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Everything posted by ullypug

  1. I had to cycle over Devils Bridge every day when I had my paper round! Invokes great memories, thank you for posting. Sad that there is virtually no freight traffic on the line these days.
  2. It does at the moment. I had contemplated fixing the lower part of the boiler to the chassis but I like the idea of just screwing the tank down. Hmm... How'd you do the Bagnall?
  3. It's not apparent from the photo but no. I'm going to cut away most of the rear support for the lower boiler (I may need to reinforce the support inside with something to stop it pulling out of shape) and that will allow the motor to sit horizontally, coming up through the firebox via a D2 drivestretcher.
  4. Evening all With the T9 virtually complete, at least for now until I can buy some number plates, I've turned my attention to the next project. This is a Peckett 0-4-0ST E class, a couple of which were acquired by the GWR via the Swansea Harbour Trust. MIne's going to be an industrial version for use as the works shunter on Wheal Elizabeth (at least for now anyhow). Haven't decided on a name yet. Might be Munchkin, might be Minion. The kit itself is from CSP Marketing and is going together quite nicely. My 1368 chassis is from the same stable and they're well thought out, with clear instructions and exploded diagrams which makes things simple. Chassis will be compensated and I'm using High Level hornguides and horn blocks. A High Level gearbox and 1015 Mashy motor will complete. Gear box is built but the motor will be purchased at Expo EM in a couple of weeks' time. As you can see I'm putting the body together in sections. These have yet to be joined together but the trial fit looks ok. Some tweaks will no doubt be required later. Pics attached. Updates to follow as and when.
  5. Really fascinating to see freight operation in this part of the world. I was only in my early teens when these pictures were taken and I can just about remember some of the freight working at Taunton. Thank you for posting!
  6. Wow. Just worked out this is post no 100. It's been a while since the last one but that's just because it's taken so long to finish off the painting and lining. I've used Fox transfers again which I have to say are absolutely excellent just time consuming. Looking at the photos I've realised that the bottom of the splashers have a single red line to be added. I really struggled to get the numbers straight for some reason. They're still not right and I'm probably going to have to take them off again. Grrrr... The tender looks a little low at the front which is easily solved. I've cut down the crank pins and thankfully the wheels still go round. There's not much clearance in there. Still. I'm quite pleased with the way it's turned out, especially the pipe work.Weathering has obviously yet to be applied but you get the idea. Edit - you mean like this Adam?!
  7. And very nice it looked too! The world needs more china clay layouts... Nice model of the dries too. Will you have working chutes?!!
  8. Wheal Elizabeth is up at ally Pally this weekend. Unusually we ran air brake stuff first thing, then gradually worked towards steam by the end of the day. Might do the opposite tomorrow. Do pop by and say hello if you're passing. Finally got round to fitting a route disk to the 02 too.
  9. Nice. I especially like the shot of the coal train at snostle. Mmmmm. Thinks...
  10. Dave I used the ones with the inverted U housing and no, I didn't remove the side bolts. I seem to recall needing the plates either side of the bearing to superglue to the Bill Bedford W irons. I'll try to dig one out and take a photo. I use the 'heavier' heavy duty 51L ones for the more modern air braked stuff.
  11. Dave I used the MJT axle boxes and springs on my 1/051 wagons and hoods and substituted some of the 51L rollers bearings for the odd wagon on Wheal Elizabeth. I also used Bill Bedfords sprung W irons on everything. I didn't find any other combinations. I don't know if ABS does anything.
  12. Afternoon all It's been a while since my last instalment, partly due to exhibiting requirements and prep taking up the limited amount of modelling time I have. Clevedon will be out and about at the EM skills day next Saturday albeit in a slightly stripped down form to show the 'naked' foam baseboards. In the meantime, I have been making slow progress with the T9 watercart tender. I'm discovering that you can't really rush a Finney kit. There are quite a large number of parts that have to be fixed to other parts and so on. I have to say though that when you eventually get to fit bits together, they do fit with the minimum of fettling. So anyway, here's a few progress photos of the thing so far. The coping plate was a bit of a fiddle but I'm pleased with how it's gone so far. As it's won't be long now before I'll have to think amount painting, I have finally got round to buying an ultrasound cleaner which will help get rid of the very obvious gunk and grot.
  13. Hi Dave Very nice. I think I'm being a bit thick. How does the front bogie work? Does the front end of the compensation beam move up and down. I can't quite work it out! Have you got any other piccies of it? edited removed reference to Gibson kit - I said I was being thick...
  14. Sounds very promising! Gunheath and Drinnick Mill are really interesting locations. Nanpean with the wharf and non clay traffic. There were some interesting dries on the Meledor Mill branch too. Ok it closed in 1982 but Melangoose always intrigued me. I couldn't decide on a single location so nicked bits from different ones! Whatever you choose, having different loading points for different materials (bagged, loose, slurry etc) keeps in fun to operate and gives the excuse to buy more stuff... Good luck and remember, the world needs more china clay layouts!
  15. And very nice it looked too. PIty you had to take them away really
  16. is playing with Templot...

  17. Thanks for the comments folks! Yes Mark it does and it's waaaaay cheaper too!!
  18. It's been quite a successful week all in all. The Weston show went well and I've made steady progress with the T9. The body has been united with the chassis for the first time. A tiny amount of fettling was required but all fitted where it was supposed to. The frames sit inside the cab and have to fit on the inside of the splashers which are obviously between the frames and the wheels. I must admit to slight trepidation when I looked at some of the clearances involved but it all fits and credit to the designer of the kit. I'm using a Mashima motor and high level gear box with a D2 drive stretcher and one benefit is that the cab floor sits perfectly flat. The kit was originally designed for a Portescap and reconfigured gear box but this results in a step in the cab floor. I've started to detail the back head but there are a lot of bits. And I mean a lot... I'll keep chipping away and who knows, it may be in a state for some trial running at Southampton show next weekend but don't hold your breath! Speaking of which, do come along and say hello. The show looks like it's going to be a very good one.
  19. ullypug


    Generally... :-)
  20. ullypug


    Pleased to report that layout and operators generally behaved themselves. A couple of minor gremlins but nothing I'm worried about. Thanks to all who came and said hi. We had some very nice comments. Next outing will be Expo EM in May.
  21. Have just finished one for Clevedon. 4m long from 1700g lining paper.
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