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Everything posted by McRuss

  1. I have scaled down the pictures so that I can upload on the Rmweb server. Markus
  2. During the last few days I continued with my G&D engineshed. For a long time I was not sure how to built the windows. Because I don't know if there is a comercial available product for the windows, I decided to scrathbuilt them. I copied the windows from the drawings I have on a clear sheet, than I cut wooden profiles to length and stained them. Then I glued them on the windows. https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMHZR4mP7dPr45onyDx3vuwqAK602gyVLuv-zd-7r97A3i9pVyHY6LMriUBu2DplQ/photo/AF1QipMX4N4SW-jdwhQ_-Idos8PNHEXiBhaWw-u456FA?key=WFRBSGNFTjA0TUFPcFBfbmM5WXM3RjdnOFFTTnVn https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMHZR4mP7dPr45onyDx3vuwqAK602gyVLuv-zd-7r97A3i9pVyHY6LMriUBu2DplQ/photo/AF1QipNKCboLpmsvZDiQ8CYhcdsXyY-Mv0YBImKLu12X?key=WFRBSGNFTjA0TUFPcFBfbmM5WXM3RjdnOFFTTnVn https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMHZR4mP7dPr45onyDx3vuwqAK602gyVLuv-zd-7r97A3i9pVyHY6LMriUBu2DplQ/photo/AF1QipNXQa8bJveOSOCa4i1V2G_VwNV0SDKlImynNLfV?key=WFRBSGNFTjA0TUFPcFBfbmM5WXM3RjdnOFFTTnVn https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMHZR4mP7dPr45onyDx3vuwqAK602gyVLuv-zd-7r97A3i9pVyHY6LMriUBu2DplQ/photo/AF1QipMIm7NJdaIDSgr2YXpzIyBb3OffPLKP1fNxVYya?key=WFRBSGNFTjA0TUFPcFBfbmM5WXM3RjdnOFFTTnVn Markus P.S. Can someone please help me, because Rmweb won't let me upload pictures from Google Photo
  3. Last weekend we held our annual Great-britN meeting in the barn where I live. Here are a short teaser and a longer film from the meeting. Pictures will follow soon Markus
  4. Hello Tremayne, your airbrushing attempt looks good to me. Markus
  5. The pictures of your clublayouts extension loosk very good. Markus
  6. Hello, some of you maybe remember the junction module that I built early in 2013. Because these module is needed for our Great-britN modular meeting at end of July I worked on some details on the module scenery. Markus
  7. Today I wanted to plant some fence post to seperate the railway from the quarry. But when finished with that task I had a look if I've got other stuff to place on the module. First I placed the Peco crossing gates. Next project was the fence on the platform of Leckmelm station. I also livened up the goods yard, with some figures, a small office and some fence. Then I placed a old cattle van at the edge of the garden of the station master. Now it waits for some cattle. I also enlivened the quarry area. Markus
  8. ​During my holiday I started to built a engine shed for my G&D Sorethroat branch. It is based on John Allens Gorre engineshed. The walls are made of 1mm balsa wood. The shingles for the roof are made from thin balsa wood strips, that I cut to length and glued them on 1mm card. ​ ​ ​ ​[i Markus​
  9. I spent the last two weeks on holiday in the northern Harz Mountains in eastern Germany. Due to severe cold I suffered in the first week I couldn't spent as much time as planned on riding trains on the Harzer Schmallspurbahnen (Harz Narrow Gauge Railway" But last thursday I was able to ride on the Selketalbahn from Stiege (with turning loop) to Eisfelder Talmühle (where the Selketalbahn joins the Harz Querbahn from Nordhausen to Wernigerode" During the summertimbetabel some trains on the Selketalbahn which runs usually with a diesel railcar are exchanged with steam loco hauled trains. These happens from thursday to saturday. I made a short film of my train ride. Markus
  10. Yesterday I started with the first bit of scenery on my G&D Sorethroat Branch. I filled the area with some cardboard and then applied some earth and Woodland Scenic blended Turf. The figures and the car are only temporary in place. Markus
  11. Since the last week I built the IHC kits. Only some little details are missing and the roofs are not glued in place, so that I could place some interior in the buildings at a later date. Markus
  12. Last week I purchased the IHC Packing Plant and Cannery kit on Ebay. I was on search for them quite a while. Last friday I was able to collect them from the post office. @F-UnitMad Sorry for the late answer. My locos run okay through the "dog leg". Regarding your other question. I built the turnouts on my workbench, using the Fastrack turnout template. Then I placed the turnout Tiestrips on the layout and glued them in place. After these is done I glued down the wooden ties. When the glue has dried. I put the turnouts on the turnout ties and cut the rails to length, then I glued them down. After that I put in the spikes. Next I put a rail joiner on a Code 83 rail and pushed it on one of the turnout rails. Then I placed the rail on top of the ties and spiked the rail down every 5th or 6th tie. When rail is spiked down the entire lenght I took a second rail and repeated the process parallel to the first rail, but these time I'm using some Microengineering trackgauges so that the rails got the correct spacing. Markus
  13. Hello Dave, the EP 1 looks great. Markus
  14. Hello Andy, maybe you could combine the two trackplans. So that you could use each of one as a stand alone layout, but also that you could use both of them together. E.g. Glen Goolie on the left and Bute Oil terminal on the right. When used together an train with tankers arrives first on the platform at Glen Goolie, then the loco will run around the train and then push the tankers in to the appropriate sidings at Bute Oil terminal. Markus
  15. I would also be interested in a PDF copy of these book. Markus
  16. Are there any pictures of your exhibition layout online? Markus
  17. Hello Peter, it is in the book: Modelling Scotlands Railways on page 85 Markus
  18. Hello Tremayne, good to see you back on track. Any pictures of your APT? Markus
  19. McRuss

