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Everything posted by acg5324

  1. My 40141 arrived yesterday....just had a ‘play’.....sorry testing session this morning. All works fine excellent sounds etc..... However being a DCC novice and DCC sound virgin I’ve obviously done something. All the sounds are now very quiet and the loco will not move. I’m using a Digitrax Zephyr. Is there a way of resetting the decoder back to factory settings or something even easier?
  2. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Prosperus New Year...........................and in a not so serious mood.........the alcohol hasn't even started yet! The Minions dont seem to be getting much track laying done on the layout, lying down on the job too! The Brighton Corporation bus destination is finished and blinged up for Christmas.......... We had some good news on Friday that our planning permission has been granted........for hobby room read layout room! and I'm doing my first Railway Book which hopefully will be out during the summer next year.......then probably five more afterwards.
  3. Merry Christmas John and Veronica, I look forward to more instalments in the new year, wish I’d got more done this year.
  4. Had an email to say that mine is on its way over the Pennines from the shop that used be in Liverpool....it will be a whistling New year.
  5. Oh well they’ll be shipped out in time for the new year, mine should have been a birthday present back in October. Wonder if I can get it to Whistle Old Lang Syne!
  6. Freightliner flats are very old models so hopefully the new OO ones will join the shrink ray. A class 25/3 would be a bonus and almost any long frame DMU more so. My wild card would be a 3H DEMU. I can see the breakdown crane coming out in N eventually.
  7. http://www.precisionlabels.com/class402.html? These might be a suitable substitute.
  8. Quite a bit more progress with the TWA building. I’ve also discovered another 1980s TV series it has stared in....The Hammer House of Horror. An episode called Children of the Full Moon. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3gi8ui The building appears straight after the titles and shows what the odd looking LH end of the Russell Rd side was, an undercover entrance for coaches....so I will need to cut a hole in the wall for this. The entrance has now been blocked up and a set of double doors inserted in the new wall. Oh well Sod’s law that I find that image this late in the game. I’ll add some pictures tomorrow.
  9. Mine landed on the doormat today as well.
  10. Using Grahames work as inspiration I’ve made a start on my first all card building. I usually build in plasticard but this is a big building even as low relief. The link will take you to progress on the former TWA terminal in Kensington High St. It is now the Hilton Hotel. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/75679-kensington-olympia-in-n-scale/?p=2920541
  11. I’ve used the N Gauge Georgian Townhouses to extreme. excellent kit and strangely isn’t the 4mm one shrunk down. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/75679-kensington-olympia-in-n-scale/?p=2506800
  12. A nice day at the Yorkshire NGS meeting at weekend saw some more progress on the TWA building. The two blocks are now one. Here are four out of the five walls with most window openings cut. The righthand wall is the Kensington High St side and still needs its ground floor windows etc cut out. Below the last set of windows is road level so it needs to set correctly. The walls propped up on the building. Road level is the first ink line up from the bottom.
  13. Monk Bar models in York had the two green versions and the blue one in stock, no sound ones yet.
  14. This view shows the start of the High Street Kensington side of the building. Other than a couple of long shots I've failed to come up with any other images of its time as the TWA terminal. It does feature in an episode of Minder and an episode of the Profesionals but 99% of the content is inside the building. The only useful thing is that the Minder episode shows that the Russell Rd side of the building the flat roof at 1st floor level looks like it was part of a canopy and it looks like the building has been extended further out under it probably when it became a hotel. I’ve just found the Sweeney Episode, Latin Lady has a sequence outside the Russell Rd entrance. It unfortunately shows that the bit that looks like an extension is exactly that, not even a canopy it’s all new.....! Oh well too far along to go back now so my building will have the extension but now made to look like it was always there. This is sample of the stone effect paint. The small square is neat on to white card, the larger area has been sprayed with grey primer first and think it looks OK. It goes on quite bumpy but when dry its not so pronounced.
  15. Class 25/3 again....... Ferry vans.....take your pick Mk1 BSO and RB / RBR Autic, 3 axle car carrier. Class 47 with sound Mk2a BFK they only have to put a yellow stripe on the BSO and do a new interior. 3H or even more dribbly a 6L
  16. So I see, this blind came off a dual door Atlantean.
  17. I’ve made a start on the Kensington High St side of the building. I’ll get some pics up shortly. On a trip to Wilko’s today I managed to get some stone effect spray paint. I’ve done a test on some grey undercoated card and I’m very pleased with the results, again I’ll get some pics loaded shortly. And finally today I’ve finished framing out the bus blind and it is now illuminated with a 900mm LED tube from Toolstation. It’s starting to look the business....photos to follow.
  18. Oh yes, where I was born. Many rides on the 49 and 49A.
  19. Heading south today for the Brighton MRC Exhibition.

    1. Regularity


      In which case, you might get a peerage... ;)

  20. Hangleton, yes. The whole blind is about 15 ft long. includes Brighton station and Portslade station.
  21. As a side project, bus rather than railway related Ive been making a display box for my Brighton Blue buses destination blind. Made from spare 6mm ply some batten and a couple of broom handles from Wilko.....all very high tech. I've also found a nice 3ft LED batten fitting to illuminate it.
  22. Third wall completed. They are just propped up on the building at the moment.
  23. The front walls have had a quick squirt of grey primer, I’m wondering if using a stone effect spray can will give a good finish rather than using loads of Scalescenes pebbledash.
  24. A start has been made on the window cutting out...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz The walls are not yet attached. Whilst it is a very plain looking building it does have a quite complex window and panels arrangement. All the windows on these two wall are cut out and the second layer of panelling added. I think I will give it all a quick coat of grey primer so that any edges that show won't be white.
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