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Peter Kazmierczak

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Everything posted by Peter Kazmierczak

  1. How can I criticise such a wonderful layout, but those engine lamps...... Gilbert, I wonder if anyone makes any in 3mm scale? They might be worth a try if they do. Regards, Peter
  2. That certainly merits a "like this". Can you do the Peaks next please Nidge............
  3. Not all that creative, but I quite like the light. Peter
  4. Larry, it's navel. I got told off earlier in another thread about my spelling of that word...... As long as people don't say "That's nice" about a model, then you've made it.
  5. Yes, of course it was. Must've had my mind on other things.
  6. Perhaps I have a one track mind..... 4032 Queen Alexandra 27001 Ariadne 30753 Melisande 46208 Princess Helena Victoria 46232 Duchess of Devonshire
  7. Hope everything goes OK tomorrow Gilbert. Best wishes, Peter
  8. Come on guys, you're all having me on. It's got to be Katie Johnson (Mrs Wilberforce) from The Ladykillers. Regards, Peter
  9. I particularly like the view of the bridge over the Avon. Really captures the scene well. Peter
  10. Teignmouth; but not the sea wall. A down HST awaits "right away". Peter
  11. Hello Gilbert. A super set of pictures as usual. Just one thing I've noticed is that there appears to be a pale grey circular spot in a number of them. This can be clearly seen in the end view of North Box. I wonder if your camera sensor has some dead pixels on it. If it's still under guarantee, it might be worth contacting your supplier. Regards, Peter
  12. Keeping the black and white theme..... 47322 heads east through Nottingham with a MGR train; July 1977.
  13. Well Gilbert, Your layout has given me the impetus to model a real location, or at least part of it. I'll not say much yet, apart from the fact that the Blue Pullman passed through there once a day..... Many regards, Peter
  14. There's no way you'll fall flat on your face with your modelling ability Gordon. Regards, Peter
  15. I like the final picture of your buildings under construction Peter. That tower was obviously designed by the GN as a paint brush holder rather than associated with the footbridge. Stunning buildings; well done.
  16. Love the views showing the main entrance to the station. Really captures the look and feel P'boro. Smashing! Regards, (Another) Peter
  17. Thank you for starting this thread John, which I've just found after almost two years! OS maps are an excellent resource, but beware of some of the track formations. Some cartographers don't understand the niceties of single and double-slips, trap and catch points etc. Kelly's Street Directories are very useful for information on shop names, though the last editions came out in 1975. For more up-to-date information on shops, Goad maps are also very good for that sector. Oral history is a very good source of original material; as someone has stated above, don't forget to have a consent form to use the material. Finally a little story to end on. Some years ago the BBC ran a project called "People's War". I collected some oral material for it and one lady in particular stays in my memory. After she'd spoken about the Second World War, I persuaded her to tell me more about general life in the town where she grew up. One day she was allowed home early as her uncle was visiting. I thought this rather strange; children wouldn't be allowed out early just because a relative was visiting. Anyway, she sat on his lap, played on the lawn and had tea. After he'd left she asked her dad why she'd been able to have the afternoon off school. Her father said that her uncle didn't come down from London all that often. "So what did uncle do father?" Well her dad told her that her uncle quite liked writing. "What does he write?". Her dad said uncle had written a few books. "What are they called?" Well, one was The Time Machine, another The Invisible Man and another called The War of the Worlds..... Really makes history, come alive. Regards, Peter
  18. Must say that's a cracking shot of the Standard Cl.4MT Gilbert.
  19. Mick, I suppose a number is just a number at the end of the day. Maybe the 13th off the North American production line became # 70013. Regards, Peter
  20. 70015 unloaded at 3.05pm. Think they're all Intermodal. Still unsure if 70013 is one of them; looking likely that it is. Peter
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