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Everything posted by JohnDMJ

  1. Thought the best way to make fire was to rub two Boy Scouts together. Mind you, these days, there's always the danger they might enjoy it!:icon_redface: The tie-like thingy, IIRC, is the neckerchief with its two loose ends held together in front of the neck by the woggle. I recall also the garters with the flashes of material on; only ones I ever saw were green, however. I'll leave the Swiss Army knife out of this for now; you know, the one with the gadget for removing Boy Scouts from horses' hooves!
  2. Sorry to hear about the suspected arc-eye. Hope it clears up soon and leaves nothing permanent. The police response sounds exceptional too. IMHO, the old fashioned 'hung, drawn and quartered' method is too lenient for this type of offense. Best Wishes
  3. Surely not train surfing, Robert?:icon_winker:
  4. Belated Morning all! Hope the tooth's soon better, but whisky and antibiotics sounds an interesting combination - how well do you get on with your MiL :icon_winker:
  5. same with bottle banks; we sort the brown white and green bottles out for the bank but our 'kerbside' collection just throws them into the same bin! Fangs for telling us that, Tony, hope all goes well and that it's not as bad as it's cracked up to be!:icon_redface: (Jeepers, it's hard finding the right emoticons these days!)
  6. finest Scottish porridge
  7. Jam jamming! You'll be playing the ukulele and the galoubet next!:icon_lol:
  8. Morning all, Just back from Newbury (again) Amazing how the cost of petrol/diesel varies in such a short distance - 111.9p/l to 108.9p/l in two miles. Further south down to 106.9p/l. Why always the '.9'? Another marketing ploy we'll probably never understand! Allegedly, Britain led the world in recycling and we still can't get it right. Now, haven't I heard that about pretty much anything else Britain has been involved with? I was caught over the coals for putting an Evergreen fertilizer bottle in with the plastics - despite the HDPE2 symbol on the bottle, they tried to tell me it was garden waste! And why can't milk bottle tops be recycled when milk bottles can - they're the same type of plastic! Sorry, rant over!
  9. Alegedly still alive, but having doubts

    1. Graham Kendall

      Graham Kendall

      You Were last time I saw you! :O)

  10. UK Health and Safety Regulations would almost certainly prohibit them. However, given the chance, UK H&S Regs would also ban crossing the road, walking up stairs, playing football, most certainly playing Rugby, martial arts, taking hot drinks (tea, coffee, etc.) and so on; it's getting to the stage now that just being alive is dangerous and probably a contravention of the regs!:icon_lol:
  11. Graham: you'd do worse than check BBC's iPlayer for the programme they broadcast last night about the story behind Fleetwood Mac; it looks at the relationships of the three couples in the band and gives you an insight as to how Dreams (by Stevie Nicks) was countered by Go Your Own Way (by Lindsey Buckingham) for example. Their songs were, as some of Abba's, based on the reality of the band! HTH
  12. , yes! more derailments
  13. Robert and Graham: you might find comfort and inspiration in one of Fleetwood Mac's hits, "Don't Stop". It has certainly lifted me on many occasions. "Don't stop, thinking about tomorrow, Don't stop, it'll soon be here, It'll be, better than before, Yesterday's gone, yesterday's gone." The rest of the song has some equally powerful lyrics!
  14. Nice one! Daren't ask how much it is per pound!
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