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NGT6 1315

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Everything posted by NGT6 1315

  1. Morning all... Feeling kind of ill at the moment, as if I had caught a cold or something. I'll be sure to keep warm in any case...
  2. Trev, is that mass transit system you mentioned the light rail network which I have heard about being under construction?
  3. Oh, I completed the first of two EMU modding projects last night, so have a look here, if you like: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/599/entry-11528-the-talented-class-442-–-showcasing-an-upgraded-piko-talent-2-type-emu/
  4. Morning all... Dull and cool this morning, so felt like turning up the radiators again. Aside from that, nothing much going on today, probably. Enjoy your day, whatever you may have planned!
  5. I'm using the wired Apple keyboard with num pad with my Mini. I did consider the wireless one, but I do feel like the keyboard at least should have a wired connection to its computer. Of course, this may not be feasible for any application, but as my Mini is a normal desktop computer, I don't see any point in using a wireless keyboard. However, the trackpad is, of course, wireless. In fact, I'm so used to it now that using a mouse has become unusual!
  6. Touch wood this'll never happen to me! In fact, it never has – I have far too good a memory for all sorts of computer breakdowns that happened to me...
  7. Morning all... It's been fairly cool and rainy since about noon yesterday, so I felt like getting my shopping done early to avoid the mad rush I expect after the rest of the population has got up... Just keeping it tidy! Might be different if I had a dedicated modelling room, though...
  8. En contraire! I'm only just opening my borage!
  9. I'm sure it had been about thyme for me to advise you thus!
  10. Stay away from open fire, then!
  11. Snapshot of the current state of affairs on my workbench: In front, you can see what is going to be the pair of 140 801 and 140 858, while the EMU further back is 420 001 which also needs some amendments to have it look just so.
  12. I guess we could call that a pheasant surprise.
  13. I do sometimes need to remind me to avoid using too much of an "advanced" vocabulary when conversing with 5th and 6th year English courses in particular! True, setting impulses for developing a "feeling" for what is a foreign language to them is important, but I guess they couldn't really follow me if I were to talk to them as I would have to my examiners back then!
  14. I indeed tend to being particularly hard on myself, Ian. Could be I am telling myself that somebody among whose tasks it will be to motivate pupils had better have particularly good marks himself, though on the other hand, I'm also aware of the pitfalls of setting targets which may be unrealistic even with the best of efforts. I mean, assuming there's a pupil whom I know to have recently had a hard time for some reason or other – in that case, who could really blame him for what less tolerant persons might call "only" a C grade, for example? After all, a C mark does indicate they are fundamentally competent in a given field.
  15. Well, I just learned that I passed those written exams as well, with 13 and 10 out of 15 points respectively. The English interview exam which could be credited from my M.A. studies had been 14 out of 15 points, so I think I've every reason to be pleased!
  16. Morning all... Still sunny, but rain and t-storms predicted to follow in the afternoon. I think I'll get some foodstuffs in a few so that I got all my errands run for the day. Don, glad to hear things would seem to be improving!
  17. Saw this rather interesting motorhome at the station the other day:
  18. Morning all... Sunshine outside, but a rain front is expected to come across the land during the weekend. However, the forecast is looking up again in time for May Day. I'll need to get my hair cut later today, too! Cheers everyone...
  19. Well, what began as a fairly quiet morning at school – which in recent times have been rare – ended on a somewhat ambivalent note in a course which just barely scraped by being given extra homework. Though in retrospect, I once again keep wondering if I haven't been too lenient, which I admit I tend to be. Especially so when I am not very familiar with a course. Now sat on the balcony with a cuppa...
  20. Mornin'... Getting ready for work again in a few. Happy Hump Day, everyone!
  21. Afternoon all... Only thing I can say about today's classes is "what the H"... I now urgently require a bit of peace and a cuppa coffee...
  22. Mornin'... Off to work in a while, so for now I'll just say, enjoy your day, everyone!
  23. I certainly am! I'll be sure to turn my attention back to some model tweaking as I still got some loose ends to tie up with the projects on my workbench.
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