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Status Updates posted by invercloy

  1. RTR 009, FINALLY!! Woooo

  2. looking forward to seeing if the froth recedes and reveals any RTR 009 at Warley this weekend.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 69843


      Roco Farlie (again)?

    3. ian


      Given the usual long gestation time at Peco I wouldn't break the piggy bank open any time soon...

    4. invercloy


      I sincerely doubt a Roco fairlie. I'm well adapted to disappointment when it comes to RTR announcements, so not expecting anything, that way I won't be disappointed :)

  3. confused by DCC turntable control...

    1. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      are you going round and round?

  4. where has the old forum gone? I need to look up something on it

    1. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      It's offline until a hardware upgrade is carried out on the server and maintenance of the tables in the database to the old site. This is a re-ocurrence of the reasons for changing from the phpBB software to IPS back in 2009. It is intended to resume availability once that's done. Such questions are better asked in the Forum Help section as can be judged by the length of the reply necessary. Plus it does sound rather impolite and demanding does it not?

    2. invercloy


      Thanks Andy, not meant to sound impolite, but why use 24 words when 7 will do? Sorry

    3. Trainshed Terry
  5. I wonder when some narrow gauge stuff will feature in the "e-mag"...

    1. Russ (mines a pint)

      Russ (mines a pint)

      when someone contributes some?

    2. S.A.C Martin

      S.A.C Martin

      It's only had one edition so far O_O

    3. invercloy


      I know there's only been one, but it would have been nice to see some variety...

  6. 34 degrees...! Hot...! TOO hot to work!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Horsetan


      Yes, and here was I thinking that Qatar was a chest condition.

    3. ozzyo



      It's still fun.

    4. invercloy


      If i drink a beer at work I have to go home... Hmm... I experienced 52 degrees C in Turkey for a few days, it's nice for a while - especially if you have a pool with a bar IN it about 5 feet away.

  7. when will this forum stop getting more complicated!!!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Matthelm


      I like It!

    3. BlackRat


      Always remember, if you dont like it, theres always the door. Simple enough.

    4. invercloy


      I'm well aware of that Black Rat. I predominantly use another forum which is simple and easy to navigate. I'm just comparing the two, this now feels rather cumbersome to me. Each to their own.

  8. is excited at the prospect of the first lot of track going down on the new layout by the end of the weekend! :)

  9. thinks it's sad that YET AGAIN the model of the year poll doesn't include anything to do with narrow gauge modelling.

  10. is VERY pleased to have just made a start on the first baseboard!

  11. green light for baseboard construction to begin after the weekend!!! :D

    1. SouthernRegionSteam


      Excellent! The plans are looking good too from what I've seen!

  12. is glad it's Friday! :)

  13. is glad a wheel arrangement has FINALLY been settled upon!!!

  14. very pleased with my latest weathering attempt! :)

  15. is all ready for a trip to exhibit Dunbracken at Smalspoormodeldagen at Valkenburg this weekend!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Will Vale

      Will Vale

      Hoping to make it there on Saturday, look forward to seeing the layout :)

    3. invercloy


      If you do make it on Saturday, Will, then come say hi, i'll have a badge with my forum name on it so should be fairly easy to spot.

    4. Will Vale

      Will Vale

      Wilco, cheers!

  16. Thanks for the comment on my blog, unfortunately some crossed wires there though I think.

    I've responded with clarification of where the layout is set.

  17. is excited about the stuff uncovered at the National Archives yesterday! See my blog 'Isle Ornsay' for more details.

  18. Andy, i see from your status you've been pressing rivets, have you heard of the Archers transfers? Very useful and time and mental state saving!


  19. And mine. Far too many blue diesels on this place... when will people learn!

  20. They're like biscuit tins... soulless boxes

  21. Hey Steve, i've put a piccie of the loco on my blogger blog rather than on here: http://portncailliche.blogspot.com I was going to wait til i got building it to post on here as I have a cunning plan for an alternative to etching now...

  22. Pub! Where's the new layout?

  23. It says "age unknown" at present, i'd say that's the best way to define it! ;)

  24. I've always like the quote in your signature, I just found an engineering related one for mine that made me chuckle: An engineer is someone who is good with figures, but doesn't have the personality of an accountant. :)

  25. Just seen your new avatar... there's a new forum, smile! ;)

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