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Everything posted by acg5324

  1. Gutter cleaners were usually LHD so that the driver could see the gutter. They always had a little sign on the back of them. Can’t say that I’ve seen one for a while to see if that’s still the case.
  2. Those wheels look better. I’m going to try and file off the back on the original wheels as I think that was stops the tyre going far enough on the axle. If that doesn’t work I’ll be following your lead.
  3. Finally completed the Cavaliers and Volvos. I got a yellow, orange, red and white paint pen to add to the silver and black. These are very useful for small details like indictaors and brake lights etc.
  4. You don’t hang about do you Grahame. I wish I could clear my backlog of buildings that well and that quickly.
  5. Thank you Grahame. They were spray painted with Tamiya acrylics then varnished and then the details painted in with a brush or paint pen. black and silver. I’m going to get a red, yellow and orange one for the tailights etc. Next time I’ll varnish last.
  6. Appologies for the grainy image taken on my Ipad. Here is progress so far with my Volvo and Cavalier trios. Side lights, indicators etc to be added along with registration plates. The Micro clear windows are still drying hence the cloudy windscreens.
  7. Looking good Grahame. Having just started to detail my RailnScale cars I’m starting to appreciate the ODC cars painted details more and more. I’ve a few Cortinas on order thought I’d repaint some! ......not yellow!
  8. Looking forward to mine......
  9. The latest Traction magazine will also have another article about Olympia http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/126853-traction-issue-242/?p=2877100
  10. Kensington Olympia or at least the three station boards will be making a rare trip out to the Yorkshire NGS open day. Only on the Saturday due to other commitments. Come along and say hello. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/calendar/event/1892-n-gauge-society-yorkshire-area-group-open-weekend/
  11. Looks like the first Cortina is out along with the MGB, the second Cortina and MGB colours will be out at the same time as the Imp.
  12. Coming along nicely, my Cavaliers and Volvos are not getting finished very quickly as I’ve been replacing the fencing in the back garden! Any excuse.
  13. Mine arrived yesterday as well, looks like another excellent issue.
  14. They look very useful, do you have a source for them, the only internet search brings up sold out at Antics. This will be much less mind numbing than the method I've been using.
  15. Fantastic work, how did you produce the different types of window? Are they solid in the older buildings with small windows?
  16. Worryingly when doing a search for Bedford S type van, every picture is a diecast model.....until I got to this image. https://goo.gl/images/n14u8y
  17. Leyland Ergo cab and or a Foden S type cab or Seddon Atkinson cab would be useful. Both ODC and BT seem to like 8 wheel 4 axle chassis with everything, a 3 axle chassis and tractor units would increase the variety. Transit and Sherpa vans are a must Bedford CF would be good too.
  18. Thanks for that link, had found it earlier but forgot to save it. Nice to see Champagne Starfire is a close match for the Tamiya sand colour that I've used. Useful Ford colour charts here http://forum.retro-rides.org/thread/146340/1970s-ford-paint-charts
  19. Well I've made a start on the RailNscale Volvos and Cavaliers. They arrived within a week, not bad. The printing seemed pretty good with very little layering visible. After a clean up they have been sprayed with Halfords Grey primer then given a little sanding where needed. One Cavalier has been sprayed Tamiya sand a nice 70's beige colour. Detail painting windows etc to add. Need a trip to Halfords to get some other colours. I'll probably do the Sportshatch in white as a friend of mine had one in that colour.
  20. The first posting from me for sometime, lots to do inside the new house as well as in the garden plus the distractions of Yorkshire. Been to the local NGS meets for the last three months, very good. Got a bit of modelling done plus playing trains a bit too. Today has been the first day ive done any modelling at home I had ordered from RailNscale a 3 pack of Volvo 200 series cars and a 3 pack of Vauxhall Cavaliers. These have been cleaned up and undercoated with Halfords grey primer. The first Cavalier has had a coat of Tamiya sand.....a nice 1970s beige colour. The cars were cleanly printed. In the background you can just make out part of my latest ferry van, an Interfrigo one. This is a stretched Roco van chassis with a scratchbuilt body, partially constructed.
  21. Don't think it has the same issues as the OO model, looks like a c25 to me...and I've got five!
  22. As far as I know they have no website just the photo copied catalogue.
  23. There's some nice looking vehicles in there range And some 1970s cars like the R16.
  24. The box arrived from Shapeways today so I'll have some modelling to do. I guess these need a good clean prior to any sanding? The Milk float from Osbourns looks good I'll need at least one and painted as Express Dairies for Olympia. The Ford D, Merc van and Range Rover look the business too.
  25. I see that RailNscale have the Vauxhall Cavalier 3 pack in 1:148 on offer https://www.shapeways.com/product/3S7J5PYSW/set-3x-vauxhall-cavalier-british-n-1-148?li=shareProduct&optionId=59808290 I've taken the plunge and ordered a set plus the Volvo three pack. In addition I found an online voucher for 15% off Shapeways too. I'll let you know how they shape up.....no pun intended.
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