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Status Updates posted by Claude_Dreyfus

  1. first a tortoise, and now one of our little fish has died...perhaps I'm not cut out for this keeping pets thing :(

    1. Leicester Thumper

      Leicester Thumper

      little fish can be a pian, i keep them and it took me two years to get the hang of it.

  2. one of our tortoises has passed away. RIP Wakame...

  3. rather too much port tonight!

  4. Congratulations Crawley Town - won promotion to the League today...

    1. Mallard60022


      Well deserved by all accounts.


  5. has a demijohn of ginger wine bubbling away. Looks, and smells, a little suspect at the moment, however should pull through okay...one hopes!

    1. Blackthorn


      Sounds good, do you remember where the recipe came from?

    2. Claude_Dreyfus


      It comes from an ancient Good Housekeeping book; sadly long out of print...

  6. is having a Bachmann-induced crisis! N Gauge CEP and one of my favourite steam locomotives - Wainwright C - in 00...

    1. cromptonnut


      I know that feeling... I'd love some N gauge EMU's but as I need 9 for the project I have in mind, I'd have to sell most of my OO stock to pay for it, and since I sold a lot of my N stock to get my OO collection...

  7. is a happy boy...Yamanouchi Oshika will be appearing in the March edition of Continental Modeller!

    1. SouthernRegionSteam


      Excellent - Well done to you and all the team at Liphook!

  8. has just bottled his homemade Beetroot Wine. The double-fermenting process seems to have worked!

    1. ozzyo


      You can also add about 1 teaspoon of sugar when you bottle it and leave for about 6 months.

  9. Off to my work's Christmas party tonight - a month too late, or 11 months too early?

  10. Beetroot wine underway!

  11. is adding detailing parts to a rake of Tomix ballast hoppers whilst listening to Sidney Bechet...

  12. 8 inches of snow has nearly vanished overnight...presently watching the rain come down...

  13. has been sugar soaping walls...

  14. Tortoises have gone into hibernation...

    1. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      is that the prickly ones or the point motors?

    2. sixteen 12by 10s

      sixteen 12by 10s

      My Fulgurex one's are still awake

  15. has discovered that his guinea pigs love Jazz and swing music, but aren't too fond of Stravinsky or Kraftwerk!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Taigatrommel


      How do the cavies show their appreciation? Or is it more distressed squeaks at the music they don't like?

    3. Barry Ten

      Barry Ten

      He's been looking at their recent Amazon purchases

    4. Claude_Dreyfus


      They happily sit there purring as the likes of Sidney Bechet and Sammy Davis Jnr play - we even get some 'popcorning', but the moment you get a bit of Firebird or Autobahn they start grumbling and swearing...


  16. just heard that the Nankai Rap:t 50000 that I have had on order for the last 6 months has finally come into stock....happy days!

  17. is down with the dreaded lurgi...

  18. has just taken delivery of a set of Shinkansen chop sticks from Japan!

  19. is off on his holidays

  20. still at work...implementations are very long and boring!

  21. If you have made it here, you must be really lost!

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