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Posts posted by Steadfast

  1. Hi Jo,


    Yup it's about right so it probably did - the Cardiff it is booked to run behind was running late so it must have been was given the road.





    That'd make sense! 15.13 HST if my memory serves me right

    6B33 doesn't look likely tomorrow, according to 60gen 60074 worked 0B33 Robeston - Margam, so I expect it to work a steel to Dee Marsh or Round Oak, or stay in South Wales tomorrow :(



  2. Guy - thank you so much! The thought of it drying due to the heat didn't even occur to me! I was just thinking Tamiya products are used all over the world so must be ok in the heat. To be honest there's no rush on it, so I can afford to wait a bit. It also reassures my faith in Tamiya paint, handy since I have a Humvee on the go, and a lot of Tamiya desert sand...

    Thanks again!



  3. One of my favourite spots that footbridge - need to do Shrivenham station road bridge but can't be bothered experiencing the traffic

    Wasn't too bad the time I did it. Constant flow of traffic, but provided its just you (or maybe one other) there's room tucked in against the bridge. I've taken photos in worse traffic :D The lineside shrubbery has grown up a lot though recently

    Aye, that was me - luckily it's possible to park (and keep the air-con on) and see down trains with plenty of warning.

    Ooooh air con....lucky guy! :D

    I missed the coal and everything else, but here's 6B33 passing Shrivenham today


    Out of interest, do you know if the time on your camera's correct? If so it did Shrivenham to Callow Hill in 15 minutes - impressive for a weekday!



    • Like 1
  4. So today I managed another coat of grey on the IIA...good news is the colour's better, in fact the colour I'm very happy with. The bad news...its got the texture of concrete rendering on an N scale 1950s suburan semi...


    I don't understand. I'm using the same methods as I have in the past, and have never had this problem before. The amount of time I spent cleaning the airbrush after last weekend's problems, there shouldn't be any bits left inside to pepper the surface of the wagon. So it's going to be rub down and try again. Not sure what to do about trying again though. I'm sure I'm not meant to need celulose thinners to clean up acrylic, but its the only thing I've got that seems to cut through the stuff. Maybe I should just go back to enamels. Though if there's gunk stuck inside the airbrush, that'll come out in that too. Hmmmmmm



  5. Hi Ben,

    It's funny how the prototype follows the model sometimes! I've got 5 HHAs left, having chopped one to make the IIA, all picked up cheap so I'm happy to repaint, fit buckeyes etc. This little half rake should look good with some RMC JGAs or HOA/IIAs to bulk it up.

    As for the boxes - yes they're really widespread, and there's so many variations that can be found in a single rake. I've seen scrap boxes in use on both Peak District and Mendip stone and VTG aggregate boxes on scrap to Cardiff, so pretty much anything goes!



  6. Hi Guy,

    Today i've brush painted a different grey in the areas that airbrush misses. I'm happier with the colour (Tamiya sky grey) so this'll get airbrushed all over soon. As for wagons, well, I'm not so sure about JMAs. Even talking nicely to Jack, the bogies could be tough in N. However I've wanted to do the HKAs ever since I saw them at Westbury. They didn't last long on the Mendip flows, but moving my modelling scope north gives a good excuse to do them :D


    I won't say much more until the package arrives, but here's a taste of what's to come. I saw plenty of these at Peak Forest, and ATM do the bogies....




    • Like 2
  7. Thanks Ben, progress haas crawled to a halt after the weekend. The underframe piece is now DB Schenker grey, looking like the nearest match in my collection.

    The bodywork got a coat of Tamiya acrylic grey. Two problems arose. Number 1, it was the wrong shade, far too stoney in colour. Nice and simple to recoat it though, and it has blended everything together into a uniform layer.

    Problem number 2...the previous paint I'd used was acrylic, too. And here comes my bugbear with the stuff. Despite the airbrush looking clean, having thoroughly stripped and cleaned it after the last painting session, there was dried paint inside it somewhere. It came spitting out and made the model look all dusty, with lumps in the finish. At least with enamel the thinners dissolve the dried on paint. I *think* I've cleaned the airbrush fully this time. Who knows until I get the chance to paint the IIA again...combine that with some varnish drying misty on a Tamiya Humvee I'm building, and Sunday really wasn't the day to paint in Chippenham...

    The IIA is rubbed down ready for a better coat of grey, hopefully this weekend



  8. i was just looking at your MK3 coaches and ive noticed that you have corrected the footsteps well done :)

    Cheers, not sure why they put them on all 4 corners. Easy job with a pair of sidecutters though! :D

    Nice Job you have done with this Jo, looking forward to seeing it in September. Are you still with JS, have been in a couple of times in the last few weeks and not seen you?

