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Everything posted by meil

  1. Just what do you expect from toy train track?
  2. Except that those who model P48 in which case it is 29.89mm.
  3. I think it best not to confuse the Exactoscale of Dr Bernard Weller and the Exactoscale of Andrew Jukes.
  4. As Martin says - you can't make a profit from yourself and therefore as regards tax it is not a taxable profit. Profit from non-members is a taxable profit.
  5. You're wrong there is a world of difference between surpluses made on member sales and profits made on non-member sales.
  6. And I trust you properly account to HMRC for Corporation Tax on the Non-member sales. That's the reason clubs don't sell to non members.
  7. The rumour at Guildex was that the 7mm scale components were going to be handled by the Scale 7 Group through their stores,
  8. Because I suspect that they are not transformers - they are something else.
  9. Feeding the output of a dimmer switch into a transformer is not doing your Transformer any favours. I'm amazed they lasted as long as they did.
  10. If you do buy a new one get the iron with a silicone lead. A bit more expensive but well worth the extra flexibility.
  11. C J Freezer advocated something similar (using paper Mache) for 00 points over 50 years ago. It was a bodge then and this is a bodge now.
  12. Is that before or after you hit the ceiling?
  13. Red and Black to the Track. Orange and Grey the other way.
  14. Yes great piece of apparel - until you forget you have it on and get up from your bench!!
  15. On to what? Remember the - "I don't have a suitable PC at the moment"!
  16. Fonts did exist in the 50s/60s and for many years before that - in fact for as long as printing. What did not exist in the 50s/60s was the misuse of the term Font when what was actually meant was Typeface. Typeface refers to the design of what you see - Font refers to the space it is printed in.
  17. 0.75mm actually. 1/4" Orange 1/2" Green 1" Black 1/2" Green 1/4" Orange giving 2.25" overall, which at 1:76.2 gives 0.75mm.
  18. You can't make a deed of variation if there isn't a will as there is nothing to vary. You just give your money to your children.
  19. Tempered glass as used in building construction has an unfortunate habit of occasionally "exploding". It's caused by small inclusions of nickel, which over time change their volume. In doing so they cause internal stresses and cause the glass to shatter. It is long term heat that causes the problem and in general all such glass panels are subject to heat soaking at the factory in order to identify the panels that are likely to shatter.
  20. Templot can run on a Mac using WINE. However there have been many, many layouts designed using pencil and paper - just look at Iain Rice.
  21. So if I have understood you correctly you are feeding AC current into a DC permanent magnet motor? Does it still work? That's probably one of the quickest ways to destroy a DC motor.
  22. It is just two wires. One wire connects all the left-hand rails and the other connects all the right-hand rails. You can connect all the assesories to that two wire bus, if you are stupid enough, and it will work, until you get a short that is. You don't need to switch the crossing if you use insulated turnouts.
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