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Everything posted by shortliner

  1. Got a feeling it fits under a MOW crane - possibly by Kibri - probably entirely wrong
  2. Sorry - couldn't resist - apologies to any of you who are!
  3. The Olney( sorry - but couldn't help it!) thing I can tell you about the place ,was, that many,many years ago I spent around six weeks there, helping to demolish an huge old country house - notable for the fact that when we had removed the roof and top floor there was the biggest lead tank I've ever seen, which was apparently designed to catch and hold rainwater run-off from the roof to supply drinking water - I imagine the lead-leachings may well have shortened a few lives of the occupants and servants. It made the job a very profitable one though for the workers in the 20th century.......
  4. Chaz - Model Railroad Hobbyist has a book - review here http://model-railroad-hobbyist.com/node/22877, and I believe has just released a second book of drawings - hope it helps - there are also other items like info on cardstock buildings if you do a search using the search engine at the top of the home-page http://model-railroad-hobbyist.com/ EDIT1- a direct link to more info and the original book is now available as volume two http://model-railroad-hobbyist.com/node/22171 EDIT2- a further link and ordering info for book two is here http://store.mrhmag.com/store/p52/Structure_Plans_-_vol_1%3A_Wood_frame_and_stone_structures_(Download).html
  5. Sometimes humour comes in a coarse way- but its still funny. You know, people complain about the RCMP, (Royal Canadian Mounted Police), But you rarely hear about the positive things that they do, such as this one: Frozen Carburetor Incident: In the fun world of the administration of justice, not all the laughs are in the courtroom. Indeed, giggles and guffaws can erupt at almost any time or place. For example, on a bitterly cold winter's day several weeks ago in Northern British Columbia, a RCMP constable on patrol came across a motorcyclist, who was swathed in protective clothing and helmet, stalled by the roadside. "What's the matter?" asked the Policeman. "Carburetor's frozen," was the terse reply. "Pi$$ on it. That'll thaw it out." "I can't." said the biker. "OK, watch me closely and I'll show you." The constable promptly warmed the carburetor as promised. The bike started and the rider drove off, waving. A few days later, the detachment office received a note of thanks from the father of the motorbike rider. It began: "On behalf of my daughter Joanne....."
  6. A few laughs to brighten your day So true ....................... AS I AGE, I REALIZE THAT: I talk to myself, because sometimes I need expert advice. I don't need anger management. I need people to stop pissing me off. My people skills are just fine. It's my tolerance of idiots that needs work. The biggest lie I tell myself is "I don't need to write that down. I'll remember it." When I was a child I thought nap time was punishment. Now it's like a mini vacation. The day the world runs out of wine...It's just too terrible to think about. Even duct tape can't fix stupid, but it can muffle the sound! Wouldn't it be great if we could put ourselves in the dryer for ten minutes; come out wrinkle-free and three sizes smaller. If God wanted me to touch my toes, he would've put them on my knees. When the kids text me "plz" which is shorter than please. I text back "no" which is shorter than "yes". At my age "Getting lucky" means walking into a room and remembering what I came in there for.
  7. Or, as the plant is known in our house, "Hells-bane devil-weed"
  8. I have a little Satnav, it sits there in my car A Satnav is a driver's friend, it tells you where you are I have a little Satnav, I've had it all my life It's better than the normal ones, my Satnav is my wife It gives me full instructions, especially how to drive "It's sixty miles an hour", it says, "you're doing sixty five" It tells me when to stop and start, and when to use the brake and tells me that it's never ever, safe to overtake It tells me when a light is red, and when it goes to green it seems to know instinctively, just when to intervene It lists the vehicles just in front, and all those to the rear and taking this into account, it specifies my gear I'm sure no other driver, has so helpful a device for when we leave and lock the car, it still gives its advice It fills me up with counselling, each journey's pretty fraught so why don't I exchange it, and get a quieter sort? Ah well, you see, it cleans the house, makes sure I'm properly fed it washes all my shirts and things, and keeps me warm in bed! Despite all these advantages, and my tendency to scoff, I only wish that now and then, I could turn the off!
  9. A little present, courtesy of Ebay, for Jock, NHN, Pete(Trisonic), and anyone else who has an interest in two-wheeled motorised machinery http://www.ebay.co.uk/rpp/Motors/An-Ace-Trip/cafe-racers-and-rocker-bikes?ul_ref=http%3A%2F%2Frover.ebay.com%2Frover%2F4%2F0%2F8%3Feecl%3D3%26eesi%3DUK%26i%3D169a6292e2bII14abfII2031cfII169d5b6428aII2%26eepc%3D%26bu%3D43116789685%26segname%3DB139A1B-00%26crd%3D20150901072643%26emParams%3Di%26sojTags%3Demid%3Dbu%2Csegname%3Dsegname%2Ccrd%3Dcrd%26srcrot%3D0%26rvr_id%3D0. BTW - Aviemore has recently hosted "Thunder in the Glen 2015", a meet of a huge number of Harley-D's - for those interested. here is the 2014 version http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0236xyv
  10. Had a similar problem the other day - all tracks show as connected and passing current, loco runs on all tracks, throw one turnout in the middle of the layout, which feeds the interchange siding only and entire layout is dead. Much blue air is generated - and two days bu99ering about trying to trace fault - Eventually decide that the turnout is faulty, so order a replacement. Following morning realise that an insulated joiner at the other end of the layout, is missing and causing a dead short when the original is thrown - huge amounts more blue air generated - had to open garage doors in order to expel it all
  11. That is not just incredible but VERY disturbing - what is even more disturbing is that this has been known for so long (see the 2008 date on one of the videos) and yet exactly the same smoke alarms are still being sold in places like B&Q and Homebase etc. seven years later, giving people a totally false sense of security - despite newspaper headlines frequently screaming about families being killed in night-time house fires, nothing seems to have been progressed.
  12. ] ..........probably, if it was sold in a plain, brown wrapper
  13. ....he usually takes his brother, Pistas, with him - I just put up with Tiny - he's my newt! - where's me coat!
  14. . Mick(NB), amazing how posts on here bring back memories - we both ate Ostrich in the 'Elephant Hills Hotel' above the Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe. The whole leg was part of the variety of meats on the carvery table most nights we were there, and like you, we thought it tasted very like exceptionally tender beef! Kind regards, Jock. FWIW - Lidl frequently do Reindeer, Moose, Ostrich, Kangaroo and Buffalo, in their Freezer Cabinets - all most enjoyable to this Carnivore!
  15. Daniel - see http://model-railroad-hobbyist.com/node/20149 http://model-railroad-hobbyist.com/node/18207 http://model-railroad-hobbyist.com/magazine/mrh-2013-05-may/oep_wood-staining-fixture http://model-railroad-hobbyist.com/node/21320 http://model-railroad-hobbyist.com/node/7325
  16. Yes - and they will probably be in Lidl shortly - which is where I got mine - see also ebay
  17. The trouble is that they are a bit big to sell on ebay and get your money back - " only used once"
  18. It doesn't stop you buying a bring-home-case out there though - speaking as someone who knows somebody who operates on that principle!
  19. Ah, I shall have to hunt them up on the internet - haven't seen them before. Thanks mate!
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