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Status Replies posted by Mod6

  1. pourquoi toute cette mod

    1. Mod6


      Because to spill the argument further beyond the existing topics is just provocative, especially after Andy's comment yesterday. Again, unnecessary posts have had to be deleted.

  2. loads of threads in kitbuilding area recently that are questions, put them in the questions/help section

    1. Mod6


      Anything that really needs moving, just hit the report button.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  3. In my presonnal opinion..Rails prices on ebay, they have got more neck than a giraffe !!

  4. Starting to look like a hand-grenade has had the pin pulled and tossed into a series of threads, wonder how long before the mods have to step in????

    1. Mod6


      We can't read everything, use the report button if necessary.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. So members, has my new years resolution of being a good boy working? I've only had 1 status deleted and non locked and not been complained at!

    1. Mod6


      So just carry on like that and you won't need to post SUs to tell us all about it.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  6. Anyone know what colour the wood work was of the buildings along the Queensbury lines during the 40s??

  7. Anyone got pics of Draperstown railway station?

    1. Mod6


      Forum question - others might be interested.

  8. anyone got a lima dummy class 43 they could sell me?

    1. Mod6


      We have a classifieds section for this.

  9. Best thread in ages; 'Rmweb biased in favour of Hornby' My favourite quote has to be this! 'Well, after a quick lick of my testicles, i'm off out for a walk. Woof!' Either the OP wasn't fully aware of the forum, it was Andy having us all on or Boris got a bit bored (the last two I doubt, especially the Boris one; not enough toilet humour!

    1. Mod6


      The topic is locked but readable, I don't think we need it repeating here

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  10. Does peeing on your hands count as washing them?

  11. Slaters plasikard rivets? Any good?

    1. Mod6


      Modelling questions, hints and tips - any good?

  12. HELP, plastruct planking, which size would be suitable for OO Gauge wagons?

    1. Mod6


      Not an SU, ask on the forum, others might be interested.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  13. looking to start an N gauge group in the peterborough area anyone interested?

    1. Mod6


      You might want to start a topic in the clubs section given the ephemeral nature of SUs

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

    1. Mod6


      Are you going to add this to the topic running on this subject, SUs are sooo transient and not really the place.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. I've just managed to wire up a Berko 2-aspect colour light signal on my n gauge layout and although I found it confusing at first I soon mastered it and I thought I'd share the method with you all. The wire with a resistor attached goes to the negative terminal of a 12 volt power supply. Next the red and green wires are attached to either ends of an on-on switch (there are three terminals). The middle terminal of the switch goes on to the positive terminal of the 12 volt power supply.

    1. Mod6


      Perhaps better as a topic not an SU.

  15. help topic deleted! thats helpful!

    1. Mod6


      It was a duplicate - if you check you will find one of them still there.

  16. HS2 route map out today good news. Bad news is the misinformed anti railway bunch that will fill the news for the next few days. Like the 1830s all over again.

    1. Mod6


      All being discussed onhttp://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/27462-hs2-was-route-maps/

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  17. rather liked the BBC4 programme.

    1. Mod6


      And being discussed here:http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/66988-bbc-timeshift-the-model-railway-story/

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  18. Has anyone ever tried making rolling stock, where the weight is scaled just like the size?

  19. is looking for a source of sprung buffers for the front end of an A3 and V2 in OO without much success! Can anyone point me in the right direction please?!

    1. Mod6


      As Ozzyo suggests, try the forum instead of SUs

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  20. Is it just me or has anyone else have a huge collection of drawings for rolling stock they'd love to build lying around? Currently i have, 3 different sets of designs for GWR toplights, including the slip coaches, a GW Coral A, GW american type bogies, GW 4 wheel coaches, slip gear, Met Railway coachs, District railway coaches, GW siphon G, GW milk brake, GW Beetle cattle wagon and countless locomotive GAs,including 28xx and 72xx. Just me then?

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