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mozzer models

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Everything posted by mozzer models

  1. pre grouping TPOs had the offset corrider the BR Mk1 TPOs had the center Corrider but if the Mk1 was built to work with pre grouping TPOs then they were built with the offset
  2. this week i have been working on a Bill Bedford Met Jubilee brake 3rd the body & chassie are built up but i still need to fit some vac pipes saying this is a Bill Bedford kit its gone togetter very nicley 005 by Mozzer models, on Flickr Tomorrow i will fit the vac pipe then once it has been washed & dryed i will make a start painting it
  3. i use Flicr but as my email is with BT i get the upgrade to Pro for free
  4. need to get on with some work but has a Banging Head

    1. coachmann


      Go get some bracing fresh air on't top of moors....

    2. mozzer models

      mozzer models

      brite light makes it worse so no driving for my sat in a dark room

    3. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Migraine? I hate that one... :-(

  5. well the bridge is now in primmer 001 by Mozzer models, on Flickr 002 by Mozzer models, on Flickr 003 by Mozzer models, on Flickr now what Next ??
  6. Wunders whats with the Yellow postit note at the bottem of the page

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Boris
    3. Jon020


      I'm guessing we'll need to wait until Oct 1st to find out. Oooh the anticipation

    4. lordhinton
  7. Itis now finished apart from painting but i will only be giving it a coat of primmer here some photos of it before it gets primmed tomorrow 002 by Mozzer models, on Flickr 003 by Mozzer models, on Flickr 004 by Mozzer models, on Flickr 005 by Mozzer models, on Flickr 006 by Mozzer models, on Flickr 007 by Mozzer models, on Flickr
  8. well got on well today built up the 2 link spans & attached to the landings this is now 15 1/2 inch or 395mm After tea i am making a jig to hold the legs in place for soldering to the brass work this will also br used to help hold it safe for shipping I also hope to get the steps ftiied as well legs 001 by Mozzer models, on Flickr
  9. Well not done any work untill today as i was getting over a weekend Playing trains at EM North but i have today built up the 3rd landing & made a start on the bridges i got built one side put then i had to nip ou & that took langer that i wanted 001 by Mozzer models, on Flickr
  10. off to EM North to Play on Back In An Hours Layout

  11. As well as building the 2nd landing of the GNR footbridge Today i have finshed a 247 Developments kit of a GWR Dia L23 4mm OO BR-ex-GWR Dia L23 TPO fitted with nets & put down apparatus on both sides built 1933 to lot 1503 finished in BR Crimson livery & No W814W built from the 247 Developments kit 001 by Mozzer models, on Flickr 002 by Mozzer models, on Flickr
  12. My Money is on Coachman
  13. well got the detail brass parts fitted was well as fitting the handrailtops & the lip along the bottom of the steps i all so got the 2nd set of steps to the same state 001 by Mozzer models, on Flickr & here is a pic of the Landing with the brass brackits fitted 002 by Mozzer models, on Flickr depending how far i get with this foot bridge & you would like to have a look at it i will have it with me at this weekends EM North show
  14. so far today i have built up 4 fance brackets that go on the landing each made up of 4 bits of brass & atached then to the landing it was fiddely but will mak the finished bridge look nice of to fit the handrail to the step i built yetoday plus the lip under the steps then lunch
  15. well today i got the class 122 DMU finished today i am glad to see the back of this model 001 by Mozzer models, on Flickr 002 by Mozzer models, on Flickr yestoday i made a start on a D&S kits GNR foot bridge but changed to have 3 sets of steps yestoday i was cutting out the steps & folding them & today made a start solding the parts togetter i have got one set of steps built apart from the castings 003 by Mozzer models, on Flickr 004 by Mozzer models, on Flickr
  16. heres the photos at the end of the day 005 by Mozzer models, on Flickr 006 by Mozzer models, on Flickr
  17. well the body is built apart from end details the roof is To Short & To wide so i have made astart on the lima roof & once it is glued in i will need to give it a quick clean up photo update later
  18. Queen One Vision When fredy say Fryed Chicken
  19. Today i have made a start on class 121/122 dmu the kits is by Four Track Models until i was asked to build this i had never heard of them the kit is just the body with brass roof & white metal ends the body sits on a Lima chassie looking at the way the roof needs to be fited i may end up using the roof from the doner 2 car lima DMU cut to size heres some pics of work so far 1st pic One side folded & tacked 001 by Mozzer models, on Flickr 2nd pic both solded & one fitted with its hand rails 002 by Mozzer models, on Flickr
  20. well i have now taken the better photos But the camera fell to the floor from the tripod & into 5 parts thankfully i get it back to getther but there is a crack in the screen 101 by Mozzer models, on Flickr 102 by Mozzer models, on Flickr 103 by Mozzer models, on Flickr 104 by Mozzer models, on Flickr hows it looking
  21. here are My railcars No's 3 & 5 built By John Teal 003 by Mozzer models, on Flickr 014 by Mozzer models, on Flickr No 10 a steam push pull the loco is a smallbrock models kit but fitted with a terrier chassie & thw coach body is a shortened Bachmann On30 coach 003 by Mozzer models, on Flickr 004 by Mozzer models, on Flickr
  22. Well the LMS MTU is now finished apart from a coat of varnish here are some photos 001 by Mozzer models, on Flickr 002 by Mozzer models, on Flickr 003 by Mozzer models, on Flickr 004 by Mozzer models, on Flickr once the varnish is on & dry i will take some better lit photos ( once it get dark)
  23. Before we moved last year the road we lived in was one way with parting on one side ( not the house side but the factory side room to pst the parked cars only) premits & 45 min for non premets the road was used by lots of HGVs but we still got Gits parling on the narrow pavment so they could jut nip in to the Bank on the corner of the road & getting upset when there came out with the crossroads blocked outside the bank Then getting a ear full from 4 or 5 HGV drives one time one daft sod parked that close to our house 1or 2 inch of the house i opend the door with part of my layout & as i could not see THE CAR NEEDED A NEW SIDE WINDOW the local PC was just walking past & saw it happen ( i would say Hi to the PC when ever i saw him around) & when the drive came back started to give me lots of GOB till the PC told him to shut up go away or get booked saying he had the reg So dont come back for revenge
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