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Everything posted by ullypug

  1. Very nice indeed. Look forward to seeing the finished article!
  2. Well the kit was a Christmas pressie from the wife. Does that count? :-)
  3. Evening all am on my hols at the moment and finding time to make a bit of progress with the T9. The chassis is finished, having had all manner of detailing bits, overlays and bits of pipe attached. This took some time to sort out because I wanted to have the wheels removable. I made up a couple of bits to support the rear and front springs which are curiously a mixture of coil and leaf springs. The brake control rods have been fixed with 16BA screws so the whole thing can be disassembled for painting and subsequent maintenance. I've now turned my attention to the footplate. The kit has an ingenious fold up jig whereby you make the whole thing into a tube effectively before attaching various parts. Have just attached the coupling rod splashers which were interesting. The first one went on fine at which point I took a photo, feeling very pleased with myself. Sods law. The second took two attempts to get right but is now fixed (though no photo). Cab sides and wheel splashers will be next, but that's for another day.
  4. Impressive trackwork Robin. Do you build in situ or on Templot print outs and then transfer over to the boards?
  5. Hi Corbs Weston's still around (it's the layout you can see behind Clevedon), so there is scope to run the two together. Not planning on that yet!
  6. Narrow with the fiendishly complicated splashers.
  7. Evening all It's been a while since I put anything in here, other than the odd photo but... In a quest to build the oldest items in my kit cupboard before I buy anything else, I've been looking at the Finney T9 kit I've had for ages. And looking. And looking. With the realisation that there aren't going to be too many more shows for Wheal Elizabeth I finally stopped looking and decided the time had come to make a start. At least this time the RTR model has appeared before I got round to building the kit, unlike the usual way of things. I've not build any Finney kits before but so far I have to say I'm impressed. The chassis has gone together very nicely so far. I have replaced the Flexichas bearings supplied with High Level Hornblocks, just because I think they're better. Gear box is also High Level with a D2 stretcher and the motor will be a Mashima something or other, replacing the as designed Portescap 1616. The model will eventually be 30709 I think. Bogie Main frames Trial Assembly Gearbox
  8. Thanks for the replies folks. Yes Tim, the GW station is in the background as is Fitter Hill's cottage at the left hand end. If anyone's got any photos of the back of the goods and train sheds I'd be really grateful!!! I've never seen any...
  9. ...and there was light. And it was not lo, but I saw that it was electric. I've been making the proscenium arch and lighting rig for Clevedon. I've gone with the aquarium lighting again, this time 2 x 4ft sun-glo tubes with a slightly warmer tone than I used for Wheal Elizabeth. The arch is in 3 sections and supports off the floor via a couple of hanging rails which slot into the sides as I didn't want the foam boards to take any weight. They're clamped to the layout for stability. The 2 tubes span the adjacent pieces of the arch. I've also been planting weeds in the yard and giving everything a waft from the airbrush. The layout really needs a backscene... Don't know whether to keep it plain grey, skyscape or do one of those clever photo-stiched thingies...
  10. Very nice indeed Eric. It looks beautiful. I dunno about the next project though. Maybe a Pendilino? Or something else more modern image from the 20th Century!
  11. Very nice Eric. If you squint, it almost looks like the WC&P's first Clevedon or Weston Furness Sharp Stewarts... Nice paint job. I look forward to seeing it in the flesh so to speak.
  12. ullypug

    Green fingers

    Thanks for all the comments folks. You're quite right Mikkel, the grass will be getting a trim in places and I haven't yet started to add the weed growth on the track itself and around the yard.
  13. ullypug

