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Everything posted by RBE

  1. Cheers Andy, for coaching stock Im using the standard couplers modified for close coupling which works a treat but with the new couplings at each end of the rake. I've ordered some DGs to give em a try. Much cheaper than the Dapol stuff. I may well have a go with Dapol too and see which I prefer. Cav
  2. My thoughts are turning to couplers. I intend to run fixed rakes for most trains and as such will be coupled up to run and then not uncoupled or shunted during running however I would like the locos to all be able to shunt if I so wished so will need to fit the end of each rake and all wagons within a shuntable rake to be fitted with a coupling that works well for shunting. I would imagine that there are only really the new Dapol kadee clones or DG's that fit the bill. Does anyone have a preference as to which they think would work best for Millers Dale? Cav
  3. Loving the van very nice indeed!!! Cav
  4. Cracking stuff again coachman. I was intending on getting a parcels diagram on there in any case so nice to have a reason for one. Good train for a 31 or 47 haulage I think. Cav
  5. Yes chaps I will get some better pics when its done with my good camera. I am just taking progress shots with my phone camera which obviously hasnt got anything like the same number of optiins as a proper SLR and the lighting in the dining room at night isnt the best. I agree Andy a tripod is essential and a assive F stop with long exposure too. Cav
  6. Heavy Metal.is interesting in both connotations! Anyway a little more work on the 47. Not 100% finished yet, I need to get the weathering on the chassis tweaked and once the roof soot has dried I will pick out the details in a dark almost black wash. Anyway here she it tonight Cav
  7. Had a look at this at the start and glad I popped back. Really looking good and nice to see another modeller doing N. Would certainly like that Hst on Millers Dale! haha. Cav
  8. I totally agree Andy, and they almost seem a waste of space taking up all that room. I clearly didn't put enough effort into Outon Roads fiddles and I fully intend to rectify that with Millers Dale. Cav
  9. You'll need more than 4ft for an 8 car HST, the coaches alone are 6 inches long so the 8 cars will take up the road then you have the powers cars on top. I'm planning on doing a 7 car HST myself although an 8 car will go in the fiddle. I just think it will look better. The platforms at Millers Dale won't take a full HST set in any case so will have to have an over hanging train for the stoppers! Not designed my fiddle yards yet but will need to make sure I can fit the longer trains in, the stone trains if I go for only 15 bogie hoppers come in at nearly 6ft. Cav
  10. Loving these pictures. The first one looks long for 25 wagons, making me think I don't need quite as many as I thought. I'm sure 25 coal hoppers behind a 56 would look good and I might get away with 15 bogie roadstones per train? Cav
  11. Yes Andy thats what I was saying about the HEAs. I have 15 but could do with 60 of em! I also need about 40 roadstone hoppers to make 2 rakes up! Cav
  12. Tell me about it, and you need more in N too! Cav
  13. Yes rolling stock is a suprisingly big investment. I have managed to get hold of a rake of 15 hea hoppers but really need 4 times the amount to make a loaded and unloaded working. I also need 2 rakes of stone hoppers and some railfreight speedlink wagons for deliveries to the yard as a minimum. passenger stock then too! Cav
  14. Yeah the 20 was the one I watched. Nice work on that. I have quite a list of stuff Id like for the layout buiding up at the mo haha. Cav
  15. Was it the railfreight grey one? I watched that. I take it the 47 was the 535 that went for £57 too? I was outbid on that grr. haha. Cav
  16. Agreed, a pair of choppers will certainly go on my list of wants!! Cav
  17. I did send them a polite email of complaint yesterday but as of yet I have had no reply. They have 2 choices really, try to win back a customer or I take my business elsewhere. Cav
  18. Thanks Peter, yes I think I will certainly follow your lead in future. Its one of those things that really frustrates. There really is no excuse to be palming off old stock when the finish of someones hard work is at stake, at £5.95 a set they aren't cheap either. The new stuff is excellent and a sheet of those would have been expected, and required it seems. I can only say that I was glad it wasn't a customers loco I was finishing or else I would have been even crosser. Anyway once its finished I'll take some proper shots with my good camera as the phone has a nightmare trying to take a good shot of the N gauge stuff. Cav
  19. It's no problem Daniel, the forum should be a bit of a sit around a pub table really. I will post Millers Dale stuff when some is available to carry the thread on. Anyway, the main painting is done for the LL 47. She is now 47 459. Needs her front lamp iron now adding and the final weathering done but she is coming on. I was a little disappointed with the fox transfers LL numbers though. They sent me an older FMR set which quite franky were rubbish. The carrier film was slightly yellowed, very thick and would not sit down even on the gloss finish using micro set and micro sol. Needless to say I will be reluctant to order fox numbersets again and may instead go for the rub on type from replica to eliminate carrier altogether. Anyway here's a pic so far. I will hopefully be able to weather in the carrier and improve matters. Cav
  20. Great photos there. The pair of 37s is definatly something I will replicate if only on the roadstone though. One of my fav trains of the time. Ill be interested in seeing anything you may have Daniel and any progress on your project. Cav
  21. Hi Daniel, I am from Inkersall. I am not a member of any clubs as I couldn't find one locally which offered what I was after modelling wise really so decided to go it alone instead. There is a lot of good advice and support on here though and if you have any questions that I may help you with you are are free to ask I will do my best to help. Cav
  22. Me too, I cant make a start until Outon Road leaves its home though in April! Mickey, you have just confirmed my HST premise. Perfect excuse as the line diverges just north of Derby. Cav
  23. I see where you are coming from now. Nice pic btw. I think that I can cover most workings with whats available in N. I will need to get hold of a load of the NGS RMC roadstone hoppers though as these were very prominant in the 80's up there with pairs of 37's at the helm. Those wagons aren't cheap though at £13 a chuck, although much more reasonably priced than the later design by farish, £23 a wagon is like . I may even resort to scratchbuilding them yet. I'm certainly fancying a peak on passenger workings though with maybe 31 haulage to compliment the usual duff. Do you think I could swing a through London to Manchester HST service? Cav
  24. I totally agree Andy, I'm really warming to N now. The 47 is really coming on however my phone would take a focussed picture in this light so will have to wait for an update. Cav
  25. Its N gauge mate. Im not wholly sure what you as saying though if Im honest. Cav
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