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Everything posted by 43179

  1. That BSI would be very handy if available as a spare in the future B) a 5-WES! (well you did ask ) tfn Jon
  2. Hello - Its been a while since ive done one of these - thanks to my day job Ive been working through my class 50s (still) another batch are shown here with thier windscreens being remodelled - these have taken quite a while do - i started them a good few months back bringing my class 50 fleet up to -er, i dont know how many - but when i get to 50 ill stop Heres a close up of new shawplan window frames fitted - and the very slight reprofiling on to top of the nose. I prefer to use white milliput for this - when all the locos are at this stage Ill then drill holes for the little handrails on top and the windscreen washers. finally - for my model of Laira I had to include 'scrapper' 50010 Monarch, complete with a big hole in the roof : I had a nice trip to warley , and was really pleased to see 47484 on the Vitrains stand - and have now snapped one up for my collection - it looks nice with 50007. Ive put a few of the 'bits' on and its looking nice though the underframe tanks need changing, and the aerial brakcets too - '484 had straight ones rather than the 'V' shaped ones modelled by vitrains. Still , its a very pretty model I think. The 50s im working on in this batch incluce Dreadnaught Victorious, Hood and Illustrious - Im blurring history a little bit , as Victorious was an Oxford loco - but I cant resist a 50 with ploughs B) TFN Jon
  3. Vitrains 47 - the Alfa Romeo of Model railways

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. 43179


      Do you still have your sprint Neal?


    3. Accurascale Fran

      Accurascale Fran

      My Dad had three Alfa Suds. I have considered getting him sectioned, but have now realised that I own 3 Vitrains 47's, so I know where he was coming from!

    4. Horsetan


      Just as well I'm going to be using Heljan 47 drive bogies for my Prototype Deltic, then!

  4. Are my eyes playing tricks - or have they even done a TGS B) (on the left in that picture above) Better not bring one out in 'Swallow' livery or ill be in trouble... tfn Jon
  5. looking forward to a trip to Bristol

  6. 43179

    Dapol HST

    Based on what I saw at warley - the Intercity Swallow power car on display looked much darker than my Dapol mk3s - I have the Intercity ones - and the color of the window surrounds used on the model is best described as 'grey' - whereas on the Power car , as with the Dapol 86 - the color would be described definately something closer to black ; compare this: http://www.ehattons.....aspx?SID=25443 (which looks to use the same shade as their Power Car) to this http://www.ehattons.....aspx?SID=25457 even taking into account, dodgy light as warley (possibly) , and maybe dodgy/inconsistant photogrpahy on the shops website - Id say theres a mismatch in colors. IF the production models of the 'swallow' Power Car is painted as per the model at warley , people whove already bought up Mk3s (like me) earlier might be a bit miffed. Does anyone else have a Dapol mk3 and class 86 to compare? TFN jon
  7. 43179

    Dapol HST

    Deja-vu! I remember pointing out the window issue earlier : http://www.rmweb.co....ow/page__st__25 - where were you lot back in september - seeing them in the flesh at warley though... they look so lovely now all painted up properly that i dont really care B) , while ogling the INTERCITY version I didnt really notice the window error to be honest - but it is still there it seems . I am more concerned about the colors matching my mk3s - if anyone is unsure what im blabbing on about - compare the pictures on >(insert popular liverpool box shifters name here)< website of the Dapol Intercity 86 with their mk3. tfn Jon
  8. 43179

    Dapol HST

    The HSTs looked absolutely gorgeous at warley - I withdraw all my previous nit picking! However can I ask , the colors, will they match the existing Mk3 coaches - I have some of the first release of mk3s in INTERCITY plus the DVT and a class 86 in the same livery - but the 86 is a much darker shade of grey - the 'Swallow' power car on display looked like it used the same shades as the 86 - although the lighting in the NEC is a bit wierd and probably didnt do them much justice - i just hope i havent got 2 dozen mk3s that are a different shade to the power cars They'll be worth the wait B) tfn Jon
  9. Watch out anyone driving home on the A2 - I appear to have left my coolant behind - I love my Alfa !

  10. fraudsters helping themselves to the contents of my bank account - £700 poorer >:(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ed-farms


      I had some fraud the other week as well, only £30 but I am with Barclays and they sorted it out no time. 1 quick phone call and the money was refunded a couple of days later.

    3. bcnPete


      Must admit, have tried them all but have no probs with First Direct + been 10 years plus with them now...

    4. Mallard60022


      Bloody h**l, not another one? They did me too on October 7th - nearly 1k!

  11. I do like the start-up on the Bubble Car chip - great fun B) Very tempted now - always nice to have variation in sound chips TFN Jon
  12. wheresthecoffee

    1. Boris


      Milk and three sugars please.


    2. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      could I have tea please, (milk, no sugar)

  13. time for some Roxy'

  14. car is suffering from alfa-itis

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. 43179


      mines a slightly later model to the one in the film - without the rounded 'tail'

    3. Horsetan


      Ah, so you've got the Kamm-tailed one, rather than the boat-tail.

    4. 43179


      Yes - I prefer the kamm tail - think they looked better - the boots a bit bigger too - no use for layouts though!

  15. Jeff Wode is feeling better and is now prepared to step back into society and start tossing his orb about

  16. likes the NSE 50 in the recent gallery images :)

  17. I can exceed 5 jaffa cakes a day quite easily!

  18. believes that jaffa cakes count as one of your 5-a-day

  19. I was wondering the same - perhaps just go over them with a black permanant marker? Jon
  20. you may be stranded if you stick around...

  21. This is a first time I've dared post a picture in this thread - from my very unfinished layout of Laira : I'm afraid 'Windows Paint' is the limit of my photo editing skills tfn Jon
  22. c'mon Heljan lets have an O gauge 50

  23. Tea and Biscuits !

    1. meld


      only interested if they are HobNobs Jon !!

  24. Yes - The Blue Pullman Has been cancelled - and from now on all 4mm locos will be supplied with P4 Wheelsets

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