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mozzer models

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Everything posted by mozzer models

  1. But each of the 8369 Filling stations will have more than 1 pump so its not 9199 to 8369 so if you say a minimum of 4 pumps per station ( and that very low) so you can charge 9199 cars at once but way over 33584 cars can be refueled at once & i would say is is more like 67168 at once & it only take a few minutes so the amount per hour is way more
  2. Had a email to say my ordered Sherwood is on its way to me With My 247 Developments Hat on once i have it to hand i will adding the nameplates to the range
  3. Web site is working for me again
  4. Hi Tim it took NR 2 week to fenice the footbridge off & is still in place the counselor is still looking in to whats going to happen
  5. the same for me from Neath if i were not at Taunton with the trade stand
  6. & 247 Developments sell the white metal ones & there can build & paint them to order
  7. well the ballast is down cup of coffee then on with gluing it down
  8. mozzer models


    comes with R3557 - LMS Royal Scot, Royal Army Serv. Corps.' R4689 - BR (exLMS) Non.Corr. Comp R4690 - BR (exLMS) Non-Corr. 3rd Class R4691 - BR (exLMS) Non-Corr. 3rd Brake R4691A - BR (exLMS) Non-Corr. 3rd Brake
  9. Plus 2 points on his super licence
  10. could be down to the weather with to high humidity when i was building full time i had to pick the right day at this time of year
  11. I was asking As my councillor posted about the closer of the bridge on facebook & am trying to get info that may help him
  12. Its not out of use its just not used to access a railway station it is used to get to a park
  13. Photos taken Today IMG_20190710_095002 by brian mosby, on Flickr IMG_20190710_095000 by brian mosby, on Flickr IMG_20190710_094848 by brian mosby, on Flickr IMG_20190710_094842 by brian mosby, on Flickr IMG_20190710_094839 by brian mosby, on Flickr
  14. Thats the one there is something odd going on as with this statement ( Network Rail findings are that it’s not a safe structure as to be used by members of the public so as it’s their responsibility and in their ownership they have decided to remove this bridge in the coming weeks.) as i have Just been to the Postoffice & the bridge is Open so if its unsafe should it not have been blocked OFF
  15. Hi Tim I am Asking because My Councilor yesterday posted on Facebook I would like to alert everyone living in Seven Sisters to the fact that due to a recent health and safety inspection check carried out by Network Rail on their bridge , know as the Iron Bridge, opposite the Seven Sisters Post Office, photo attached. Network Rail findings are that it’s not a safe structure as to be used by members of the public so as it’s their responsibility and in their ownership they have decided to remove this bridge in the coming weeks. I will be launching an application as your County Borough Councillor of Seven Sisters with Neath and Port Talbot Council’s Rights of Ways Officers to process a claim as this bridge in question has been established as a right of way for a very long time and used as such by hundreds of people going about their business. We will launch this application to Network Rail asking for this bridge to be taken away repaired and reinstated or for them to deliver and install a new bridge at this location going forward. I need members of the public’s help on this as I have 20 forms that need filling in from those that have regularly used this bridge over many years for various reasons. I have attached the form also, but can you inbox me or let me know on here for me to drop you a hard copy to be filled in as soon as possible so I can start the ball rolling as so to speak, thank you in advance for your support in this matter.
  16. Also the station closed in 1962 so the bridge has been used just to cross the line for longer than it was used for the station
  17. Some local info The bridge was built in 1911 to span the Neath & Brecon line. Colliers from Evans & Bevan’s pit could cross the line for a drink in Evans & Bevan’s pub, their hard-earned wages flowing straight back to their employers (the Pub was on the open land next to the the Postoffice) info from here http://www.dulaisvalley.org/village_seven_sisters.php
  18. If Network Rail remove a foot bridge do there have to replace it I am asking as today i found out that the one here in Seven Sisters after a recent health and safety inspection check carried out by Network Rail on their bridge , know as the Iron Bridge, opposite the Seven Sisters Post Office Network Rail findings are that it’s not a safe structure as to be used by members of the public so as it’s their responsibility and in their ownership they have decided to remove this bridge in the coming weeks Its at the old closed Station But has been left so you can cross the line to the park Now do they have to replace it ??? the line get from none to 6 trains a day non at weekends
  19. On BBC wales next to this story is this report https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-48856180
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