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NGT6 1315

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Everything posted by NGT6 1315

  1. How I wish that cleaning the flat was indeed something you'd only have to do once in your lifetime!
  2. Morning all. Dull and dreich outside and indeed, the forecast for tomorrow mentions a chance of us seeing the first snowflakes for this season. Marvellous... You know, Don, I keep telling them that I'd like to give them a swab and dustpan! They do have a toilet, but often, those poo balls will fly outside when they hop out of the toilet. And indeed, food pellets will often end up outside the bowl as well. And the hayrack cannot keep in all the hay either.
  3. In recent days, Albert's making a habit of immediately having a few minutes of shut-eye after having dinner: Trude's munching on some celery as I'm typing this and will most likely curl back up in due course once she'll be done!
  4. As in refuelling without paying, I guess... Sure is good that you reported the matter, lest whatever numpties did this should indeed do something untoward and would leave you with the hassle of proving you were not involved!
  5. I should probably sort out some old clothes, too. Come to think of it, perhaps I should out this on the list for this week...
  6. That's too many numbers for me to keep track of in the morning!
  7. Morning all... Foggy outside, and I mean really pea-souper foggy! Been awake around 5 am, but managed to drift back to sleep, thankfully. I'll need to run a few errands later on, but first of all, coffee and something for breakfast...
  8. Thanks, Ashers and Ian! Up in Denmark a couple of weeks ago, I found things like meat tended to be a bit more expensive than in this-here country, while other staples like bread, eggs and stuff were about the same - and fish and seafood mostly were dirt cheap! Nothing quite like fresh fried plaice and chips or smoked mackerel with rye bread... That is rather good indeed!
  9. Ian, how expensive are foodstuffs in France, actually? Been too long ago for me to have been vacationing there to remember...
  10. Guys, do any of you still feel like wearing t-shirts at this time of year by any chance? Call me odd if you like, but I am still feeling like it's too warm for anything with long sleeves.
  11. And sane, I think I should add! It's certainly done so for me many times... Depressingly grey sky outside, but the golden leaves on the trees do brighten things up considerably. So do the many birds now crowding the feeder.
  12. Morning all... Getting foggy outside, but still too dark to see many details. Fingers crossed for Jordi, too... Aside from that, nothing much going on as of yet.
  13. Be afraid, Pete, be very afraid... Just checked the most recent weather forecast, which says that we, too, will get a nice Arctic cold front by about Thursday night till Friday. Oh, joy.
  14. Just yesterday, when I saw a Defender in the supermarket parking lot, I was thinking that if I should ever end up requiring an off-road capable car, one of these might be it. I guess it's also quite easy to oversee with its boxy body, its size notwithstanding.
  15. Our neighbours actually have a maintenance pit in the floor of their garage, which I guess will be very suitable for tinkering with their car.
  16. I'd do the same thing, Mike. No use to want to achieve something when you're feeling cr*ppy, neither to yourself nor to anyone else. This reminds me that it's odd I haven't had any migraines recently. You'd have thought that with the turn towards unusually warm weather last week... Touch wood.
  17. I guess I'd be worried if vultures were circling around here...
  18. Morning all - only got up, so not able to report on anything as of yet before my usual coffee intake. I should get used to again getting up at silly o'clock next Monday... We've been having just that over the weekend, which is lovely. Forecast says it's to remain sunny and fairly mild till at least Thursday, too.
  19. I rather like those alternate opening sequences for several of the Star Trek series - each of them with footage taken from numerous episodes and combined with different themes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3s26C1Qyc8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtIojmC-hM8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQ3jldi3mXQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYduvEnJamM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pv-M8dsVDZc That must have been rather an awful lot of work...
  20. You know, I am thinking of ERs of something like an electronic pub that's open 24 hours a day and where you can have a chat on most anything that might come up. May it remain thus forever - says me, raising a glass of wine (for real).
  21. I don't think that's limited to any particular country – sadly. On and off, I read news items about somebody having been found dead in their flat after not having been seen for what will often have been several weeks, and cannot help but be both puzzled and upset at the same time. Now, Babylon 5 may be a somewhat unusual source to quote from, but I do think there is more than one grain of truth to one of the final lines from the very last episode: It taught us that we had to create the future, or others will do it for us. It showed us that we have to care for each other, because if we don't, who will?
  22. I use the TomTom navigational app on my iPhone – which I should mention works great for me – with maps for all of Europe. It would seem that with this recent French law against fixed radar placement details you mentioned, they had to modify the app so that general "traffic hazard" warnings have been put in those places where radar locations had been marked previously. However, this would appear to be within the law, provided that sat nav producers have their products certified to not include radar locations for France. Consequently, the app now includes a page displaying some kind of official seal as a proof of conformity.
  23. Morning all... Stayed in bed for a bit longer today and am now having some breakfast. Aside from some people having a somewhat loud chat down the next street around midnight, nothing noteworthy I can think of, though. Also last night, Trude was cleaning Albert's ear. He rarely reciprocates this, however. I was thinking of offering him to use some Q-Tips, actually! Enjoy your day, everyone...
  24. Indeed! With his hind legs tucked in, he does look quite like a sphinx, though.
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