often have things sent there and I pick them up when I visit. It reduces costs, particularly postage, significantly.
  16. But they're early Rivarossi so built to the overscale 1:85 and not flush glazed. Not good.
  17. Yes. £176 for four four-wheeled wagons is a just a bit on the steep side or am I being overly critical?!
  18. It's actually an acronym...Anonima Costruzioni Modellistiche Esatte which literally translates as Anonymous Exact Modelling Constructions. A very strange name indeed.
  19. This guy's having a laugh... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/385507254416?epid=16058287955&hash=item59c205e090:g:PIYAAOSwlvFkBBtp&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAwC9eLlEDORNonAxsSBLDBDZCeMaf5RkVh6F1oIuON4n%2F3dmo%2F%2FTFUBtIX4BphGab42XiRhP%2F6fWgiLUB5NzwDDnEIU2NWsaWvJwG14nRcg6gO4o8yU2ZFZD%2B3G4ZQLG%2Bxbb7cxctix6YQccDCF32XiOQmAygpnsOwvyfunJRddfL1JuWBye675nqjS%2BEJTvOCiIs3ciHh08XHAD47%2F%2BafEaRssz%2B1M87hpn8fWHZTo09SCF6XGRyGC9dmo0HNlngmQ%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR66D0fLkYQ
  20. I've just looked at the individual pictures. One or two of them aren't 100% straight and they are early Rivarossi so built to 1:85 rather than 1.87 making them oversized, not flush glazed, ropey bogies, poorly rendered FS insignia and one or two of them in not very good condition. They're not worth £125. Models from that time in Rivarossi's history are worth maybe half that. Maybe.
  21. Could be I suppose but you'd think if that were the case they'd take a better shot if it's all any prospective buyer has to go on with regard to the condition of what's on sale. I could use them but not on the basis of that picture.
  22. Rails of Sheffield at it again... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/204268011852?hash=item2f8f52814c:g:EhUAAOSwm4JkCLRz "Very good, boxed condition" they say. They have, rather more importantly, omitted to say that they've all been in the sun for a while and have taken on the attributes of the common or garden banana.
  23. Wow! That's a fairly major three dimensional jigsaw puzzle. Just matching up those parts with the correct models to make complete kits would be a full time job in itself. The problem might be that there isn't a full kit in there, just a pile of disparate parts. A serious punt at £260.
  24. They are if you go to his Facebook Marketplace page...and therein lies chummy's problem which we've all made sure he now has. 😈
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