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NGT6 1315

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Everything posted by NGT6 1315

  1. Getting dark outside and it's begun snowing as well! Thankfully, we got our dinner purchases done in time, so aside from another round of sweeping the pavement later tonight, I should not need to head out again.
  2. So you spelt it out at long last.
  3. Paddy will be telling you if he finds out!
  4. Can anything be done to get you di-stilled?
  5. All-righty-right, me merry droog, what exactly did you peet, then?
  6. Morning all... All calm on the weather front thus far, but I'm keeping an eye on things. SWMBO has a day off, to which she was much looking forward as she'd finally be able to sleep in for once. I'm having a slightly sore throat right now, so am having a hot coffee... Don, what does boerewors taste like, actually? I'm curious how it would compare to German sausages. I tried merguez on several occasions, which is a spicy North African kind of sausage and which I rather liked.
  7. We're down to -1.6°C at the moment – not even close to what parts of Canada may be seeing these days, but assuming it really gets that windy tomorrow, wind chill will probably make this feel a lot worse.
  8. I'll put that down to a poorly adjusted computer screen. What would your retailer bill you for a new one?
  9. A few minutes ago, a Vic of geese passed overhead and into the sunset – you might be able to spot them slightly to the left of the centre in this photo. I guess this makes it official that winter has come across the land... Here's hoping their voyage will be safe.
  10. And if any of those gadgets should fail, a declaration of Tek War will follow, I presume?
  11. Sounds like migraine galore to me...
  12. Get well soon, Polly! Not much fun having a queasy stomach indeed...
  13. It's turning out to be rather sunny right now, though there have been several intermittent snow showers throughout the morning. The forecast but has been repeating its warning of freezing temperatures and high winds for tomorrow, so I am wondering just how ugly it may get.
  14. That would be one example for a situation where I would be using them, too. In the past, I have also turned them on during heavy rain, or more recently when driving through side streets after snow had fallen to be better able to judge road conditions. While this may not have been strictly by the rules, I did find it warranted for my personal safety.
  15. I've taken to generally turning the lights on while driving, regardless of weather conditions. I've been checking for suitable DRL refit sets as well, which do exist, but the one which appears to be the best would replace the fog lights. I'm not sure whether this would be an acceptable trade-off, really.
  16. However, you can be fined for driving with summer tyres in winter conditions, provided that this results in you disrupting traffic due to not making due progress or blocking the road entirely, for example. I just did sweep the pavement, taking care not to dump all the snow in one spot so that cars would not get stuck if they should need manoeuvring space.
  17. Morning all... I can confirm there's been a new load of snow this past night, so I'll just down a cup of coffee and have a look whether gritting the pavement might be sensible. Forecast says something about it becoming very windy tomorrow, too, so I myself will certainly prefer not to head out for more than really essential errands. Especially so as I have a sore throat this morning... But in any case, enjoy your day, everyone...
  18. It's so cute when Trude cuddles under Albert's chin (and "beard")!
  19. Returning to the food topic we were going over recently – I just remembered there's a Swiss dish called nothing less than Cholera, even though it's a harmless kind of vegetable pie. Any of you would want a bite?
  20. So would Sheldon, I'm sure!
  21. Perhaps it was a quantum physicist who came up with this approach, as this is all too reminiscent of the saying, "anything that can happen does happen."
  22. Morning all... All this food talk is making me think about what I might do for dinner tonight – and the sun's not even up. I do have some fresh mushrooms left, so either some stir-fried veg and noodles or rice or a risotto might be sensible. So do I, Mike – having just read what a vitrectomy is all about, I'm not sure how I might decide if I were in your place, to be honest.
  23. I like that variation! As we're sort of talking food anyway, dinner tonight will be meat loaf in a red wine and bell pepper sauce with broccoli and spätzle.
  24. Back from teaching and I was very pleased with the class I had today – especially compared with the one I had yesterday. However, I certainly am looking forward to putting my feet up tonight, and will now get me some coffee.
  25. Morning all... Dark and nippy outside, though I don't think we had any additional snow this past night. We did around noon yesterday, though, which made driving interesting for a few hours. Quite tired at the moment, too.
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