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Everything posted by APOLLO

  1. Or perhaps Double Diamond - keeps this guy going !!!!! Happy St George's day everyone. Brit15
  2. Don't forget to add a tiny light (or small hole in the black back tunnel wall) to signify "the light at the end of the tunnel" Brit15
  3. There were several small stations on the WCML just north & south of Wigan North Western (which itself would make an interesting though large layout). To the south was Bamfurlong and a bit further south Golborne, both 4 track and very similar to each other. http://www.disused-stations.org.uk/b/bamfurlong/index.shtml http://www.disused-stations.org.uk/g/golborne_south/ Going north out of Wigan NW it's 2 tracks and a steep gradient up to Standish / Coppull. Boars Head had an interesting junction / station / signalbox in a cutting. http://www.disused-stations.org.uk/b/boars_head/index.shtml Standish also had an interesting station and junction. The Whelley loop line joined the main line here via a flying junction, through the small station then 4 tracks commenced northwards. Standish is not on the disused stations site though. Today the 4 track commences further north just south of Euxton. Brit15 I don't think any of the above have been modeled. Brit15
  4. Too true. My dad (in respect of his car) had a saying -- "oil is cheaper than bearings" Brit15
  5. Some photos of my O gauge pike (model railway). Around through up and over the mountains in 22' x 12'. Spot the LNER signalbox (switch tower !!). A gift from a friend and I simply had to include it. Not ultra to scale or realism but it's been great fun to make and operate. Brit15
  6. Such a namby pamby world we live in today. Bite off a bufferbeam, stab with a fishplate !!!!! Before I got my first Tri-ang TT train set (aged 9) I "helped" (played) with my elder brothers set in Mum & Dads bedroom. The controller mains lead went straight up to the light socket, a splitter there had a push on/off switch - no earth either, reached from a wobbly chair, fell off a couple of times !!! Not recommended but that was how it was back then. We survived !! Brit15
  7. Subscription service soon perhaps ? Brit15
  8. Prefab Sprout - not heard them for yonks !! I had to google and found this - one of there best. -- Sooooo long ago !! Nice pics of Trafford Park by the way - memories again !!. Brit15
  9. Make the video please. Lots of DCC info around, but very little DC these days. Brit15
  10. Pothole on sloper road ?There's a website about that !! https://www.fixmystreet.com/report/969589 Brit15
  11. I have always liked visiting London, especially the early 70's visiting the sheds at Finsbury Park etc (photos on my sites below). It's a fantastic city for it's history, museums culture etc. My sister lived in Twickenham back then, and was a base for my many weekend visits, all by train. Euston was new and fantastic, and we got electric trains direct to there back in 1973/74. Of course things have changed. but it's the rate of change that hits me these days, and down in London that rate seems frenetic. I couldn't live there, or indeed in any city. I did commute to college back in those days, Wigan to Liverpool (2 car DMU always packed, 10 intermediate stops) then to Manchester (6 car express DMU non stop to Salford / Man Vic) . I mention these as the Liverpool commute was an absolute pain, the Southport - Wigan - Salford - Manchester 6 car DMU express a pleasure. A lot does depend on the quality of your commute. I like to take a walk from home to Haigh Hall, our local country park. On a nice clear day you can see the Peak District hills, North Wales and just about make out the Lake District mountains. Pendle Hill and the West Pennine moors are quite nearby also - all are within an hour or so's drive away. Another reason for me to avoid the crowded London and the S.E. Brit15