    Green fingers

    Afternoon all Sorry for the lack of postings recently, but progress is being made. Don't know if it's the influence of Springwatch or the Chelsea flower show, but things are definitely blooming in Clevedon. Fencing has been completed and the last of the various sheds have been built (finally). Signalling is all built. With all the boards up, I've been planting static grass and am starting on the various trees and bushes. Fibres are a blend of Heki with some Green Scenes straw thrown in. The main task now is building the lighting rig which is under way. I've got the fish tank tubes and want to have the rig finished before I start blending everything in. The only signal I'll need to build. It's a MR lower quadrant with an attached ground signal. It's not exactly as per the prototype but it's pretty damn close. All parts are MSE. There are 2 other ground signals to be planted. The railcar approaches the occupation crossing (which is made from a MSE nickel silver etch). The last of the sheds Railcar departs for Weston There's still a way to go, but I'm quite pleased how this is turning out.
  14. is covered in static grass fibres...

    1. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      Were you holding the end of the wire by any chance?

    2. Mikkel


      These are the moments we live for.

    3. Coldgunner


      What's that chewie?

  15. is covered in static grass fibres...

  16. Evening Dave They're the operating rods for the mechanical turnout operating units. Best Colonel Stephens Austerity style although not with knobs on as I haven't stuck them on yet! edit - and superglue to stick the ez line.
  17. I got mine from Exactoscale last year. Comes in different colours.
  18. Evening all. After a very enjoyable outing to Scalefour North last weekend, this week I have been mostly back on the WC&P. The middle board platform's had a coat of paint and the lineside fences added from Evergreen strip and EZ line elastic. All three boards have been temporarily reunited so I can work out the line side fencing for the last board. As can be seen it's going to be mainly scenic, with an occupation crossing at the Weston end of the loop. The final scenic blitz is going to happen once I've done the remaining board fencing. Couldn't resist taking a photo from the back of the layout. I'll probably build the lighting rig before I do the last weathering, over spraying etc so I can gauge how the layout's going to look. I'll be using the fish tank fluorescent tubes again but hopefully a warmer shade than the blue tint for Wheal Elizabeth.
  19. ullypug

    Clevedon Platform

    Hi Mikkel It's 1mm sleeper strip and you can get it from the Scalefour Society or EM Gauge Society Stores. Comes in 300mm lengths, 4mm wide. I daresay C&L will sell it as well.
  20. Evening all Have had the luxury of a week off work and so have turned my attention to the second board. The platform has been built from ply sleeper strip and the water towers added at each end. These were made out of brass sheet and riveted with my GW models riveting tool.The supports are Evergreen strip. Also added are two of the sheds. The left hand one is going to house the ganger's trolley. Still a few bits of paintwork to touch up but I'm pleased with how it looks. The trackwork has had the usual Das clay and baby/mig powder pounced on. Cosmetic kick over point levers have been added from MSE. One of the 4 wheel Met coaches (WC&PR No 7, now restored Met No 353) has been plonked on the layout for running clearance trials, along with the small railcar and a bogie coach. The Meaker coal wagon is an old Cambrian product I got for a couple of quid off a bring and buy. Bargain! The whole trackwork area is going to have a mist coat added from the airbrush to blend in the colours.There are some odd spots where I was playing with the mig powders in case you're wondering. The back of the platform will be longish grass and there's a fence to add behind the sheds. Beyond that will eventually be a range of small trees and general scrub.
  21. Fantastic blog as always Mikkel!
  22. ullypug

    Board 2

    I've pretty much done all I can do to the first board (in the modelling room anyway). The remaining scenics are going to be best left until the whole thing is put up in the garage for final spraying, weathering, coaling and flocking. So I've put up the next board which essentially is the platform and yard throat. There'll be a couple of small sheds at the back, lineside fence and a few small trees. Couldn't resist putting most of the stock out on the layout and you can get a flavour for what the layout will look like most of the time anyway. I've finished the signal cabin with oil lamp. There's also one on the station building if you look. I'm quite pleased with the sneaky view you get through the buildings of the original exchange siding with the GWR. You can just see the second tractor lurking behind the smaller rail car The large railcar is where the single platform will be located. This will occupy pretty much all of the front of the board with a small waiting shelter and a couple of water towers.
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