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Gallows Close

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Status Updates posted by Gallows Close

  1. I have only one thing to say: You froth if you want to. This modeller's not for frothing.

    1. Huw Griffiths
    2. Jack374


      Take it as it comes

  2. I have only one thing to say: You froth if you want to. This modeller's not for frothing.

  3. Just made a good deal. I'll paint the staircase for you my love, if you let me get the airbrush out tomorrow. She agreed!

    1. Gallows Close

      Gallows Close

      Didn't say when I'd paint the staircase..... LOL.


    2. BoD


      Won't it take a long time with an airbrush?

    3. Gallows Close

      Gallows Close

      Depends how big your brush is...

  4. wishes he'd been savvy enough to photograph the everyday, before it became history...

    1. Armchair Modeller

      Armchair Modeller

      Today is tomorrow's history though - better late than never ;)

  5. The missus has just blown up the Dyson, and taken all hope of a new class 60 with it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mozzer models

      mozzer models

      Just get a Class 50

    3. Horsetan


      The bachelor life for me....

    4. skipepsi


      Just rebuild it with bits off ebay

  6. With it being so cold, I've resorted to finishing off those "nearly done" projects. This week its been the Class 210.

  7. With the class 31 project done, it's time to tackle the class 90 rebuild. A new chassis, motor, pantograph and motor await.....

  8. It's Mothers' Day here in Holland on Sunday. Now... should I ask if I can carry on with Kinsley's second headframe this weekend, or is that a bad idea?

    1. James


      Depends, if your mum's made the trip over then no but otherwise go for it!

  9. Nice weather. Glass of wine. Any more modelling today? No - I don't think so.

  10. Anyone been on the sleeper from Amsterdam to Copenhagen? What is it like?

    1. Boris


      I don't know I was asleep.


    2. beast66606


      It's a train with beds, but that's not important right now

    3. Gallows Close

      Gallows Close

      That - I like!

  11. Teacher informs me that I'm almost ready to sit my Dutch language exams. Am I nervous? Ja zeker!

    1. Barry Ten

      Barry Ten

      beste wensen!

    2. Gallows Close

      Gallows Close

      Dank je, maar je kan ook nog in het engels schrijven

  12. Small children and layout wiring. Why the facination?

    1. DonB


      Wiring? It's only two wires, INIT??

      So why can't I get it right first time?

    2. halfwit


      The chance to cause the maximum amount of chaos with the minimum amount of effort?

  13. Might get the barbeque out tomorrow......

    1. Trainshed Terry

      Trainshed Terry

      You will make it rain if you do that.

    2. Gallows Close

      Gallows Close

      The whole of Holland has gone barbeque mad - I'd be mad not to join in!

    3. Horsetan


      I'm praying for a bit of rain....

  14. And so, another busy week ahead - I'd love a week off to just play trains.

  15. Flying to Edinburgh tomorrow. Will it snow there next week?

  16. As I thought. A list of jobs...... Including cleaning the toilet!

    1. Red Devil

      Red Devil

      Lucky fellow, I'm taking the washing machine apart to recover a bra wire!

    2. Mallard60022


      Don't fret mate I have to clean toilets for a job!

    3. Gallows Close

      Gallows Close

      You have my admiration. I only hope you don't have to do it at home too.

  17. Mrs. GC and the daughters are at the theatre tomorrow. Will I get some modelling time, or a list of jobs to do whilst they are out? Hmmm!

  18. It's here. But I can't play with it. May be at the weekend then?

    1. Pennine MC

      Pennine MC

      Disgusting boy ;-)

  19. Just wondering who, apart from me, is waiting for their class 70 to arrive?

  20. Blue paint. Lighten it, weather it or start again.....

  21. Early night tonight! Up at 5am for the start of another week.

  22. The first headgear for Kinsley is nearly ready for a coat of British Coal blue. Pics later - hopefully!

  23. Just having a quiet evening reading through Freight Only - Volume 3. A spot of colliery research...

  24. Wonders what temperature is 'warm enough' in the garage to try out his new air brush. There's a class 66 to weather!

    1. skipepsi


      I think you need at least 15C to avoid problems, if you can make a painting tent or inner room then you might have a chance of making a warm enough area.

    2. Gallows Close

      Gallows Close

      Thanks. It's not going to happen any time soon then! May be I could Try the tent idea.....

    3. DaveyH


      I'm not sure we've got 15C in the bedrooms, never mind the garage! :=))

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