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Everything posted by APOLLO

  1. Why not buy a secondhand computer, for photo viewing / file access spec doesn't need to be very high. I would look for Windows 7 as the oldest O.S. Around here I could buy a decent WIN 7 machine for around £50. (with 3 months warranty) Brit15
  2. I doubt there were ever any set sizes, they seemed to vary in height / length / construction type etc. I googled "coal staithes" and images - lots to choose from ! https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=coal+staithes&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwitmsKu9aLWAhVnIMAKHT_xC_UQsAQIJQ&biw=1280&bih=894 Loads of modelling info on this interesting site http://www.igg.org.uk/rail/7-fops/fo-coal.htm Also http://www.igg.org.uk/rail/8-yards/y-coal.htm Hope this is of help, Brit15
  3. Just widen the wheel gauge with a screwdriver just a tad - worked for me with my old Tri-ang locos (on Peco code 100 points). Brit15
  4. Found this mooching around on Youtube Salvage Squad Scammell Scarab 'Mechanical Horse' Brit15
  5. It will be 1 (one) pre owned Hornby Peckett, poor / incorrect box, chimney and one buffer missing, runs with a limp and a clicking noise. BARGAIN at £150 (plus £4 Yodel- aye-eee-ohh chuck it over your gate fee) !!! Brit15
  6. Reasonable ? - Not in my book. I've just purchased TWO Weaver O gauge covered hopper freight cars. These are big even by O scale standards - 15" long, 4" high, like new and just kadee couplers to add and off they roll. Cost for the pair - £45 incl free postage (ebay). OK they're not new - but they are average price for these on ebay. And folk think O gauge is expensive !! Brit15
  7. Wigan gasworks 1970 - awaiting demolition. https://www.flickr.com/photos/136789710@N03/albums/72157679064568760 A dead gasworks by now, no hissing of steam traps, bangs, thuds, roars etc. The site is still there now in 2017 - so contaminated no one dare build on it !!! Brit15
  8. Ferryhill shed Aberdeen map (I presume this is the one Tony) http://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/#zoom=17&lat=57.1326&lon=-2.0989&layers=170&b=1 Photo of a V2 on the table here, http://www.nrm.org.uk/railwaystories/railwayvoices/georgeyoung Brit15
  9. It's not just the weathering (which some modellers are quite expert at). It's the seemingly un-modelable atmosphere. The smell of steam, smoke, hot oil, creosote sleepers on a hot day, ths hisses, bangs, clicks and multiple other sounds, wind in the telegraph wires, wind moving those wires, trees and bushes. Rain, puddles, you name it. Some layouts do have atmosphere - of course it's not all there - only reality can do that. But each of us seeks his own atmosphere. I'm building a gas works model - most buildings pipes etc are in - but it's not quite right yet - lots of weathering & "atmosphere" to add as my skills will allow. My first day at work was at Wigan gasworks back in 1969 - boy that place had atmosphere !!!! I need to add grot - lots of it !! Brit15
  10. A man goes skydiving for the first time. After listening to the instructor for what seems like days, he is ready to go. Excited, he jumps out of the airplane. After a bit, he pulls the ripcord. Nothing happens. He tries again. Still nothing. He starts to panic, but remembers his back-up chute. He pulls that cord. Nothing happens... He frantically begins pulling both cords, but to no avail. Suddenly, he looks down and he can't believe his eyes. Another man is in the air with him, but this guy is going *up*!! Just as the other guy passes by, the skydiver -- by this time scared out of his wits -- yells, "Hey, do you know anything about skydiving?" The other guy yells back, "No! - Do you know anything about fitting car Calor Gas valves ?" Sorry, old joke (I'm a retired gas engineer) !! Brit15
  11. Just look at these wonderfull photographs (link from another thread on rmweb) https://ironroad.smugmug.com/1960s-Steam-Finale/ Then ask yourself. What is missing from my models but is present in all these photos ?. Answer Atmosphere. I'm blowed if I know how to model it - but I try ( and I don't overly bother about it) !!!!!!!!!! Brit15
  12. APOLLO


    This is a useful site, with a built in resistance calculator. http://www.hobby-hour.com/electronics/ledcalc.php Another site http://www.quickar.com/bestledcalc.php?session= Blown a few up myself in the past !! Brit15
