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Ron Ron Ron

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Everything posted by Ron Ron Ron

  1. With new homes being planned to accommodate up to one million people, to be built in this corridor, isn't it rather naive to think that new major trunk roads shouldn't be built, or are unnecessary. This can't be stopped, as the population figures keep on rising. It won't only be your area either. Two more Birmingham's worth within the next 20 years !!!!!! UK population.... 1990 57.25 m 2000 58.89 m 2010 62.77 m 2018 66.57 m 2019 66.79 m forecasts... 2020 67.33 m (next year) 2030. 70.58 m 2040. 73.12 m (only 21 years time) .
  2. This all very late in the day....... https://www.constructionnews.co.uk/companies/clients/crossrail/crossrail-hochtief-lands-40m-stations-contract/10039093.article .
  3. Crossrail restarts dynamic testing on the EL. https://www.newcivilengineer.com/latest/crossrail-restarts-dynamic-testing/10038959.article http://www.railtechnologymagazine.com/Rail-News/crossrail-restarts-dynamic-testing-on-elizabeth-line-after-series-of-delays?dorewrite=false http://www.cityam.com/271599/crossrail-begins-dynamic-testing-elizabeth-line-after .
  4. The poor old, new Class 345's are getting very bored, sitting around all day in the OOC depot sidings, with nothing to do. So to alleviate the boredom, one or two have decided to take themselves off to foreign parts, just to get out for a while. Crewe 14th January 2019 (this last week). .
  5. Yes, useful.. n.b. That video has already been posted here in this thread, back on the 23rd May last year. Page 25 - post no. 601 .
  6. No it doesn't. The front end looks like a cardboard box made out of old Corn Flake packets, ala Blue Peter style. .
  7. Quite a few other manufacturers make AC models compatible with the Märklin 3 rail system and they don't all use the 21MTC connector. For example, big player Roco and Fleischmann have gone over completely to PluX connectors in H0, including the AC versions, except for very small locos where Next18 or 6-pin are used. . .
  8. The first pre-series trains were built in Japan and delivered a long time ago (2016/17 'ish). My understanding is that 10 trains were completed in Japan and the remaining 60 have been assembled at Newton Aycliffe. More than half the fleet have been delivered by New Year. Non of the Class 385 order has been built at Pistoia, but the first 4 Japanese built trains were used for testing and did not have their interiors fitted out. These were sent to the Italian facility a few months ago for interior fit out and post production modifications. These 4 sets had been used for network compatibility testing and type testing, with 385001 and 385102 used in Scotland, while 385002 and 385101 underwent tests in Velim (Czech Republic) and Germany. They are due to be returned to the UK in February and March. . .
  9. MRC's history regarding computer interfaces, isn't very sparkling, however, If only wanting to use an iPad (or iPhone) as an extra control throttle, then MRC produce the Prodigy WiFi interface. A rebadged version is sold by Gaugemaster as the DCC05 Prodigy WiFi. This module will allow the use of the WiThrottle iOS app on an iPad, or iPhone, without the need for any computer, or computer software package. For Android devices, the JMRI Engine Driver app can be used instead. http://www.gaugemaster.com/instructions/prodigy/DCC05.pdf http://www.gaugemaster.com/articles/product-spotlight/prodigy-wifi-ios.html
  10. Digitrax have replaced their "DCS51 - Zephyr Xtra" starter system, with an updated "DCS52 - Zephyr Express" http://www.digitrax.com/news/2019/01/03/zephyr-express-starter-set-released/ http://www.digitrax.com/products/starter-sets/dcs52/ Old model New model
  11. The router is boxed and contains its power supply. There are no other cables included. There is a customised instruction book (University), which deals with resetting to factory settings. Unfortunately, we cannot locate the installation CD ROM. I don't know if that matters or not? I'm just trying to find out if it's worth selling for a nominal fee, or should it just be chucked away? .
  12. I have in my possession a boxed and almost unused TP-Link router, that my daughter used at Uni. It was supplied to allow internet access on the Uni campus via a cable socket in her room. The scheme was, you bought the router, which was pre-configured to operate on the Uni network and once finished, it was yours to take away and use anywhere, subject to pressing the reset buttons. A reset was also necessary once moving out of halls into rental accommodation. The router was only used for about 6 weeks and has been boxed up since then. The router details..... TP-Link TL-WR720N 150 Mbps Wireless N router. marked "For Cable connections". The questions..... Can this router be put to any good use? Does anybody want it? Is it any use for model railway applications (e.g. with something like a Roco Z21 ?) If I can, I'll try and sell it for a modest price. I hate the idea of it going into landfill. Ron .
  13. The 5-car LNER Class 800 being released , represents only a small proportion of the LNER fleet. There are only 10x 5-car Bi-modes on order for LNER, out of a total order for 65x 800's and 801's. 42 will be Electric 801's 22 will be Bi-Mode 800's (inc. 13x 9-car) 43 will be 9-cars .
  14. Why on earth have you posted that in this particular section ??????????????
  15. Everything I've read recently says that there will now be 6 HS2 platforms at OOC. Three in each direction.
  16. I've pointed out before that this is just an urban myth and bears no relation to reality.ENS was in trouble from 1995/96 and the program was put on hold a year later. Apart from the technical problems and costs running out of control, there was a realisation that there was no viable market for the service. It should have been canned then, but allowed to struggle on until the plug was finally pulled in early 1999. The European budget airline "revolution" had hardly started by then and the small number of routes and markets it was serving in those early days, were completely different from the Eurostar and proposed Nightstar routes. In those early years, it was not a competitor to ENS at all. Certainly there was almost nothing in the way of budget airline operations from the "regions" until after the millennium. The massive explosion in European budget airline operations, didn't kick in until after 2002. The "killer" was that the concept was already outdated at its inception, there was no viable market for it and that regular European air transport links had already been providing a much better alternative, at reasonable costs, for a couple of decades before. Ron
  17. .....and the police enquiries are now concentrating on interviewing the people who made the reports.
  18. Drone sightings ?????? No noisy planes flying. Wide area of open grassland countryside....perfect hunting ground? Distant viewing.
  19. The two extra wires carry track power from the PowerCab to the PCP. .
  20. The penalty is up to 5 years in prison, but if sufficient charges can be brought, it could be a life sentence. Ron
  21. 4x Class 59/0 plus 4x Class 59/1 being purchased and moving to Freightliner. .
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