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Status Updates posted by Tel2010

  1. Goodbye Stooperdale, don't worry you have gone to a good home

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Northroader


      The offices or the boilershop?

    3. sem34090


      I wouldn't call Darlington a good home!

    4. sem34090


      Runs and hides behind No.25 'Derwent'

  2. Looking forward to Bridlington show this Saturday

  3. I'd better pull me finger out.Bridlington show next weekend

    1. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      yes, I think they will be relieved if you do! (Hope you used some butter when you stuck it in)

    2. Tel2010


      I knew I had for gotten something

  4. I'd better pull me finger out.Bridlington show next weekend

  5. Anyone in Bridlington Saturday ,Clubs open day at old parcels office in station

    1. andania 213

      andania 213

      is that Brid MRS, or Barmates???

    2. Tel2010


      Barmates,sorry late reply

  6. Anyone in Bridlington Saturday ,Clubs open day at old parcels office in station

  7. Anyone in Bridlington Saturday ,Clubs open day at old parcels office in station

  8. Looking forward to Bridlintons club open day,The good Parcel Office,Bridlington Station this Saturday

  9. Looking forward to club open day,The

  10. watching golden ageof steam raiways on BBC 4

    1. MartinWales


      You too, eh?

    2. Tel2010


      yup quite enjoyed that

    3. Tel2010


      yup quite enjoyed that

  11. down to club today to pack for Bridlington show tomorrow

    1. Judge Dread

      Judge Dread

      See you there.

    2. Tel2010


      Welcome to say hello,I will be with stooperdale

  12. Anyone in Bridlington on Saturday,Our Railway clubs show on

    1. Market65


      Thanks for the reminder.

  13. Anyone in Bridlington today,club having its open day in old parcel office in the station

    1. RedgateModels


      you always have it when we're not there! :(


    2. Tim V

      Tim V

      I'm too ill to come.

  14. Really enjoyed exhibiting for first time at Bridlington Model Railway show.Thanks for all the nice complements from those who came to chat and view it

  15. At Bridlington model railway show on sat at christ church,just up road from station.

  16. Bridlington Model Railway show on sat,first time iv'e exhibited ,gulp :)

  17. 1st time in 42 years been without a car...The engine blew up yesterday :(

    1. ews60002


      Had a car engine go on me too, doing 60 on motorway and bang.


    2. Tel2010


      i was just creaping up to 30,as just got onto main road glad no faster,emergency change of undies time in either case

  18. just watched seven valley railway on country file,try catch it on catch up if you can,interesting and anyone wanting a apprenticeship, have a look too

    1. Steve Taylor

      Steve Taylor

      it was quite nicely filmed, amidst a sea of Weardale nostalgia (for me)


  19. Took someone to Scarborough A&E last night doctor sent him,waited 3.5 hours to find out no bed ,either go to york or come back tomorrow.What a mess the NHS is in :(

  20. Just seen a program about cats in japan,one station saved by a cats popurality named station after himTama and made him station master :O)

  21. car fuel pump cut out at junction on a bank.Thants to the good blokes who pushed me onto the verge.RAC tow back home :O(

  22. Just been to see The Worlds end,what a laugh :-D

  23. I've seen it all now,car turntables for the home.i was looking for reversing aids on ebay when came across link

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tel2010


      a lot around these parts dont,seen loads bad out into very busy roads,rather them than me :O)

    3. 69843


      I know someone who had one as they lived at the bottom of a quite steep driveway. They just drove out of the garage, onto the turntable and up the hill.

    4. New Haven Neil

      New Haven Neil

      I know of two on our little rock!

  24. well thats goodbye to Facebook from me.Dont belive they should get away posting sick videos that minors can see,shame on them

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mikkel


      The ultimate ad platform, where the consumer becomes an ad himself. But handy for some purposes.

    3. RedgateModels


      forgivre me, but are minors allowed on FB?


    4. Tel2010


      I have family members who I ain't close who tell and discuss so gross things,her 10yr old grand kids,would come on and write what's that grandma.sick of seeing it,so another reason to drop it.some people have no common sence

  25. well thats goodbye to Facebook from me.Dont belive they should get away posting sick videos that minors can see,shame on them

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