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Baby Deltic

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Everything posted by Baby Deltic

  1. Trouble is, the WR use Peco Set Track curves, so NBL had to make 'em short.
  2. Depends what end they are viewed from. If you work on the consensus that both are butt ugly, then they're pretty much on a par.
  3. What an ugly beast. The yellow 'slaphead' just makes it look worse. Why is it class 22's with full yellow ends looked nice, and class 29's looked ugly? Wiper positions?
  4. Yeah, "the layout is based on a junction station at a fictitious location in Cornwall where the Great Western Mainline meets the West Highland Line, so we have class 21's and 22's working into the station......."
  5. Seems like the class 70's are more 'Powerfail' and 'Powerfall' than 'Powerhall'.
  6. Good point, Charlie. I have seen a few 'East End' layouts that look more like 'East Yorkshire'. As Colin once said "Lookout lads, its t' Kraythwaite's"
  7. I remember those two. They landed next to the North Circular. I believe the top one survived.
  8. Harford Street by Jim and Charlie Connor. The layout has now been dismantled and is being rebuilt to a different plan.
  9. I've never seen a photo of a class 21 and 29 working in multiple. I think the 29's had enough power and reliability to go it alone.
  10. It looks like a 'wine glass' water tower. The design became more common into the 1960's.
  11. I reckon BR needed an 'insurance' policy, so they ran in pairs incase one expired.
  12. I really like the look of the blue Co-Bo overall. I think it would look better if the print was thicker, the window rubbers were black, not yellow, and the blue was less plasticky. Also, the handrails are a bit heavy. I think its better than the Hornby Dublo, possibly on a par with the Silver Fox, but probably with a better chassis. Who's going to be the first person to model the oil train in the famous 'Grange Over Sands' picture?
  13. Hi Dave, It probably wouldn't hurt, but WD40 is an insulator. If there are metal contacts visible, I would use contact cleaning solvent like you can get from places like Maplins. I wouldn't think there would be a high voltage on the circuit, but don't touch anything without pulling out the plug first, just in case.
  14. Bleedin' ell. I'm up already. It must be those pills, I don't normally surface until half seven.
  15. The thing that does irritate me is when you have the cliche GWR BLT complete with the entire Chipperfield's Circus who just happen to be set up in town and of course, the children waving from the bridge. B)
  16. I really try and avoid cliche's on a layout. I'm not being a kill joy or a boring old fart here and most of the members who've had to put up with me on rmweb for the past five or so years will know I've got a good sense of humour. However, I do take my modelling seriously, as do my partners in crime, and I think cliche's and puns lower the image of the layout to an extent. People stop seeing it as a model and think of it more as a trainset with nice buildings. If there is going to be something to lighten the image, it might just be a few meths drinkers on a bomb site or someone getting a kicking behind a derelict building, but not puns like 'bodgitt and scarper DIY' or suchlike.
  17. YAAAAWN!! Is it time to get up yet?
  18. Thankyou. Its due out at the Leytonstone Show in May. Hopefully we will have it finished by then. There are a some more shots in my gallery here:My link
  19. Chances are, BR would have bought DP2 off EE at scrap value once its purpose had been served, and it may have had the same proviso in the contract as Falcon when BR bought it off Brush at scrap value.
  20. Another view of the shoring from above. The track has been singled due to the proximity of the props to the track.
  21. Thanks 31A. It was Jim Connor's idea. I think there was a retaining wall shored up somewhere on the North London Railway, but I'm not sure where. Jim thought it would be interesting operationally because the line is singled at one end of the station. Because the layout is based around a fictional railway, a certain amount of artistic licence has been granted.
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