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Everything posted by Kenton

  1. Is it just me, or the photograph, but that RH axlebox looks higher up the W-rion than the LH one. I'm not usually so picky but still panic a bit when folk mention 150'C and whitemetal in the same sentence.
  2. Couldn't make up my mind if I should click sympathy or laughter button. In the end I opted for the laughter button and hope you don't take it the wrong way. Seeing the funny side of things that are not really that funny at all is always a great medicine to be taking. My good wishes for a successful treatment.
  3. Doing things in 4mm keeps your eye in for the detailing of 7mm. I like and do both, with no real preference.
  4. There are none so blind as those who will not see. My only defense is that I have come to ignore most of the top of the RMWeb page as it is just annoying and contains little of relevance to me: the search bar is of little use compared to a direct search on any decent search engine; most of the banner ads I already use direct links (bookmarks) to those of interest where I support and shop; do not use the main menu (rarely if ever visit the homepage, the blogs don't work, gallaries ditto, the rest who knows I gave up); View new content is a bookmark on the browser; that irritating and pointless notice in red about javascript ... in fact as most times I enter from the link in the email which takes me to the latest unread post, I never even see the top of the page. and, I guess I was expecting a link to be posted here. Anyway link followed and topic found, thanks. Yet to make up my mind as there appeas to be a few entries I was not aware of that require considering. The challenge has been great and the entries are all an achievement - the temptation is not to vote and single one out of the many. I was a bit dissappointed not to se a vote in each category, as I do believe that the categories were quite different and that will sway my voting.
  5. Voting Form? What voting form? For someone who is on RMWeb most days (when I'm here) it always amazes me just how many topics I never get to see, until a chance bump brings them into view.
  6. Just following - where have I been! missed this one somehow. (26 pages of catch-up!)
  7. Very promising news. As others have indicated, I look forward to everything getting up and running and stock levels increasing (and then decreasing). Do keep us informed of developments by using this topic.
  8. Agree. The driving test as it currently stands is not designed for it and would not be fit for purpose. The driving test has very little to do with driving ability or safety. It is purely an enabling test to ensure that someone has the very basic skills of how to "drive" a motor car and some degree of knowledge of the "rules of the road" - accepted code of the highway. Something more akin to the Advanced Driving test which has more to do with "how to drive" and road safety would be more appropriate. My biennial test is due in early May and as always look forward to it. It includes a series of "evasive driving" skills refreshers that are always fun to do and ensure a level of alertness. Most instructors will tell you that experiencing situations (in a safe controlled environment) build on the way the person will react. You remove a significant time period of shock and awe from the equation as well as understanding the "best" route of avoidance and solution to the situation. Part of the problem with the basic test and instuctions for it is that for many folk they do not experience many common situations. Indeed if I go back nearly 50 years since I was instructed, I do not remember encountering a level crossing. The roads were of course much quieter then and there were very few of the disractions of today. The basic test does not cover night or motoerway driving, gives no experience of what to do in the case of a skid, blowout or any of the common situations encountered. I am not in favour of a re-test based on age, but perhaps a re-test (rather than a licence removal) as a penalty of driving offense conviction. But don't we have that already with the points based system?
  9. Yet probably as many people still drive without seatbelts as those who try to swerve round crossing barriers, or for that matter use hand-held devices while driving, alter makup, get distracted by children, eat sadwiches (etc) or drink and drive (and I do not just mean alcoholic drinks) So public education and stigmatising only has any effect on the subject who is prepared to be educated or cares about being stigmatised. There are an awful lot of folk out there who are not susceptible to either approach.
  10. Very clever to acheive it in P4 - it is a heck of a challenge in EM - everything seems to be attracted to everything else and prone to shorting out, clearance is a really serious challenge.
  11. I do have a preference for modular construction. Having seen the underframe components I think I would have persevered. Placing the longitudinal beams in before the transverse "ribs". The completed underframe would have held together quite rigid once these were in place. Modular also generally means easier for the painter to do his job. But in the end as long as it all goes together, it doesn't make much difference to how you build a kit. Sometimes the instructions can be wrong, sometimes written by the designer who may have built one, and sometimes by the designer who has only built one in his head.
  12. Whois is very open to anyone, including most internet robots (search engines). That is the whole point of it. Similar "tracking" information can be obtained regarding ltd companies and theiir directors from the Companis House website. Displaying the same common knowledge information here is chicken feed in the scale of personal information available on the internet. Most of which is readily made available by individuals themseleves through twitter, facebook, linkdin and many other sources. One also presumes in the fullness of time the site will go live along with similar contact details and even an email address so that orders or enquiries can be made. For the purpoe of the latter the information could be seen as relevant to this community of prospective buyers. If you want to keep a secret don't tell anyone and don't write it down or make a recording (internet or audio) of it. (Rule 1: Espionage For Dummies) .... this page will self-destruct in 5 .. 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... too late it is already on Google ...
  13. That's odd. I had always thought that the rules of .co.uk domain registration required an individual to disclose a full name. along with verification. Certainly becomes a problem when a registrant tries to change/sell the domain. Interesting that it appears a US purchased domain (using Namecheap!).