    Rob, yes I am, but have been off this week, and had half a week off for Showcase. Regular hours haven't been a feature the last few weeks! I'm looking forward to Chippenham, should be a good show, and it doesn't clash with my birthday this year :D



  9. Thanks Martyn, you're site's had a few extra hits the last few days....:D

    It's certainly flexible technique Bernard, one I'd never thought of but one to bear in mind for future stuff

    A few photos showing some progress today. I managed a coat of primer, and unusually for me it looks pretty good already!


    There's a lot less filling and filing to do than I imagined there'd be so that was a good start. I mentioned yesterday that there was an area between the recess and the angled top panel that wasn't flush. I've now clad the top panel with a 10 thou layer, which has brought this panel flush with the triangular fillet filling the gap between it and the vertical side, if that makes sense. This leaves a slight lip under the triangular fillet, which looks like the weld along the wagon. The white top panel is this extra layer of plastic.


    The ends have a piece of metal that isn't on the HHAs. On the real thing it's sheet metal, but I've used 1mm x 1mm strip for ease of modelling it. Lazy I know, but should look ok once painted. The photo also shows how I've got away using thick plastic strip for the top angle, the fold down (painted yellow) in the metal makes it appear thicker than it is. If I haven't lost everyone with that description, here's the pictures of it



    Filler has been applied to tidy up some rough joints, more primer and photos once its rubbed down



    • Like 5
  10. Cheers, they seem to be a cross between the HHA coal hopper and the HIA stone hoppers that Freightliner use in terms of design. Looking at wagon ''families'' it seems common for coal and stone hoppers to have the same profile to 2/3rds, with the top panel being 1 piece for stone, or two pieces/angles for coal

    As for project Peak...yeah you could say that! Luckily at the moment its mostly in my head, and I think I've got enough 60s already...:D



  11. Thanks for the tip Bernard, I'll be looking to get some new Milliput soon then! The current pack is rather dry and solid! I've got a few other projects where wetting and shaping sounds like it could be the answer, too.

    Here's a few pics of the wagon as it stands now. It certainly looks a lot better to my eyes now it's full height. The triangular fillet used to fill the angle between the vertical and angle side panels is planned to be rubbed down. However, I might see how it looks with a coat of primer, as there's a weld line at this height so it may stay. We'll see...






    • Like 3
  12. Hi all,

    Update time! This is one of those projects that's been put off and put off due to realising how much was involved in rebuilding the sides. However, the trip to Peak Forest on the way to Showcase really got me into wagons again, and I remembered this project, so off the shelf it came.

    Looking at what I've already done, I decided it was easier (and stronger) to shorten the wagon, and then add the rebate. Also, I wasn't overly happy with my work on the rebate, so off it came. Instead of using the orginal wagon body to create the piece above the rebate, I used some 1mm x 1mm strip. The strengtheners in the rebate are a 2mm length of the same 1mm x 1mm strip. The solebar is clad in 0.25mm x 1.5mm strip. The second side is ready to have the rebate and top strip added tomorrow once the glue's dry.


    The clamshell doors have been shortened and glued onto the shortened hopper bays. This is a job I'm glad is done!


    Here's the shortened chassis and body reunited. Once both sides are to this stage, I'll move onto the ends and adding the top angle. I think it may need to be glued as a single piece once I get to this stage for strength. The comparison shows roughly how much height is missing at the moment, and how much longer these wagons are than the older RMCs



    Finally a couple of shots from Peak Forest



    More soon, hopefully tomorrow after work



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  13. Thanks Jon, it's a shot I've wanted to do for ages!

    One from a couple of weeks back here, 60074 on 6B33 Theale - Robeston at Shrivenham 31/5/12


    Today saw a 60 on Mendip stone for the first time in a few months, last autumn if my memory serves me right.

    60011 powering 6V18 Hither Green - Whatley past Edington, a few miles east of Westbury 11/6/12




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  14. A few recent class 60s from me. A little further afield than normal aswell! I'm really thinking the title of the thread should be changed now, too!

    Here's 60079 on 6B33 Theale - Robeston passing the Roman Road (Fosseway) near Hullavington 24/5/12


    On the way to Showcase (1/6/12) we went up to Peak Forest. 60059 was on the Tunstead - Oakleigh circuit, here approaching Peak Forest with 6H03 to Tunstead


    The loco then returned light to stable, seen here before reversing into the sidings


    Later on, the loco returned to Tunstead...


    ...before emerging with the loaded hoppers on 6F05 Tunstead - Oakleigh. Does anyone know is it just a single set of hoppers with a couple of spares? Turn around seemed very swift at Tunstead, particularly a Freightliner stone that came in after the 60 and left before it


    Good to see the name retained


    Finally 60059 departs Great Rocks Junction heading for Peak Forest and onwards to Oakleigh. It was great to hear a 60 getting 2400t away with ease, it sounded fantastic




    • Like 16
  15. Thanks for the comments guys, all in all the weekend went well. Friday's photography trip was rather productive, and has given me bad ideas!

