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RMweb Gold
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Status Replies posted by RedgateModels

  1. Has just taken delivery of a 12C replica shed plate for RedgateModels Towers :)

  2. Has just taken delivery of a 12C replica shed plate for RedgateModels Towers :)

  3. has been sent more bumf from Virgin Media, entitled "Red Hot Savings". These savings only last six months. C'mon, Virgin, you're going to have to do a bit better than that!!

  4. Just finished writing two articles for a magazine. Actually, that was more fun than I thought it would be.

  5. Spanish assessment done!

  6. Spanish assessment done!

  7. clean a mountain load of dishes, but if there is one plate left in the sink when she comes home its "you havent done the dishes"

  8. say what you will about sound and design but that was an awesome Grand Prix. Best ive seen in years!

  9. I've got tomorrow off I wonder what the chances of getting to my workbench are?

  10. Will I get the workbench built this afternoon? - nah, block is coming round for me to lob a chip in his K3 ....

  11. Polution from the Sahara has brought into question the Governments strategy on air polution. Is there nothing the BBC will not blame on the coilition?

  12. I know I should model a prototype, but all locos really do look much cooler with mini-snowploughs don't they!

  13. Chris Nevard arriving Friday! Frantically cleaning up!

  14. would like to get his headstone done. Here lies Andyram and he is b***** annoyed!

  15. That? No, I've had that for ages...

  16. knew things were going too well. The phonecall all teachers dread arrived this lunchtime. OFSTED in tomorrow and Thursday. Deep joy!!

  17. is trying to make up his mind what to do!

  18. Whohoo! Back online, thanks Virgin Media :)

  19. When the great man speaks, all must fall down and listen. Now is not the time to make an exhibtion of yourself.

  20. is still without internet and is getting frustrated!

  21. Moving on Thursday!

  22. Moving on Thursday!

  23. Whohoo! Josh has been accepted into his first choice of secondary school :)

  24. Discovered the joy of LED strip lights and a well lit layout

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