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John M Upton

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Everything posted by John M Upton

  1. Colas Class 70 through Barnham bound for Earlswood via Horsham this evening:
  2. Well, I wasn't expecting to find this parked in front of my train down Bognor Regis at three this morning!!!
  3. Placeholder listings, not allowed. For a laugh, I have reported it!
  4. Don't waste your time, reclaim your money now from your card issuer or PayPal, the chances of ever seeing your goods from the utter fiasco that Modelmaster descended into is pretty much nil.
  5. Working again here too, all be it a bit slowly in places which suggests the server it sits on is either overloaded or unwell. A very valuable resource that is full of rabbit holes down which the unwary descends as they trace the history of a particular loco and then winds up finding something else interesting and before you know it, it's gone midnight and I should have retired to bed an hour ago...
  6. It doesn't help that Ebay keep changing things but never tells anyone about it. The first time you realise something has changed is when something doesn't work like it used to and a quick Google search throws up lots of hits from Ebay's community support forum pages with enraged sellers and buyers demanding to know what the heck they have done this time!!!
  7. Ebay's Department of Stupid Ideas at it again... Now if you want to make an offer on an item to a seller, you have to have a payment method registered which means when you make an offer and it is accepted, the sale goes through automatically without you even realising it! Only found out this morning I won and paid for something I put a slightly cheeky offer on Friday afternoon! Could have unfortunate consequences for those who put in offers on the carp over in the Ebay Madness thread...
  8. Okay, which imbecile at Ebay's Department of Stupid Ideas came up with the idea of offering A.I. generated descriptions? Do we really need another tool that makes people even more lazy? There is nothing intelligent about artificial intelligence, all it seems to come up with is 1990's Estate Agent style hyped up pretentious prose that is basically inaccurate gibberish!!!
  9. A quiet evening sauntering up and down the Arun Valley, here ready for the off from Bognor Regis:
  10. I was able to make it to the show on the Sunday, well worth it. Could have stood watching K Street Yard for hours alone!!
  11. There is so much wrong with this listing that I don't know where to start!!! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/335061119673 Let's start with the usage of the word "unused" for a starter...
  12. Thanks. It's been a bit flakey in the reliability department recently for some reason,I guess earlier today was another blip.
  13. I have been trying to get on the excellent rrpicturesarchive website most of the morning without success. Is it my computer playing silly beggars or is it kaputt?
  14. I quite like it, sort of a futuristic cab forward concept!!
  15. Where your parcel winds up on delivery is down to the laziness of the end delivery driver, many of Amazon's are good, a few (and yours seems like one unfortunately) have come from the Evri school of (lack of) customer care where they will only bother with the easiest deliveries, throw them wherever and dump or steal the rest.
  16. Did a Southern livery sample ever make an appearance?
  17. My argument is that by taking a percentage of what a buyer has paid for postage, they are in fact taking money owed to the Royal Mail that is not theirs to take. The fees should be taken from the sale price paid and not any legitimate business expenses to which ebay have no entitlement.
  18. 377620 was the first, Easter Saturday 4th April, it was sent in error on the 21:32 Victoria to Portsmouth & Southsea when it should have been on the 21:32 Victoria to Epsom. My driver and I (I was a Guard back then) tried to point out the error to no avail. It was trapped the other side of an engineering block on Easter Sunday which saw it running Havant/Portsmouth shuttles all day, attracting more enthusiasts than passengers! On the Easter Monday it did a full day's Arun Valley circuit which is where I caught up with it Horsham: 377604 was the second, working the last train down the valley on 1st May 2015, started from Three Bridges with the only stock that could be found following an entire day of utter chaos when the third rail on the up fast fell over during the morning peak at Clapham Junction. Caused havoc at Littlehampton when it arrived empties as they usually just deal in multiples of four... And 377613 in April 2016 made it all the way to Southampton from Brighton at least twice!! A 387 has made it to Southampton too, just the once, it was not supposed to be there though as they discovered later, thumbing through the Sectional Appendix which resulted in some rapid phone calls and the 387, by now on its second trip from Brighton towards Southampton being very hastily turned around at Chichester and sent back home in disgrace....
  19. The big issue is that ebay now take a percentage of whatever you are paid for postage now as well (questionable legality) which now means if you charge the flat actual postage rate to your buyer you actually wind up out of pocket by about 15 to 20 percent which is used to line ebay's already bulging coffers (the words money and old rope spring to mind) so sellers really need to be overcharging for postage just to break even! Madness!!
  20. I reckon a team were in the process of nicking the tree to sell as firewood, probably unaware of its significance, just a tree in the middle of nowhere ripe for the picking to them and they would have been back tonight to cut it up and load it.
  21. The huge hike in international postage has all but killed off a lot of overseas model railway parts and equipment sales practically overnight.
  22. I am delighted to confirm my one arrived safe and sound this morning and is worth every penny. Of course I have now identified a couple more Class 37's I want to model now!!
  23. They seem to have been listing an awful lot of N scale all of a sudden, both UK and continental outline but the prices being asked for a lot of it is well over the top. Meanwhile, in the once fertile bargain hunting ground of US outline HO, it has all gone very quiet.
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