    Ask Dave

    Hello Dave, as I have also a set of a powered and one dummy of your Claytons on preorder, I'm also interested in a combined Snowplow/NEM pocket. Markus
  20. McRuss

    Peco & Piko

    As far as I know the name Piko for the german manufacture is a short form for Pionier Konstruktion (pioneer construction). Markus
  21. I finished the interior of the Argyll Hotel. Now I only have to install the lighting for the rooms. Markus
  22. A few days ago I started with a project, which is quite long in the pipeline. It is the Argyll Hotel at Ullapool https://www.google.de/maps/@57.8967145,-5.1558092,3a,79.1y,315.83h,85.36t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sp7fTkEAuXU1EWAAASdvEiA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=de I can't get any dimension of the original building, so I used Google and Scalescenes for estimating them. I found out that todays roof shape was different in the 1960s. I've found a picture from the early or mid 60s showing a traditional slate roof. And another one from 1972 with todays roof shape For the dimensions I used the Scalescenes Lockkeepers Cottage. My hotel building is twice the lenght of the cottage. For the moment I built the building the the 60s conition, but for the future I plan to build another one with todays roof shape. I also decided to put in an interior for the pub, kitchen, and guestrooms. here you can see the bar in the pub view from above the pub For the furniture I use Scalescenes and Modelrailway Scenery downloaded kits. But I'm looking for a source for tables and chairs for the pub. After the groundfloor is finished I will put on the ceiling and put in some small lights for illumination. The the guestrooms above will be finished. Markus
  23. These weekend it was time again for an operating session. Yesterday there were up to seven operators for the Garve and Ullapool Railway. We discovered yesterday that due to the change of the couplers to Dapol magnetic couplers, we have much less trainseperations than at the last sessions, there were only one trainseperation during the entire train. Markus
  24. During the last few days the road contruction team worked at Inverlael. Now you could see me entire to Dapol magnetic couplers converted rolling stock. At about 80 I only replaced the couplers because they were equipped with NEM coupler pockets. On 35 I had mostly adapt the Dapol couplers to the original coupler pocket. These is the case with the original Peco wagons and Dapol wagons, where I used the original coupler pockets and used some shims and trimmed couplers for the conversion. On Farish wagons I used the inner part of the Dapol NEM conversion kit and glued it on the underside of wagon. But be aware, that these wagons couldn't negotiate tight curves. I tested it with 28cm curves and it worked. But you have to test if it is working for you. Markus
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