  14. I do that as a matter of routine with all fold lines. Also use a scalpel. It shapens the fold as well as making it easier. Some kits do have too narrow, poorly etched fold lines and they can be so bad that they will never fold crisply. I do like these kits.
  15. While you are correct. The quote was given without the support of the "other" rules. So the casual observer would read it as the only rule in force or that it might ovrride any other rules that could be guessed at. We have to remember that these are idiots and most examples given indicate that they do not know of rules or think that they are above those rules. |F|IC the only rule should be never go on a crossing with the warning lights showing - it is irrelevant that the exit is clear. That merely gives you an excuse for breaking the primary rule of do not ignore the warnings.
  16. An interesting statement. One that perhaps requires further investigation and a challenge?A long time since I was last in Lincoln, and there is your caveat of "main road" and "city". Wokingham is not a city but we have 3 within the town, which I think is excessive for its size. Also we are not flat like Lincoln as within the town we also have both rail over bridges and rail under bridges. AFAIC there is no excuse for ignoring warning lights and enterng a level crossing. I am not suicidal and under no other cicumstances would I be persuaded to do so. I still do not like the wording of that rule. The implication is that it is ok to cross while there are warning lights flashing and even the barriers are dropping. Just because it may appear to be clear to exit does not mean that it is clear to enter with enough time to exit.
  17. Let's hope the website works. I had forgotten about this since the original email sent back in April 2015. Somehow I missed out on any updates and also only just seen this topic revived again today! (it is easy to miss a topic on RMWeb unless it appears at the top of the New Posts list - only need to be away a couple of days and a new post drops way down the list out of sight.) I wasn't getting email notifications either - something that seems to be a little intermittent. (hopefully this post will reassert that I'm following.
  18. I'm confused - apparently it happens quite a bit at my age. I was brought back to this topic following a sojourn on another planet to find that the subject of my interest has been supplanted by numerous posts about some RTR Class 15. All very interesting but a bit of a diversion and definitely OT. Being a kit builder (kit constructor) I have little, other than passing, interest in things RTR. Of course I wish every success to the venture into RTR but would have preferred that announcement and ensuing wish list festering to have been in a new topic. I guess what I am asking is, can the Mods please split this back to its original and a separate topic on the Class 15 development and announcement? So my brain can get back to its one track sanity.
  19. So the theory goes. But cannot even see it let alone be able to post. Shame all the effort some go to to put things on them, at least topics can be read and questions posted, answered and keenly followed.
  20. come on ! it is not just steam traction. There are oil box nutters as well I doubt if many of these idiots are real steam (or for that matter rail) enthusiasts. In fact I doubt if many of them even travel by rail - and that is part of the problem. People who never use the railways are unaware of the dangers. That will never happen. I also doubt if any of them have enough intelligence to hold down a job paying enough to cover their own costs let alone the £000's cost of delays. I also doubt very much the BTP, CPS and indeed the courts to proceed with any meaningful prosecution.
  21. Oh what lovely, shiny brass with lots and lots of rivets But spoilt somewhat by that prototypical tension lock coupling!! Can I hear cries of "what about in 7mm?"
  22. Don't worry you will not be the first or the last to do that. The springs can be replaced but it is a real eye bender to do it. Without the keeper plate or with te base damaged near impossible. The Tortoise is an excellent point motor and will solve the problem of holding the switch rail against its corresponding stock rail. But do change the rather flimsy springy wire supplied with the motor to a more substantial spring wire 25swg is the usual recommended. The Tortoise is an easy motor to drive from a 9v plug in transformer/recharger and if wired through option 3 on the instruction sheet very easy to operate and wire up. Although the tortoise will hold the switch rail fairly tight to the stock rail you shouldn't rely on that only for electrical continuity. All my points are electrofrog and in all cases I have used one of the inbuilt Tortoise switches to change the frog polarity. However, I have to add that if the point has been damaged badly then replacement should be a considered option. Also important if the point is on a critical busy part of the layout. I would hazard a guess that most derailments happen over points and most of those are due to distortion of the point during laying track (pins through sleepers, or twisting to force geometry to plan and nearby track). Points are always going to be harder to exchange once you have ballasted. Oh and don't forget a Tortoise does not require a CDU or instant off-on-off like Seep/Peco solenoid points so having one Tortoise and lots of different other mechanisms could be challenging in terms of wiring simplicity.
  23. Neither do Hornby or Bachmann but that doesn't stop them generating demand and elevating hopes .... As 7mm requires more financial planning how about a clue - a year give or take ?
  24. The problem is that P4 is still seen as somewhat specialist and comparatively a very small market. Probably the items are too "new" to be sold on on ebay. Track vary rarely comes up and when it does it is usually in kit form. Wheels are fairly regular but when the usual "characters" identify them correctly the asking prices are eye-watering (Ultrascale especially so) just like RG4 motors most sellers seem to have got the idea that they are gold. Loco kits sold specifically as P4 is a nonsense unless they come as this did with everything you require to build one (wheels, hornblocks, etc) Built P4 locos simply do not seem to sell very well. I guess it is because the select group of P4 modellers either build their own or are prepared to have them built. It is along way from the more typical train-set/RTR that is the bulk of eBay fodder. If you require P4 track the simplest thing is to commission a certain RMWeb member to build it or to DIY.
  25. with that level of detail we will be able to read your DNA ...
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