    A few photos from Friday first, more of which can be found in the thread here



    66601 pulls away from an extended wait at Great Rocks Junction working 6H80 Ratcliffe - Tunstead


    60059 powers away from Great Rocks Junction with 6F05 Tunstead - Oakleigh


    56094, freshly painted into Colas colours and refurbished, leads 47739 at Stenson Junction working 6M08 Boston - Washwood Heath

    The layout was setup Friday evening, all set for Saturday. I've made lots of detail additions, mainly around the grounded van bodies, which should hopefully be clear in the photos. Aplogies for the quality, they're just grabbed on the phone over the weekend.






    I don't think much of First's new nameplate policy. Might foul a few bridges/stations/tunnels/everything!


    The layout operated well in the main. I lost one of my core items of stock early on Saturday with a motor burnout in the FGW 150/2, and several items of stock that worked fine at home didn't like certain joints or points. I've got a few things to look at before Chippenham show in September, but nothing too major. We should see the debut of the fuel tanks then, too!

    When I got home on Sunday, the loadmaster and his assisstant were on hand to help manage the unloading



    It was good to meet a few new faces of RMwebbers too, and some interesting conversations were had. Watch this space, the shed won't be empty for long! Finally thanks to Jack for his company, humour and help operating all weekend!

    Now the show's out the way I can go back to some non FGW modelling :D



    • Like 11
  16. That's it done, the layout's packed in the car ready to head off in the morning. I'm shattered and I haven't even left home yet! Up to Peak Forest for some photos then down to Burton to set up.

    Say hello if your passing over the weekend!



    • Like 2
  17. Proud is certainly the right word Harry!

    The converter wagon looks nice, is it based on a prototype at Laira?

    Yup, well the Rapido end is. The other end's metalwork is based on a wagon on departmentals.com

    For the Golf windows you could try keeping the light gray at the top and create a gradient down to almost black at the bottom, then glaze with some gloss varnish it should look more natural.

    That's a good shout, I'll probably revisit it post Showcase, currently the grey is under a thick layer of Kristal Klear glazing material, which does add a natural glassy sheen when seen "in the flesh"



  18. Thanks Guy, well it couldn't be any less advanced than the previous fiddle yard, which actually took a lot longer to make!

    Here's a bit of progress on a couple of little bits, the coupling converter wagon and the Golf. The second shot shows the modification to take a Microtrains coupler, and two of the four Farish wagon weights fitted. The Golf looks a little blobby round the edges thanks to my wobbly painting, but is ok at normal distances






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  19. Cheers Shane, the first link is the kind of golddust I was looking for 18 months ago. Hopefully it shows people not familiar with the site what part I've taken inspiration from. It's also given me some new ideas...

    Closer to DRS brown at the moment! With the creamy coloured birds muck on top I could find my Escort being required for Northern Belle! :locomotive:

    Where's the 'love this many times' button? Lol!



  20. Thanks for the interest guys!

    Make that Golf around 148 times the size and I'll swap it for my Escort!


    Can't wait to operate it at Showcase, a) because it'll be a good laugh and B) it means I can avoid any participation in the Reptilian Jubilee!

    I thought the Golf might be of interest!

    I get to miss the whole event thanks to a combination of Showcase and work...oh what a shame. Still fancy a photo of 43186 mind, purely as a record of course B)

    but first it needs FGW 'go faster' stripes applied Jack :D


    Lookin' good Jo...do like the expanse of the shed in the background.


    Have a good show...

    Cheers Pete, well Jack's Escort is the right colour, and I do have the artwork. Or is it closer to DRS blue....



  21. Hi all,

    Today has seen the creation of the new fiddle yard. It's longer and thinner than the old one, and will have capacity for two or three tracks, plenty for what I need. In a novel move from the previous fiddle yard, the track will be glued down and not require a roll of masking tape under it to keep it level.

    From this at 14.00....


    to this by 14.45. Within an hour it was primed and sprayed black


    I'd like to see that kind of speed with wood. In fact, if it was wood, I'd still be brewing the kettle umming and arring now.

    Signage has been attatched to the front of the layout. It's velcro'd on, so if I decide to backdate to some of my earliest memories (Intecity Swallow), all I need to do is print off and laminate some new interchangable signs. There's another "Embankment Road......" sign at the other end too


    A converter wagon was hastily concocted prior to Stormex last year using a Farish VBA chassis. I've added a deck and some engine carrying metalwork based on my photos from Laira and pics on departmentals.com. The real one has two racks like the one on the left, but I fancied a bit of variety, and couldn't really face chopping the uprights again. Maybe I should invest in an NWSL chopper? I'm saying one is for MTUs, the other for the EE lumps on the 08s. After all, it's my layout!


    And since it's my layout, and it's Sunday, there was a prototypical service level earlier on. Not sure I could get away with this at Showcase, mind you...


    Finally a white metal lump picked up at a recent exhibition that'll add some car park variety once it's finished




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