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Baby Deltic

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Everything posted by Baby Deltic

  1. Any locomotive or dmu/emu built after 1992. Add 321's and 322's to the list though.
  2. All this talk of horns and knockers......... Including Katie Price's implants. Edit to add apostrophe B)
  3. When a new receptionist started it was only a matter of time before one of us called reception and asked her to put a call out for the fictional Mr Roger Sole. "Calling Mr Sole, Mr R.Sole could you please contact reception....."
  4. Unfortunately a lot of Audi's and especially BMW's come with an optional extra called T.A.P. or Total A***hole Pack. When the T.A.P. is being used, the drivers of these cars behave in such a manner that the rules of the road and common courtesy don't apply to them. Tailgating, aggressive driving, failing to indicate and undertaking are all indications that a BMW or Audi is T.A.P. fitted, and the add on is working correctly.
  5. Never mind the implants, just Katie Price will do.
  6. Excrement Factor and Poop Idol really get my goat along with 'Re-Heat' Magazine and any other 'who gives a toss what a Z list non-entity wears' mags.
  7. I believe we've had this posted already. My link
  8. No win, no fee parasites. Political Correctness 2012 Olympics No win no fee Health and Safety gone mad Jobsworths American management speak Uncomfortable plastic multiple units No win no fee No win no fee Chav's Drinking culture 'Ladette's and other gobby, p**ssed up idiots seen in any town centre on Saturday night. Farts on wheels with noisy exhausts and all the other chavvy add ons of the usual 'Halfords Hero'. Loud booming ©rap music eminating from a chav's 'ride'. etc etc etc
  9. There's one Type 42 I was sad to see sink - HMS Sheffield. I had the pleasure of going on a day trip round the Isle of Wight on the 'Shiny Sheff' back in 1980.
  10. Surely if its Harper Seven, Three Point Five would have been apt. She sounds like a Borg.... seven of nine...
  11. Nice use of an old Jouef well wagon:My link
  12. That's been doing the rounds on Facebook. Its a dubbed scene from the film 'Downfall' which is an excellent film in its own right.
  13. I used to like Nutty Bars. Texans were nice too, of course. Meccano sets were an absolute must.
  14. Good to see you back again. Get well soon.
  15. When you read all the comments under his video's he's being totally slagged off by man made climate change advocates. I personally think he does put across a reasoned argument in the video's.
  16. I'm afraid to say that when it comes to all things greenhouse gas and carbon footprint, I believe Professor Bob Carter. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOLkze-9GcI Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Edited to add links
  17. The sound of Sulzer double six's.
  18. This 'planking' buisness is an old fad anyway. In Victorian times, makers of felt hats were famous for it, and even had a 'planking kettle'.
  19. I've had a few belts in my time from various machines. The last one was when I touched two sepparate machines simultaniously and got 240V right across my heart. I found that the earth wire in one of the mains plugs had corroded, and, due to the fact the machines had switched mode PSU's which reference ground, I got a handfull of volts. I had to report it and fill out all the forms, rest, etc.
  20. Our local MP lost his first daughter in a playground accident in the mid 70's. She fell off a climbing frame and landed on her head on the concrete. When I was a child we used to play together, but I never even spoke about it with the MP, who is a friend of mine, until he brought it up in conversation when we bumped into each other in the barber's shop. You never know if the hurt and heartache have healed.
  21. Oh you rotters. Now I've started drooling at the prospect of repraying a couple of units into BSYP.
  22. Did you go to the Basildon Show, Colin? I got as far as Chelmsford before I 'did my dough' on a the last green 37 (D6801) in John Dutfields.
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