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Everything posted by Downendian

  1. Terrific stuff Rob, glad I found your thread. Neil
  2. Having had a very quiet summer on the modelling front, and just invested a bit of cash for new carp fishing rods and reels, projects have progressed at a snails pace. A little work on a new aquisition though last weekend, better pics to follow. I'm always scanning eBay for bargains, and I spotted this Bachmann/ Brassmasters 24/1 conversion, which was fitted by the now unavailable "winged" headcode boxes. This was only fitted to a handful of 24/1s and 25/0s, most of which at just one end. This has been numbered as 24 125 a highland version, which did not have this headcode type and also had slotted boiler blanking plates. A simple hours work removed the moggy headlamps, filled holes with filler, and removed the headcodes for fitting after making the panel more flush. The model as advertised as non-DCC ready, which it was making it quite a cheap buy. A bit of remedial work on the paint job, reinstating roof rivets, new headcodes, Shawplan laser glaze arrived yesterday and a task for the evenings now they are drawing in. Apologies for the quick iPad photo, will get better quality as work progresses. Elsewhere I've been quietly accruing Bachmann first generation class 40 chassis to put under my old Lima fleet. Just a few years ago these Lima models could be picked up for less than a tenner, but now you will struggle to get them for under £30. I'm glad I stockpiled them when I did, hopefully the first few hybrid models (detailed to almost Mostyn standards) will work through the production line this autumn. Neil
  3. Well this is all the information I needed http://locodriver.co.uk/Railway_Encyclopedia/Part179/Part04/img31.gif Class 31 at St Ivel Bason bridge creamery in the GFYE with BR arrow livery. Farish 31 in this livery duly preordered. Neil
  4. There are a fair few more GFYE 31s with BR arrows on Brushveterans site https://www.flickr.com/photos/59835095@N02/sets/72157627773064944/page2/ Granted more appear to have the original "ferret and dartboard" emblem, but I may just buy one. Plans for my early 1970s Cameo of the Highbridge- Bason bridge remnant of the S&DJR are shaping up now with motive power- a few Hymeks, warships, a 22, a couple of Westerns a class 14 are in the roster so far. A couple of WR 31s and a newly acquired 25 will add some variety to the milk traffic and demolition trains, at a time when hydraulics were just beginning to wane. Plans also to add some paired 37s on fly-ash trains for M5 construction traffic too. Neil
  5. I always select my models based on prototype memories, so sort of "favourites". 37 070 cabbed at Bath Road with my grandfather who used to work there. 37 086 I was allowed to apply the power handle by a BR driver in Cambridge depot- about as much fun as a teenager could have in the 1970s 37 159 one of the South Wales RCH batch, one of the first 37s I saw when my Dad took me to Filton Junction on one of my first spotting forays, Summer 1974.( No I haven't (yet) modified the cantrail grilles as per RCH differences) Any of the original "37/3ers" for memories of those awesome triple headed Llanwern trains of the Late 1970s. Neil
  6. E5010 - now you're talking - I'd be up for that. Neil
  7. Ye Gods Andy - I'm trying to resist buying one. Those pics don't help in the slightest. Neil
  8. Is their website down? I was casually browsing for their WR blue-grey Pullman (just academic interest of course). I've bought their excellent weathered presflos from them in the past, and it was operational then. Neil
  9. Not going to bid Ian . I looked at it very carefully and convinced myself that the TOPS vinyl sticker was blue, loco green. I doubt if the BR totem would have been applied over blue too as per class 76s. Neil
  10. Pixies - Indie Cindy, the band at their very very best. Superb album thoroughly recommended. Neil
  11. And a photo of a class 71 with GFYE has emerged, E5010. A very rare shot IMO, and the current price reflects this. Neil http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/K44-Railway-Slide-Original-class-71-E5010-Tonbridge-unsure-on-Minster-thurroc/361063916990?_trksid=p2047675.c100010.m2109&_trkparms=aid%3D555012%26algo%3DPW.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D25400%26meid%3D8b93431525e84424a3af26af6b263a7b%26pid%3D100010%26prg%3D10670%26rk%3D5%26rkt%3D24%26sd%3D201184430935
  12. Downendian