  13. Some old OOC shots on my Flikr album here 27 March 1970 - scroll down a bit. https://www.flickr.com/photos/136789710@N03/albums/72157677108141394 Brit15
  14. Lots of info diagrams & photos on this post. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/67055-liverpool-central-signal-box/ Brit15
  15. Philippine rail cars - every family has one !!! Hurry up there's a Pendolino coming !!! Brit15
  16. All seems OK http://www.gcrailway.co.uk/unify/ Brit15
  17. Trouble with nuclear is the de-commissioning costs at life's end. Lots of old nuke subs are presently stored in Russia, USA & I understand some old UK ones up in Scotland. Cheaper to store them than cut them up - just kicking the can down the road really. Brit15
  18. Yesterdays alien news There are strange goings on in a quaint Northern town Which the folk there are trying to keep quiet It’d cause a sensation but they’re playing it down For they’re frightened of starting a riot ‘Cause they’ve pit men with arms that are thirty feet long And their heads are as smooth as boiled eggs And the man who sells pies has got three great big eyes And the rugby league hooker is green with six legs CHORUS: For the Martians have landed in Wigan And they’re wearing flat caps on their domes And they’ve paid all their subs to the working men’s clubs ‘Cause Wigan reminds them of home Now the Martians had lost all their bearings one night ‘Cause the compass had gone up the spout As they landed on t’slag heap the captain said, “Right We’re home lads, so let’s all pile out” Well they soon realised that they’d made a mistake So some digs for the night they all booked Where they’d trotters and hotpot and fresh Eccles cake And when they tasted black puddings, those Martians were hooked CHORUS: For the Martians have landed in Wigan… Now the Martians play bingo and speak local lingo Like, “Sithee,” and “Ey up owd flower” From the pier every day you can go t’Milky Way Or a UFO trip round Blackpool Tower So next time you’re passing through Wigan, look out And remember the things I have said Beware of the ones who have clogs on their feet And aerials stuck out the tops of their heads CHORUS: For the Martians have landed in Wigan… You see them round town every Friday & Saturday night - Can't miss em !!!!! Brit15
  19. Air propulsion mentioned. Lea Bailey Light Railway Running on Air Part 1, May 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzGS4j1YQPs Brit15
  20. Very good weathering & vegetation. Brit15
  21. This looks bad !!! No trains Bolton to Manchester until Hadrian has made a visit !! Not having a lot of luck Network Rail are they ? Brit15
  22. Had a day out in Liverpool bank holiday Monday. During the recent electrification of the Liverpool - Manchester / Wigan lines the section from Huyton through Roby to just short of Broad Green station was four tracked, with brand new platforms built / refurbished at Huyton & Roby stations. 4 tracks were laid, but the northernmost track was never connected at either end though the platforms were finished along with working lights, information panels etc. Electrification masts are also in and ready for wires over this track. This was a couple of years ago. On Monday I observed that the brand new platform walls & edges are being demolished right onto the new rail - a right unsightly mess !!!. I can only think there is some issue of clearance as both new platforms at two separate stations are affected. I also noticed new pointwork piled onto the track at each end so I presume the actual 4 tracking is imminent. Can anyone enlighten as to what is going on ?. Seems to me to be a massive waste of money building new platforms twice. Brit15
  23. Quick enough for me - wont beat your Geeee Teeee Eye - but I'll be at the side of you again at the next set of lights, quite relaxed in my "Flying Armchair" !!!!! MPG - around 18-20, 21 max on a run. Doesn't bother me I only do around 500 miles / year - sometimes less. Most comfortable car I have ever had, that's just one reason why I have kept her since 1982. Anyone else had a car that long ? Brit15
  24. My Rover V8 3.5 Litre is "only" 161 BHP. http://www.gbclassiccars.co.uk/rover_p5_p5b.html Quick off the mark, and quite happy in today's traffic, cruises at 70 no problem. Who needs BHP ? Brit15
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