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Baby Deltic

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Everything posted by Baby Deltic

  1. Very entertaining. What we need now is a Lego 46009 and nuclear flask.
  2. I always remember the 'Match Of The Day' music on a Saturday - da-da-da-click. TV off.
  3. What would happen if you used blancmange in the pie instead of custard? Would a blancmange pie splat as well when presented with a face?
  4. I would go one further and say sport in general.
  5. Anybody who mentions bodily functions on a thread.
  6. There is a lot of hot air, which means there's more nitrogen than CO2.
  7. I would wear a pair of mirror shades or dark glasses so I could oggle at will.
  8. One decent volcano can probably chuck out more CO2, SO2, etc than all the coal fired stations combined.
  9. It is my unserstanding, having watched a lot of video's on the subject from different sources, that CO2 does infact rise when there is warming, but the cart is being placed firmly before the horse. The global warming hypothesis suggests that a rise in CO2 causes a rise in temperature, however, the evidence put forward in several videos suggests that the rise in temperature occurs first, causing the oceans to warm and release dissolved CO2 into the atmosphere. The temperature rise could be caused by any number of factors, not just CO2.
  10. Good old Bournemouth. My Grandparents lived in Bearcross, and for a while one of my sisters lived in Kinson Park Road.
  11. At first it was bandied around as 'Global Warming' until it was realised that its not getting hotter, and we're probably heading towards global cooling so it was very quickly changed to 'Climate Change'. Repeat the mantra and re-program the populace using TV and media.
  12. Did anyone save the spoof of Mr Begbie's article which one of our members wrote, about hacks with nicotine stained finger nails, etc?
  13. I hope butter was added during the mashing stage.
  14. Add to the list the totally cringeworthy Uncle Ben's Chicken Faijitas advert with the kid dancing as he makes one. Who thinks this cr@p up?
  15. I think it was on one of the previous incarnations of rmweb that was lost . It was by Scott Begbie for the Aberdeen Evening Express
  16. Hmmm. Remember the hack we upset in Aberdeen?
  17. I've come to the conclusion that a skunk is nothing more than a fart wearing a Dave Crockett hat.

  18. I can think of a few more: Injury lawyers 4U Go Compare and their annoying ads The meerkats of meerkovo, Compare the Meerkat and Compare the Market. Over done, old joke, old news. The coffin dodger ads for life cover to pay to get you planted after you've popped your clogs.
  19. Go for it if you've had some PPI. It ain't worth the paper its written on.
  20. Especially when the outcome is a load more little chavlings burdening the taxpayer even more.
  21. Do you mean they're with an apostrophe?
  22. The crisis hit a new level when Miss Smith, from Basildon, along with her children Bianca Mercedes, Chanel Storm, Nathan Kyle and Jordan Kai, ran out of Sunny Delight.........
  23. A fart in a space suit? I don't mind farting in lifts, et al, as long as I am exiting and the fart is silent.
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