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Status Updates posted by halfwit

  1. I would like to complain in the strongest possible terms about, well, I'll think of something I'm sure...

    1. scots region

      scots region

      The offical reports from rhe ministery of socks?

    2. Jim49


      Do you mean the "Mystery of Socks" as in why I always seem to have two different odd ones every time I open the drawer?

    3. skipepsi


      Only two? I allways have an odd number of odd socks like 3,5 or 7.

  2. has noticed that s/h Eclipse pin vices are fetching good prices on ebay. Something to do with a recent thread?

    1. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Someone musta spun a pretty good yarn, then.

  3. Only 2 songs into Gid's show and its a cracker already!

    1. halfwit


      And now Loop!

  4. Dog just walked into soldering iron wire and knocked iron onto floor. Luckily iron still warming up.

    1. Jan


      Keep calm and solder on

    2. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      my iron likes to walk around the bench and into something that melts, usually its own wire

    3. mozzer models
  5. I reckon that the element in me Antex is on its way out.

    1. SHMD


      solder on, mate, solder on!

    2. halfwit


      Problem traced to dodgy tip.

  6. Letting yer kayak slide down the bank and expecting it to stop before it goes in the water is not a great idea. Guess who had to swim after his boat?

    1. Horsetan


      Up a certain creek without a certain instrument?

    2. halfwit


      Er, yes, I suppose I was!


  7. Going kayaking today for the first time for 6 months

    1. Grafarman


      should cover some distance in that time....

    2. halfwit


      Good grief... ;-)

  8. Tempted to get the fixed wheel out of the loft.

  9. Lobster Random.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. halfwit


      Just had Ersatz GB but now playing a bit of space rock - specifically Doremi Fasol Latido.

    3. Baby Deltic

      Baby Deltic

      Jayne Mansfield

    4. halfwit


      Was she in 2000AD as well?

  10. wonders if New Puritan is listening to New Puritan....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. new puritan

      new puritan

      Pray tell sir...


      Think tomorrow will be Bisodol assisted marching!

    3. halfwit


      Same factory, different department.

      Will be working alternate shifts (early/late) 'slabbing' - preparing chew and feeding it into machines.

    4. halfwit


      More money and shift allowance.

      5.30 starts will be a b***** though...

  11. 188.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. halfwit


      Somedays your the King Of Soldering - other days your just a numpty with a hot iron...

    3. Jan


      Well, I've an airing cupboard full of stuff that needs ironing..


    4. davefrk


      179, I got new lock barrels for the Landie and soldered the old mazak lugs on the ends, Carrs aly solder, job done.

  12. Working days rather than evenings for the next two weeks. Feels odd...

  13. wonders if there's an opening for a 'modelling psycologist' to help those with mojo issues?

    1. Jan


      Baggsie me first!

  14. is eating ice cream.

  15. The Britsh Countryside as seen by someone who's never left the city... I wonder what Danny Boyle's trainset would look like. Awfull I suspect.

    1. neal


      And why do they have microphones from the 1970's? Vogue!


    2. halfwit


      Maypoles? How many of us have seen a maypole in the last 30 odd years?

    3. halfwit


      If there's any justice in the world Danny Boyle will never work again. (Along with Chris Moyles).

  16. Making rhubarb chutney.

  17. Todays post contained a package from Squires, MRJ 32 , and a Smallbrook Studio Chaldron (which is rather nice). Happy days!

  18. Just had a second chance offer on a book on 'Sheffields Sewage Railways'. I love the glamour of railways!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ozzyo


      Something to read in the toilet.

    3. beast66606


      So it was a No.2 ?

    4. Horsetan


      Where's "oldknotty"? He'd love this one.

  19. Just found some photos taken from my blog on here on someone elses blog site (not RMweb). Hmmm.

  20. Completely out of fibreglass brush refills. Ho hum.

  21. smells a rat. Or is it a troll?

    1. halfwit


      Cockroaches should be caught alive and not squashed, partly for identification purposes and partly because stamping on them spreads their eggs around.

      I'm pretty good at catching 'roaches.

    2. trisonic


      Being me, racking a pump has a similar effect.

    3. skipepsi


      One shell or two Sir?

  22. More RSU work. I like my RSU...

    1. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      i like mine too

    2. halfwit


      Expensive but worth the money if you do a lot of etchy stuff, as I'm sure you'll agree Michael.

  23. Why does that old duffer Mcartney always sound like he's either drunk or stoned?

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