  12. The scrum at Euston is quite funny to watch (but also quite frightening). Last year we were waiting on that god dam awful concourse for the 21-10 home to Wigan (humming the ELO tune "Last train to Wigan" !!) a LM service to Milton Keynes was duly announced - the platform that is, and the rush / scrum was unbelievable to behold, one wag shouting aloud and laughing "don't panic, don't panic" Dad's army style !! Our train was duly announced around 21-00, then a leisurely walk down to coach B at the front, with no rush as we and most others had reserved seats. This is as it should be. Great to get out of at 100 mph is London for me these days. It's a good place for a day out - but seems to be getting to be a hell hole for the average commuter there. The stress, pollution, job worry, housing, crime etc etc just can't be good for anyone, and it seems to ramp up year and year. I remember Bernard manning, the Manchester comedian once saying - "If you like a smoke, have a smoke. If you like a drink, have a drink. If you like chips, eat chips," don't take these doctors on - they'll have you in bed by nine o clock if you do !! Brit15
  13. Not forgetting the late Frank Dyer of Borchester fame - the man who made OO work. Brit15
  14. Carfloats - Spend a few hours on this superb site http://www.trainweb.org/bedt/IndustrialLocos.html Also some interesting youtube vids on the modern Chicago industrial switching scene - would make a nice modern layout. Lots more on chicagojoe28's site https://www.youtube.com/user/Chicagojoe28/videos Brit15
  15. I'll nominate the late David Jenkinson for his Settle - Carlisle enthusiasm, books, articles & layouts. Most others who perhaps deserve have been mentioned. Brit15
  16. Bob I was in Lidl yesterday (Wigan gas works branch !!) I bought a couple of colourful and nicely made "hanging bird feeders" which look like decent buildings for an outside model railway. I bought a couple (on offer at £6.99 each). Removed the hanger & they look OK https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Foffers.kd2.org%2Fpics%2Ff7%2F32%2Ff73273a9cf64e064809ec32a9fb631e230379d8d.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Foffers.kd2.org%2Fen%2Fie%2Flidl%2FpcDQq%2F&docid=tNllYGN4BVC2kM&tbnid=BSkMoPbGTuiwpM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwj_0ZPdhcHaAhXHQ8AKHVJLBpgQMwg_KAcwBw..i&w=1278&h=959&bih=893&biw=1280&q=lidl%20bird%20feeder%202018&ved=0ahUKEwj_0ZPdhcHaAhXHQ8AKHVJLBpgQMwg_KAcwBw&iact=mrc&uact=8#h=959&imgdii=dZ2XokXi1BNyzM:&vet=10ahUKEwj_0ZPdhcHaAhXHQ8AKHVJLBpgQMwg_KAcwBw..i&w=1278 Brit15
  17. A "Nodding Donkey" (Pacer) engine fell onto the track at Liverpool some years ago. Lots of damage, thankfully no one seriously hurt. https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/safety-check-call-after-trains-3448567 https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/liverpools-city-line-trains-putting-3440891 The RAIB has refused to carry out a full investigation because it does not believe any “further significant lessons” could be learned. Brit15
  18. Settle accident 1960 http://www.railwaysarchive.co.uk/docsummary.php?docID=287 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Settle_rail_crash http://www.cravenherald.co.uk/nostalgia/nostalgia_history/4824214.The_night_Craven_folk_woke_to_rail_crash_horror/ Brit15
  19. This would go well playing full blast over a 1960's grotty northern steam layout !! Brit15
  20. Looking good - what did you use to strip the old paint ?, seems to have worked well. Brit15
  21. LMS 2968 wrote Trying to identify this from Google Images, I can't find any diagrams / photos of Tornado's inside valve gear (from where the above part reportedly fell off) I have found these diagram / photo of the outside valve gear showing a similar part - the Union Link / Combination Lever. (shown disconnected & hanging down in the photo). Is this correct, does the inside motion of Tornado have similar mechanicals ?. The workings / arrangements of inside motion are a mystery to me. Brit15
  22. As to old locomotives on our main lines a pair of fifty year old class 50's ran from Birmingham to Carlisle and back yesterday, 2 minutes early on the return run passing Boars Head Wigan. The train looked quite grand in BR Blue / Grey. I'm sure the Tornado incident will be quite thoroughly investigated and subsequent repairs duly made. She will be back on the main line (I hope) soon. Perhaps 75 MPH is fast enough. What speed are preserved diesels (as above) allowed to run at ? Brit15
  23. This is interesting Haunting music. Brit15
  24. West coast "Deltics" Double headed D400'ers passing my house ten minutes ago, southbound at Rylands Sidings Wigan. Crap place for photography these days, but sun was out (just). and I pressed the shutter a little late. Heard them thundering up the bank this morning, they were slowing for the Wigan stop here. Brought back memories of the late 60's / early 70's. Brit15
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