    Ask Dave

    Dave You were very keen on a 7mm Western whilst you were at Dapol. The Heljan one is super, but has its flaws, and now is very hard to get hold of. Any thoughts here? Neil
  13. I'm afflicted with paying a lot for 35mm copyright slides, which seem to attract excellent prices especially for first generation diesels and electrics, so not true "madness" in my opinion. But this one caught my attention £63 and climbing (2 days still to go) for a pre-TOPS class 71, a beautiful valuable shot, and well worth us all digging out our attics for similar. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/K44-Railway-Slide-Original-class-71-E5010-Tonbridge-unsure-on-Minster-thurroc/361063916990?_trksid=p2047675.c100010.m2109&_trkparms=aid%3D555012%26algo%3DPW.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D25400%26meid%3D8b93431525e84424a3af26af6b263a7b%26pid%3D100010%26prg%3D10670%26rk%3D5%26rkt%3D24%26sd%3D201184430935 Neil
  14. Nice to see you back Rob. Looking forward to seeing some back garden hydraulic action! Neil
  15. Indeed Phil. The book of Warships and an excellent volume of "Western Power" by Adrian Curtis has the specific details of the locos concerned. The light pods on the cab of 43s were of Western class 52 type, and differed to the 42s, another modelling job that may risk scarring a brand new model. From the EPs these look to be different to the original tooling, but let's see how they finally turn out. Neil
  16. And to directly quote RSPB advice: "although winter feeding benefits birds most, food shortages can occur at any time of the year, by feeding the birds year round, you'll give them a better chance to survive the periods of food shortage whenever they may occur" If this coincides with a cold spring/summer and insects are scarce then the adult birds will prioritise this food for the fledglings. The food we put out for them can make a critical difference to the survival of the brood by keeping the parents fighting fit. If this advice means a few more on RMWeb put feeders out next summer then we may make a little difference to maintaining the wild bird population which needs all the help we can give them. The RSPB advice on the correct choice of food items is of course crucial. Neil
  17. Not true. Otherwise why would they sell RSPB "summer seed mix"? It's a harmful myth that bird feeding should only take place in autumn and winter. Food shortages can occur anytime in the year- see- http://www.rspb.org.uk/makeahomeforwildlife/advice/helpingbirds/feeding/whentofeed.aspx Bill Oddie has an opinion that you should feed year round, but avoid certain food types during nesting periods. Loose peanuts should be avoided, but OK if in mesh feeders. Neil
  18. Just bought another large sack of peanuts for the Devon birds, having run out earlier this month. Normally the feeder is emptied in a day, and only a fraction has been consumed since Friday. I assume the abundance of autumnal fruits has meant less requirement of the birds to visit gardens at the moment. Neil
  19. Agreed re the cab front handrails - should have three mounting points not two. However the roof vents and improved ride height look much much better than the old Mainline-derived Bachmann tooling. What will I do with my fleet of 42s when these arrive? The detail differences will be vast, have a number of Shawplan bits to still fit, must look at the ride height issue because the new tooling is a big improvement here. Neil
  20. [/quote name="Clive Mortimore" post="1605763" timestamp="1411906379" As for the headcode, 4 as it is a fully fitted freight, Z is a spiecal, bananas would be off loaded when the ships docked and would not be a regular timetabled train, and 89 would be the train/working number. I'm not surprised by the Z reporting code, but I was by the 4. In the 1970s this was used largely for air braked workings, e.g. Freightliners, speed links, for example 4E70 Danygraig-Stratford. I'm guessing the 1960s was different, and that 6ZXX or 7ZXX would have been more likely by the 70s indicating fitted by speed restricted freight. Neil
  21. Pairs of 25s also worked the Avonmouth trains. Interesting reporting code on the type 3 though.
  22. Good point re Barry Docks Mike, but that was Geest using that port? The Fyffes ships were Avonmouth. I can't see evidence of which company this train is. Neil
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