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NGT6 1315

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Everything posted by NGT6 1315

  1. German licence plates do not give any clues as to year of registration, and generally are fairly customisable. However, the first one to three letters generally indicate the city or district of registration. Certain agencies such as the various state police forces and the German military usually have a certain letter or combination thereof reserved for the first group. Military licence plates thus generally follow the "Y xxx xxx" format, while current plates for Hessian police vehicles are, for example, of the "WI HP xxxx" format – where the first of the four digits indicates the regional branch. However, several combinations of letters are blacklisted, so that a resident of Stuttgart could, for example, not obtain a "S A", "S S" or "S D" plate to avoid any association with Nazi organisations.
  2. There's a Radio Yerevan joke in there, methinks!
  3. Morning all... Ed, I do hope your docs will come up with a suitable alternative treatment. I'm sorry to hear you've run into additional difficulties. Feeling quite wrung out this a.m. myself – have been since yesterday, as a matter of fact. Albert just dropped on his side for a nap, so perhaps I should follow his example!
  4. I have successfully avoided having to go to the toilet during all of my classes thus far. In fact, it's something I consciously avoid doing as I'm worried that while I'm absent, hell might break loose in the classroom!
  5. Good to hear from you, Gordon! I hope it won't be too difficult to adjust to this new kind of diet, though going by how I assume I would be feeling if I were in your place, I am sure there will be numerous occasions for feeling low – as I for one just like all my favourite foods too much and would be loath to strike any of them from my menu...
  6. Morning all... Fairly sunny at the moment, but the weekend forecast looks quite gloomy. I think I'll be off to the supermarket in a few.
  7. I hope they'll then be even more agreeable to look at home tonight!
  8. Thanks! I figure those ships cannot at all be cheap, so that would be rather something...
  9. I think Neil and Gruff might like to have a look at this older thread of mine which I just found anew: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/42557-i-must-down-to-the-seas-again-to-the-lonely-sea-and-the-sky/ I needed to do a bit of editing as I found some images had gone missing and several characters replaced with cryptic garbage, possibly during one of the forum software updates.
  10. They have such glands on their chin. Trude in particular is quite keen to mark all kinds of items, while Albert very rarely does. We like to say that he doesn't because he probably assumes that everything within his sight is his property anyway!
  11. Albert inspecting chair: I do often wonder what it might be that catches their attention as when they do stand up like this, I usually cannot spot anything that would be of notice to me!
  12. May is a month of bank holidays over here, Don. Ascension today, Whit Monday on the 20th and Corpus Christi on the 30th.
  13. Morning all... I can assure you that in my case, it's plain exhaustion! Think I'll stay in bed for a bit longer as it's a bank holiday after all. It's quite dull outside, too, and looking like more rain'll be due. Cheers!
  14. I was just intending to note what a diverse bunch us ERs have become – now including (former) sailors, too!
  15. Evening, troops! Sky's clouding over, but it's still pleasant to be sitting on the balcony and sipping some brandy. I did have to downshift a bit in the afternoon due to a persistent headache, but am feeling better now.
  16. Well, another morning at school done, so I'm now sat on the balcony once again to catch some rest. Bank holiday tomorrow, so needed to make purchases for two days.
  17. Mornin'... Off to work in a few and hoping that everyone'll be sufficiently well-behaved today. Enjoy your day, everyone!
  18. I keep wanting a Unimog! Beats pretty much all common 4x4s, I bet. And the modern ones are just as comfy as contemporary SUVs.
  19. After a largish rain front moved across the land during the fore-noon hours, I am now sat on the balcony and putting my feet up, which sure do hurt after all the walking I did at school. And that's in my most comfortable pair of shoes! I wonder whether the fact of my listening to Alanis Morissette at the moment will add any subtext to this statement...
  20. Depends on the severity of the offence. One major or two minor offences within the first two years will require you to attend a retraining seminar, plus extending the probation to four years. Major offences include things like drunk or drugged driving, speeding, negligent manslaughter or coercion (as in tailgating and flashing at other motorists, for example). After attending this seminar, one major or two minor offences will result in a warning and an encouragement to attend another seminar, by which you could erase two demerit points. You are then given a reprieve of two months, after which another major or two minor offences will indeed mean you're back to Shank's Pony. If you ask me, I believe the threshold for revoking a driver's licence should indeed be lower, though.
  21. Mawnin'... Solid cloud cover, but appears to be balmy. More sleep desirable, though! Cheers...
  22. If this is what it sounds like to me, you certainly have every reason to get these people off the roads again!
  23. Or they might be fishing for compliments rather than food?
  24. I was just reading how an 18-year-old motorist who had just passed his driving exam was caught speeding at 218 kph on a 100-kph section of country road. The mind boggles...
  25. I keep seeing an elderly man going around this-here town in a Smart fortwo. Actually, I think the Smart is not a bad choice at all for this purpose, assuming you no longer have any need for carrying large items. I haven't driven one myself thus far, but test-sat in one a few years ago and found it quite comfortable and spacious, and to have suitably large doors. Good vision, too, and I figure the automated transmission will also be helpful for elderly people whose mobility is becoming limited.
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