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Peter Kazmierczak

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Everything posted by Peter Kazmierczak

  1. Just back from Wimborne to pick up a prescription. Went on the bus. The one going was an ex-London one with two sets of doors. Though down here in Dorset, we only use the front one - might be too confusing for the locals. Also popped into the local museum where they have a secondhand book selection. Came away with three books on ----ways, as you do...
  2. I did once say I was NORAD, in an American accent...
  3. The real Stanley was very much in a coal mining district; close to West Hallam (coal mine next to the GN station) and Stanley Footrill Colliery (running to a coal wharf in Chaddesden, Derby via a rope-worked tramway). Not really canal country... This imaginary branch from Bramcote would've gone near to the large Stanton ironworks though.
  4. Eventually they were. AEI (which included BTH) became part of GEC, as did EE.
  5. An optical illusion or something else? Do the tops of the rails tarnish more quickly after painting the sides? Recently painted the sides of the railways in Humbrol 113 and the rail heads appear to tarnish quicker. Or is it just me needing a trip to the opticians?
  6. The wisteria flowers every year, despite my best efforts to over-prune it...
  7. Think it's safe to say that spring has finally arrived.
  8. When presenting your ticket on the GW, they had to be “Shewn”. Using the archaic form of "shown", the GW might well have been correct though. It implies that something has been demonstrated or proven, rather than simply displayed. So you have to prove you have the correct ticket, rather than merely showing it.
  9. Very clever start to Bachmann's announcement, with the filming/narration in the style of BTF filmography (if that's a word...)
  10. Andy is obviously a follower of 1970s ecological dystopian thrillers...
  11. I'd rather we climb onto the climate bandwagon than ignore it...
  12. Thought that the brickwork by the loading dock looked too pristine, so I hacked a bit off... First photo is before; second after.
  13. The real Baker Street was/is in Alvaston, Derby, where I grew up...
  14. Behind me is the inspiration for one of the best-known and loved British stage comedy-thrillers. So where was I last Saturday afternoon, what was the name of the play, and who wrote it?
  15. Of course, you wouldn't really find wheelsets just scattered around a TMD...
  16. It's so dismal, damp, and dark outside, that we've just put the central heating on.
  17. Anyone remember the "Great British Locomotives" partwork from ten years ago?
  18. Thanks Kevin. I trust that is May 2024... Sounds like Crecy have bitten off more they can chew in the breadth of their publishing range.
  19. I did try to email the author, but he seems to have changed his email since I last contacted him. Have just asked Crecy (the publishers) what's afoot - awaiting their reply.
  20. I feel that creating a "sense of place" for a layout helps to build that elusive railway atmosphere. It also gives a sense of purpose to its operation and train movements. So this is where the imaginary Aston-on-Trent freight branch is located in South Derbyshire. Running for less than two miles, it leaves the MR Sawley & Weston line at Weston-on-Trent station. Running north-eastwards, it skirts Weston Grange and Birdcage Wood, running along the north side of the Trent & Mersey canal. The terminus is at the exchange yard with a tramway (that really existed) from gypsum/alabaster pits up in Aston Hills, running across Aston Moor to a wharf on the Trent & Mersey.
  21. Yep. I did try to email him to see what was afoot, but it looks like he's changed his email address.
  22. The sound effects of the football stadium near the station are very effective...
  23. How did I forget Normanton? (Not to be confused with Peartree & Normanton...)
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