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NGT6 1315

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Everything posted by NGT6 1315

  1. Thought for tonight... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ULAS_J1120+0641 – It is quite humbling to try and imagine this to be almost 29 billion light years away, and to have a black hole with billions upon billions of solar masses at its centre.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_pWwgRseME Priceless – particularly the sequence from 6:08 onwards .
  3. Getting foggy outside over here! I think I'll now get freshened up and do my purchases for the day...
  4. Morning all... I did actually consider a Mini for a while when it came to my getting my first car, twelve years ago. I was aware of them handling rather well, too. However, I went for a Renault Clio eventually, as I felt a bit more space couldn't hurt. It did me serve well indeed, but has since been replaced by a Mk.7 Suzuki Alto. Oh well, I think I'll get up now...
  5. I just gave Trude something munchy for dinner:
  6. That does sound sensible indeed! Sounds like a charity which should be commended...
  7. Good to hear you could clear things up, Ian! Also, it would certainly be generous of the stairlift company to agree to a refund, even if partial. Just since I don't know much of anything about these things – are these modular in setup?
  8. As long as there'll be no boulderdash involved...
  9. Taking railway photos isn't banned anywhere, so you shouldn't run into any problems as long as you stick to the usual rules. Most recently, using tripods but has been prohibited due to safety concerns in crowded locations. However, station staff may give you permission to use one when asked as long as there is no significant reason to the contrary.
  10. Morning all... Will be getting winter tyres put on later this morning, so I'll be off to the garage after another cup of coffee. Quite balmy again, but sunrise won't be due for another half hour or so. That is quick indeed! Couldn't happen at my uni either... When will you be leaving, Phil? Don't forget to take your camera for the odd train photo or two...
  11. Some people sure are disgusting. On the underground a few minutes earlier, there was a bin bag full of banana peels and stuff which somebody had tied to the emergency brake handle.
  12. I'm sorry to hear about those complications, Ian. Not being familiar with the options you may have under French law, I probably cannot offer any advice beyond what's been mentioned on here already, but certainly there ought to be some leeway for the revenue office to agree on a solution in difficult situations like yours.
  13. Morning all... Get well soon, Ashers! I believe I'd feel just as rotten to be taken off my feet yet again if I were in your place... Quite balmy indeed for this time of year and the forecast does look not too bad either. Now for another cup of coffee...
  14. Yuck. I actually don't like cheese, except on pizza, lasagna and as an ingredient in general. But a cheese sandwich – no way...
  15. I'm not sure if this might qualify as a nightmare, but I once had a dream where I was watching the crew from Star Trek TNG combat some kind of bloodthirsty creature by creating some kind of spatial anomaly in order to remove that beast from our universe. Oddly, this was taking place in a mediaeval setting involving a castle – not too unlike the Voyager episode, "Heroes and Demons", actually.
  16. Yes, I'm aware of supervision being available in many fields of occupation. But even so, I'm having the feeling that it cannot be easy to handle many of the things you encounter as a physician or psychologist.
  17. Morning all... First traces of sunrise to be seen in the east, and I'm just sat here with a cup of coffee. Weather will remain crummy today, but improve from tomorrow onwards. No further news at this time, though. At least it's Hump Day again...!
  18. I know you were saying this in the context of this anecdote, but in all honesty, I can't help but wonder how psychologists and psychiatrists manage to remain sane themselves when dealing with cases which as often as not must be gut-wrenching for one reason or another. SWMBO's sister is a psychologist who is working as a counsellor in the paediatric oncology department at a hospital, and I'm quite sure I wouldn't have the stomach to handle what I believe she must be seeing there.
  19. Given the weather outside, I can well relate to why Trude and Albert huddle together like that...
  20. Our forecast predicts temperatures again rising beyond 20°C this weekend. I do hope it'll stay dry as I was planning to do some paintwork corrections on one of my locos.
  21. Well, how about this... We now have p*mped locos, too: 114 009 is the new guise of 143 873 after her upgrade to be capable of a 140 kph top speed. I could not take a suitable full-view photo of her yet, though.
  22. DD - my own grandma had been only a shadow of her former self in her final weeks due to severe dementia, which certainly was not pleasant. It's difficult at best to offer any helpful advice without knowing your MiL, but I certainly sympathise...
  23. Morning all... Still pitch dark outside and just about 5°C, so I made an appointment to have those winter tyres put on for Friday. I'll need to do a trip to the library later today. My mum tells me she also knows this custom from her childhood. However, during the time I was around, my grandparents had no issue with guests talking over a common dinner – such as on birthdays, Christmas or Easter.
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