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Everything posted by JohnDMJ

  1. 009Matt and I'll be there too; Matt's one of the entrants in the diorama competition!
  2. with horseraddish sauce
  3. Time (clock of the heart): Culture Club
  4. Don't think so! Last we heard, he was not having to cycle there behind his parent's car so the chances are that he's in safe hands!:icon_winker:
  5. Hey ho, you will take time off! we all thought he was going to the North but he seems to be in communicado instead! (Last post Oct 23) post #553 on page 23 might help you here! (Saves me re-typing!)
  6. Morning all, Seem to have started today in a different key! If Don had said that Dawn was breaking, he might have been trampled in the rush to fix her! Dark outside, no sign of twinkly things, just don't know yet if the sky's leaking. Better go and see if the van's still there, I suppose!
  7. you make it sound like an ivory tower, DD!
  8. Morning all, Can't see anything twinkling in the sky through the darkness, so there must be some oktas about! Just about to see if the van behaves as well on its second trip as it did yesterday on its first; same 'local' run this morning so no chance yet to try it out on a long run!
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